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An event is an individual happening, taking place at a given moment. Each event is indivisible and instantaneous. The event execution is defined by its event type.

Discreteness is a property of an event stating that the changes in the state could be counted (i.e. changes are discrete in the mathematical definition).

Each event defines following outputs:

  • a simulation state update regarding the event that happened.
  • a list of events that should be inserted in the future events.
  • some events that are postponed.
  • some events that are cancelled.

See the entity

An event type: The event type is used to define what event execution will happen.

Event structure is a map with at least two keys:

  • type a the event type as found in evt-type-priority.
  • date as a date.
An event is an individual happening, taking place at a given moment. Each event is indivisible and instantaneous. The event execution is defined by its event type.

Discreteness is a property of an event stating that the changes in the state could be counted (i.e. changes are discrete in the mathematical definition).

Each event defines following outputs:
 * a simulation state update regarding the event that happened.
 * a list of events that should be inserted in the future events.
 * some events that are postponed.
 * some events that are cancelled.

[See the entity](docs/archi/event_entity.png)

An event type: The event type is used to define what event execution will happen.

Event structure is a map with at least two keys:
* `type` a the event type as found in `evt-type-priority`.
* `date` as a date.
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(make-event type date)

Event builder.

Event builder.
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(make-events & evt-defs)

Event builder based on evt-defs, a collection of pair type and date.

Event builder based on `evt-defs`, a collection of pair type and date.
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(postpone-events events event-filter-fn date)

Scan event in events for which (event-filter-fn event) is true, its date is postponed to date.

Scan event in `events` for which `(event-filter-fn event)` is true, its date is postponed to `date`.
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An event is a tuple which first value is a keyword for the event type, the second is a date.

An event is a tuple which first value is a keyword for the event type, the second is a date.
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