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A scheduler snapshot is a consistent set of data for the scheduler. It is containing the simulation state, past events and future events and iteration number scheduler snapshot is identified with an id property and is related to exactly one date. Past and Future events are sorted collection of events.


  • An entity using the scheduler snapshot should not access past or future events to have some information on the state the simulation.

A scheduler snapshot is a consistent set of data for the scheduler.
It is containing the simulation state, past events and future events and iteration number scheduler snapshot is identified with an id property and is related to exactly one date. Past and Future events are sorted collection of events.

* An entity using the scheduler snapshot should not access past or future events to have some information on the state the simulation.

  * [See entity](docs/archi/snapshot_entity.png)
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(build id iteration date state past-events future-events)

Creates a snapshot

Creates a snapshot
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(consume-first-event {:automaton-simulation-de.scheduler.snapshot/keys
                        [id iteration state past-events future-events date]
                      :as _snapshot})

Returns a snapshot where the first future-event is moved to the past-events and date is updated to this date.

Returns a `snapshot` where the first `future-event` is moved to the `past-events` and `date` is updated to this `date`.
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(inconsistency? {:automaton-simulation-de.scheduler.snapshot/keys [date]
                 :as snapshot})

Check snapshot consistency


  • ::nil-date if there is no date set in the snapshot.
  • sequence of future events which are before current date
  • past events which are after current date Returns false if consistent
Check snapshot consistency

* `::nil-date` if there is no date set in the snapshot.
* sequence of future events which are before current date
* past events which are after current date
Returns false if consistent
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(initial starting-evt-type date)

Creates an initial snapshsot

Creates an initial snapshsot
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(next-iteration snapshot)

Update the snapshot to the next iteration.

Update the `snapshot` to the next iteration.
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Scheduler snapshot is a map containing:

  • id - Unique identificator of an scheduler snapshot. It is in a one to one relationship with a scheduler snapshot (so it acts like an id of that scheduler snapshot in the context of a scheduler play) in the context scheduler.
  • iteration - A counter of scheduler iteration. By convention, the counter is starting at 1.
  • date - Defines the date where that scheduler-snapshot happens
  • state - State modified by the event
  • past-events - Collection of a past event. A past event is event that has already been executed, so its date is in the past. A past event cannot be modified anymore (i.e. it is immutable).
  • future-events - Collection of a future event. A future event is an event that has not been executed yet, so its date is in the future. A future event may be updated during the simulation - its date may change, its data may change or it could be cancelled (i.e. it’s a mutable event)
Scheduler snapshot is a map containing:
* `id` - Unique identificator of an scheduler snapshot.  It is in a one to one relationship with a scheduler snapshot (so it acts like an id of that scheduler snapshot in the context of a scheduler play) in the context scheduler.
* `iteration` - A counter of scheduler iteration. By convention, the counter is starting at 1.
* `date` - Defines the date where that scheduler-snapshot happens
* `state` - State modified by the event
* `past-events` - Collection of a past event. A past event is event that has already been executed, so its date is in the past. A past event cannot be modified anymore (i.e. it is immutable).
* `future-events` - Collection of a future event. A future event is an event that has not been executed yet, so its date is in the future. A future event may be updated during the simulation - its date may change, its data may change or it could be cancelled (i.e. it’s a mutable event)
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(sort-future-events snapshot sorting)

Sort future-events in snapshot thanks the soring sorter.

Sort `future-events` in `snapshot` thanks the `soring` sorter.
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(update snapshot future-events state)

Helper to update future-events and state. Please note both will be replaced and not updated.

Helper to update `future-events` and `state`.
Please note both will be replaced and not updated.
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(validate snapshot)

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