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An entity is a part of the model living in the state with its lifecycle managed.

  • entity
  • entity state
  • lifestatus
An entity is a part of the model living in the `state` with its lifecycle managed.

* ![entity](archi/entity/entity.png)
* ![entity state](archi/entity/entity_state.png)
* ![lifestatus](archi/entity/lifestatus.png)
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(create state date entity-name entity-data)

Creates an entity called :entity-name with entity-data. The lifecycle of this entity starts at date.

An error is documented if the entity is created already.

Creates an entity called `:entity-name` with `entity-data`. The lifecycle of this entity starts at `date`.

An error is documented if the entity is created already.
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(dispose state date entity-name)

Disposing an entity by its entity-name is removing its data, its lifecycle will mark ::disposed at the current date.

Disposing an entity by its `entity-name` is removing its data, its lifecycle will mark `::disposed` at the current `date`.
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(error? {:automaton-simulation-de.entity/keys [entities] :as _state})

Detects an eror in the entities.

Detects an eror in the entities.
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(errors state)
(errors state entity-name)

Returns entity errors if exists with a map associating a collection of errors to an entity-name

Returns entity errors if exists with a map associating a collection of errors to an `entity-name`
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(is-created? state entity-name)

Is the entity called :entity-name living?

Is the entity called `:entity-name` living?
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(is-disposed? state entity-name)

Is the entity called :entity-name disposed?

Is the entity called `:entity-name` disposed?
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(is-living? state entity-name)

Is the entity called :entity-name living?

Is the entity called `:entity-name` living?
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(lifecycle-corrupted {:automaton-simulation-de.simulation-engine/keys [state]
                      :as _snapshot}

Detects if one entity has a lifecycle error.

Detects if one entity has a lifecycle error.
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(lifecycle-status state entity-name)

The lifecycle has three possible fields ::created, ::living or :disposed depending on the position of the entity in its lifecycle.

The lifecycle has three possible fields `::created`, `::living` or `:disposed` depending on the position of the entity in its lifecycle.
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(state state entity-name)

Returns the state value of the entity called entity-name.

Returns the state value of the entity called `entity-name`.
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(update state date entity-name f & args)

Update the entity called :entity-name with f applied to the existing value together with arguments args. The update of the entity is mark in the living lifecycle field.

Update the entity called `:entity-name` with `f` applied to the existing value together with arguments `args`.
The update of the entity is mark in the `living` lifecycle field.
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(wrap-model model)

Wraps a model to add necessary behavior to model an entity.

Wraps a model to add necessary behavior to model an entity.
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