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Equality predicates compare values and return boolean based on the result

Equality predicates compare values and return boolean based on the result
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(<-fn v)
(<-fn path v)


(<=-fn v)
(<=-fn path v)


(>-fn v)
(>-fn path v)


(>=-fn v)
(>=-fn path v)


(contains?-fn text)
(contains?-fn path value)

Returns pred fn that accepts any type data. Pred will return true if value exists in that data. If path is supplied it will consider value under path for comparison

Returns pred fn that accepts any type data.
 Pred will return true if `value` exists in that data.
If `path` is supplied it will consider value under path for comparison
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(ends-with?-fn text)
(ends-with?-fn path text)

Returns pred fn that accepts string. Pred will return true if that string ends with text. If path is supplied it will consider value under path for comparison

Returns pred fn that accepts string.
Pred will return true if that string ends with `text`.
If `path` is supplied it will consider value under path for comparison
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Each predicate return boolean if comparison with pred-fn input can be done

Each predicate return boolean if comparison with pred-fn input can be done
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(false?-fn path)

Returns predicate fn that as a param accepts a value that if equals to false will return true. If path is supplied it will consider value under path for comparison

Returns predicate fn that as a param accepts a value that if equals to false will return true.
If `path` is supplied it will consider value under path for comparison
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(is-empty?-fn path)

Returns predicate fn that as a param accepts value which if nil or empty collection will return true. If path is supplied it will consider value under path for comparison

Returns predicate fn that as a param accepts value which if nil or empty collection will return true.
If `path` is supplied it will consider value under path for comparison
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(is?-fn v)
(is?-fn path v)

Returns predicate function that sa a param accepts value which will be compared with v and return true if it's equal, false if it's not. If path is supplied it will consider value under path for comparison

Returns predicate function that sa a param accepts value
which will be compared with `v` and return true if it's equal, false if it's not.
If `path` is supplied it will consider value under path for comparison
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(one-of?-fn vs)
(one-of?-fn path vs)

Returns predicate function that as a param accepts value which is compared with values in vs. If any of them are equal, predicate will return true. If path is supplied it will consider value under path for comparison

Returns predicate function that as a param accepts value which is compared with values in `vs`. If any of them are equal, predicate will return true.
If `path` is supplied it will consider value under path for comparison
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(starts-with?-fn text)
(starts-with?-fn path text)

Returns pred fn that accepts string. Pred will return true if that string starts with text. If path is supplied it will consider value under path for comparison

Returns pred fn that accepts string.
Pred will return true if that string starts with `text`.
If `path` is supplied it will consider value under path for comparison
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(true?-fn path)

Returns predicate fn that as a param accepts a value that if equals to true will return true. If path is supplied it will consider value under path for comparison

Returns predicate fn that as a param accepts a value that if equals to true will return true.
If `path` is supplied it will consider value under path for comparison
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