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Predicates are functions that takes as a param a value and return true if the value matches predicate, false otherwise and nil if comparison can't be done. Predicate functions can be expressed via a query language represented with vector. This namespace is about managing that language

Predicates are functions that takes as a param a value and return true if the value matches predicate, false otherwise and nil if comparison can't be done.
Predicate functions can be expressed via a query language represented with vector.
This namespace is about managing that language
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(apply-query pred d)
(apply-query reg pred d)

Accepts pred query vector, translates it with reg and applies it to d Returns response from predicate or nil if application couldn't be done

Accepts `pred` query vector, translates it with `reg` and applies it to `d`
Returns response from predicate or nil if application couldn't be done
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(apply-query-detailed pred d)
(apply-query-detailed reg pred d)

Same as apply-query, but in case of an error it returns a map with more detailed information

Same as `apply-query`, but in case of an error it returns a map with more detailed information
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(is-predicate? reg pred)


Predicate vector language consists of :keyword represnting the name of predicate and zero or more parameters for that predicate See predicate language

Predicate vector language consists of :keyword represnting the name of predicate and zero or more parameters for that predicate
[See predicate language](docs/archi/transformation/predicate_query.png)
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Predicate registry consists of keyword keys representing predicate name with map as a value, containing an implementation of the predicate under :pred-fn and metadata for the predicate

Predicate registry consists of keyword keys representing predicate name with map as a value, containing an implementation of the predicate under :pred-fn and metadata for the predicate
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(predicate-lang->pred-fn-detailed pred)
(predicate-lang->pred-fn-detailed reg pred)

Turns predicate query language into a function

Turns predicate query language into a function
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(predicate-lang->predicate-fn reg pred)

Translates pred vector language into a function. Expects reg map containing predicate name as keys with values containing a function under :pred-fn

Translates `pred` vector language into a function. Expects `reg` map containing predicate name as keys with values containing a function under :pred-fn
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(predicate-validation reg pred)


Default predicates language registry. See more

Default predicates language registry.
[See more](docs/archi/transformation/predicate_registry.png)
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