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stopping-definition to stop when causality is broken.

Causality is a property of the simulation model stating that a future event cannot change what has been done in the past already, so all changes in the state should not contradict any past event.

In practise, we check the next-snapshot date is equal or after the current snapshot.

`stopping-definition` to stop when causality is broken.

Causality is a property of the simulation model stating that a future event cannot change what has been done in the past already, so all changes in the state should not contradict any past event.

In practise, we check the `next-snapshot` `date` is equal or after the current `snapshot`.
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stopping-definition to stop when the execution of an event is not found in the registry.

`stopping-definition` to stop when the execution of an event is not found in the registry.
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stopping-definition to stop when an execution has raised an exception.

`stopping-definition` to stop when an execution has raised an exception.
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stopping-definition to stop when no future events exists anymore.

`stopping-definition` to stop when no future events exists anymore.
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built-in stopping-definition can create stopping-cause but they are not accessible for modellers, they are hard coded.

built-in `stopping-definition` can create `stopping-cause` but they are not accessible for modellers, they are hard coded.
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Stops when the request is not valid.

Stops when the request is not valid.
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Stops when the response is not valid.

Stops when the response is not valid.
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The event-registry contains event-execution.

It associates one event type (a keyword) to its event-execution.

The `event-registry` contains `event-execution`.

It associates one event type (a keyword) to its `event-execution`.

* [See entity](docs/archi/registry_entity.png)
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Registry for middlewares associating a keyword to its middleware function.

Registry for middlewares associating a keyword to its middleware function.
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Stops when the request is valid through inconsistency and schema. This criteria is built-in to this middleware as it is requiring the request knowledge. User stopping-criteria knows only snapshot.

Stops when the request is valid through inconsistency and schema.
This criteria is built-in to this middleware as it is requiring the `request` knowledge. User `stopping-criteria` knows only `snapshot`.
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Stops when the response is valid through inconsistency and schema. This criteria is built-in to this middleware as it is requiring the response knowledge. User stopping-criteria knows only snapshot.

Stops when the response is valid through inconsistency and schema.
This criteria is built-in to this middleware as it is requiring the `response` knowledge. User `stopping-criteria` knows only `snapshot`.
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Middleware to tap response and requests.

Middleware to tap response and requests.
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Ordered list of middlewares.

Ordered list of middlewares.

* [See entity](docs/archi/middlewares_entity.png)
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A simulation model gathers information required to run the simulation.

It includes:

  • initial-snpashot snapshot to start the model with.
  • middlewares sequence of middleware to execute with the model.
  • model-data data version of this model.
  • ordering ordering of events.
  • registry registry.
  • stopping-criterias list of stopping-criteria that defines the end of the model.
A simulation model gathers information required to run the simulation.

It includes:

* `initial-snpashot` snapshot to start the model with.
* `middlewares` sequence of middleware to execute with the model.
* `model-data` data version of this model.
* `ordering` ordering of events.
* `registry` registry.
* `stopping-criterias` list of `stopping-criteria` that defines the end of the model.
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Model data is the data used as inputs to generate the model:

  • data oriented, so it could be persisted easily.
  • ergonomy oriented, so it is easy to use.
Model data is the data used as inputs to generate the model:

* data oriented, so it could be persisted easily.
* ergonomy oriented, so it is easy to use.
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Gathers the registries of a simulation.

Gathers the registries of a simulation.
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The scheduler is working with a model describing the problem to solve.

For each scheduler snapshot created, the scheduler is sorting the future-events based on the event ordering defined in the event-registry. The first event of that order is executed (see event execution). The resulting new values of state, past events, future events are used to create the new scheduler snapshot.

An event has three parameters (event-execution current-event state new-future-events):

  • current-event which is the current event to execute
  • state which is the state value before the event execution
  • new-future-events which is the list of future events without the current event

The returned value is a event-return, which future events have no needs to be sorted, they will be by the scheduler.

entities aggregate state diagram

The `scheduler` is working with a `model` describing the problem to solve.

For each scheduler snapshot created, the scheduler is sorting the `future-events` based on the event ordering defined in the event-registry. The first event of that order is executed (see event execution). The resulting new values of state, past events, future events are used to create the new scheduler snapshot.

An event has three parameters `(event-execution current-event state new-future-events)`:
* `current-event` which is the current event to execute
* `state` which is the state value before the event execution
* `new-future-events` which is the list of future events without the current event

The returned value is a `event-return`, which future events have no needs to be sorted, they will be by the scheduler.

![state diagram](archi/scheduler_state.png)
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stopping-definition to stop at a given bucket.

`stopping-definition` to stop at a given bucket.
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stopping-definition to stop at a given iteration.

`stopping-definition` to stop at a given iteration.
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stopping-definition to stop right now.

`stopping-definition` to stop right now.
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Stopping registry contains all stopping-definition.


Stopping registry contains all `stopping-definition`.

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A reason why the scheduler stops. A stopping-cause contains:

  • context data describing the context of the stopping-criteria, note its schema is defined freely by each stopping-definition.
  • current-event the event that is about to be executed now. It could be null, if future-event is nil and no first event found.
  • stopping-criteria telling the intent of the user to stop.


A reason why the `scheduler` stops. A `stopping-cause` contains:

* `context` data describing the context of the `stopping-criteria`, note its schema is defined freely by each `stopping-definition`.
* `current-event` the event that is about to be executed now. It could be null, if future-event is nil and no first event found.
* `stopping-criteria` telling the intent of the user to stop.

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Declares a stopping-criteria to instantiate stopping-definitions, it precises the params necessary for stopping-evaluation. The data are:

  • model-end? is set to true if the stopping-criteria is one possible end of the model. Note that more than one is possible for the same model. Note that these model stopping-criteria are not supposed to be linked with anything else than the business model itself (not the rendering, not the control/computation, ...)
  • params is a map of parameters, which content is defined by the stopping-definition.
  • stopping-definition is the stopping-definition as found in the stopping-registry.


Declares a `stopping-criteria` to instantiate `stopping-definition`s, it precises the `params` necessary for `stopping-evaluation`.
The data are:

* `model-end?` is set to `true` if the stopping-criteria is one possible end of the model. Note that more than one is possible for the same model. Note that these model `stopping-criteria` are not supposed to be linked with anything else than the business model itself (not the rendering, not the control/computation, ...)
* `params` is a map of parameters, which content is defined by the `stopping-definition`.
* `stopping-definition` is the `stopping-definition` as found in the `stopping-registry`.

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A stopping-definition defines what could cause the scheduler to stop.

  • doc describes the definition.
  • id name of the stopping-definition
  • next-possible? tells if the next call of the scheduler will raise the same error.
  • stopping-evaluation is the function to be called to evalute the criteria and decides if stops is true or not.

Note that only stopping-definition with stopping-evaluation properly set are callable by users. Others are built-in stopping-definition triggering stopping-cause in the simulation-engine bounded context.


A `stopping-definition` defines what could cause the scheduler to stop.

* `doc` describes the definition.
* `id` name of the `stopping-definition`
* `next-possible?` tells if the next call of the `scheduler` will raise the same error.
* `stopping-evaluation` is the function to be called to evalute the criteria and decides if stops is true or not.

Note that only `stopping-definition` with `stopping-evaluation` properly set are callable by users. Others are built-in `stopping-definition` triggering `stopping-cause` in the `simulation-engine` bounded context.

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