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(delete-application-audit-entries ticket

Permanently delete audit entries for an audit application audit-application-id. The where clause must be specified, either with an inclusive time period or for an inclusive range of ids. The delete is within the context of the given audit application. For example:

  • where=(createdAt BETWEEN ('2024-01-01T00:00:00' , '2024-02-01T00:00:00'))
  • where=(id BETWEEN ('1234', '4321'))

More info here.

Permanently delete audit entries for an audit application `audit-application-id`.
The `where` clause must be specified, either with an inclusive time period or for an inclusive range of ids.
The delete is within the context of the given audit application.
For example:
- ```where=(createdAt BETWEEN ('2024-01-01T00:00:00' , '2024-02-01T00:00:00'))```
- ```where=(id BETWEEN ('1234', '4321'))```

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(delete-audit-entry ticket audit-application-it audit-entry-id & [opts])

Permanently delete a single audit entry audit-entry-id. You must have admin rights to retrieve audit information.
More info here.

Permanently delete a single audit entry `audit-entry-id`.
You must have admin rights to retrieve audit information.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(get-audit-application-info ticket audit-application-id)
(get-audit-application-info ticket audit-application-id query-params & [opts])

Get status of an audit application audit-application-id. You must have admin rights to retrieve audit information. You can use the include parameter to return the minimum and/or maximum audit record id for the application.
More info here.

Get status of an audit application `audit-application-id`.
You must have admin rights to retrieve audit information.
You can use the include parameter to return the minimum and/or maximum audit record id for the application.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(get-audit-entry ticket audit-application-id audit-entry-id)
(get-audit-entry ticket

Gets audit entry audit-entry-id. You must have admin rights to retrieve audit information.
More info here.

Gets audit entry `audit-entry-id`.
You must have admin rights to retrieve audit information.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(list-application-audit-entries ticket audit-application-id)
(list-application-audit-entries ticket

Gets a list of audit entries for audit application audit-application-id. You can use the include parameter in query-params to return additional values information. The list can be filtered by one or more of:

  • createdByUser person id
  • createdAt inclusive time period
  • id inclusive range of ids
  • valuesKey audit entry values contains the exact matching key
  • valuesValue audit entry values contains the exact matching value
  • SiteContributor

The default sort order is createdAt ascending, but you can use an optional ASC or DESC modifier to specify an ascending or descending sort order. For example, specifying order-by=createdAt DESC returns audit entries in descending createdAt order. You must have admin rights to retrieve audit information.
More info here.

Gets a list of audit entries for audit application `audit-application-id`.
You can use the include parameter in `query-params` to return additional values information.
The list can be filtered by one or more of:
- **createdByUser** person id
- **createdAt** inclusive time period
- **id** inclusive range of ids
- **valuesKey** audit entry values contains the exact matching key
- **valuesValue** audit entry values contains the exact matching value
- SiteContributor

The default sort order is **createdAt** ascending, but you can use an optional **ASC** or **DESC** modifier to specify an ascending or descending sort order.
For example, specifying `order-by=createdAt DESC` returns audit entries in descending **createdAt** order.
You must have admin rights to retrieve audit information.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(list-audit-applications ticket)
(list-audit-applications ticket query-params & [opts])

Gets a list of audit applications in this repository. This list may include pre-configured audit applications, if enabled, such as:

  • alfresco-access
  • CMISChangeLog
  • Alfresco Tagging Service
  • Alfresco Sync Service (used by Enterprise Cloud Sync)

More info here.

Gets a list of audit applications in this repository.
This list may include pre-configured audit applications, if enabled, such as:
- alfresco-access
- CMISChangeLog
- Alfresco Tagging Service
- Alfresco Sync Service (used by Enterprise Cloud Sync)

More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(list-node-audit-entries ticket node-id)
(list-node-audit-entries ticket node-id query-params & [opts])

Gets a list of audit entries for node node-id. The list can be filtered by createdByUser and for a given inclusive time period. The default sort order is createdAt ascending, but you can use an optional ASC or DESC modifier to specify an ascending or descending sort order. For example, specifying order-by=createdAt DESC returns audit entries in descending createdAt order. This relies on the pre-configured 'alfresco-access' audit application.
More info here.

Gets a list of audit entries for node `node-id`.
The list can be filtered by **createdByUser** and for a given inclusive time period.
The default sort order is **createdAt** ascending, but you can use an optional **ASC** or **DESC** modifier to specify an ascending or descending sort order.
For example, specifying `order-by=createdAt DESC` returns audit entries in descending **createdAt** order.
This relies on the pre-configured 'alfresco-access' audit application.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(update-audit-application-info ticket audit-application-id body)
(update-audit-application-info ticket

Disable or re-enable the audit application audit-application-id. New audit entries will not be created for a disabled audit application until it is re-enabled (and system-wide auditing is also enabled). Note, it is still possible to query &/or delete any existing audit entries even if auditing is disabled for the audit application. You must have admin rights to update audit application.
More info here.

Disable or re-enable the audit application `audit-application-id`.
New audit entries will not be created for a disabled audit application until it is re-enabled (and system-wide auditing is also enabled).
Note, it is still possible to query &/or delete any existing audit entries even if auditing is disabled for the audit application.
You must have admin rights to update audit application.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring

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