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(delete-deleted-node ticket node-id & [opts])

Permanently deletes the deleted node node-id.
More info here.

Permanently deletes the deleted node `node-id`.\
More info [here](
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(get-deleted-node ticket node-id)
(get-deleted-node ticket node-id query-params & [opts])

Gets the specific deleted node node-id.
More info here.

Gets the specific deleted node `node-id`.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(get-deleted-node-content ticket node-id)
(get-deleted-node-content ticket node-id query-params & [opts])

Gets the content of the deleted node with identifier node-id.
More info here.

Gets the content of the deleted node with identifier `node-id`.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(get-deleted-node-rendition-content ticket node-id rendition-id)
(get-deleted-node-rendition-content ticket

Gets the rendition content for rendition-id of file node-id.
More info here.

Gets the rendition content for `rendition-id` of file `node-id`.\
More info [here](http://localhost:8080/api-explorer/#/trashcan/getArchivedNodeRenditionContent).
sourceraw docstring


(get-deleted-node-rendition-info ticket node-id rendition-id & [opts])

Gets the rendition information for rendition-id of file node-id.
More info here.

Gets the rendition information for `rendition-id` of file `node-id`.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(list-deleted-node-renditions ticket node-id)
(list-deleted-node-renditions ticket node-id query-params & [opts])

Gets a list of the rendition information for each rendition of the file node-id, including the rendition id. Each rendition returned has a status: CREATED means it is available to view or download, NOT_CREATED means the rendition can be requested. You can use the where parameter in query-params to filter the returned renditions by status. For example, the following where clause will return just the CREATED renditions:


More info here.

Gets a list of the rendition information for each rendition of the file `node-id`, including the rendition id.
Each rendition returned has a status: CREATED means it is available to view or download, NOT_CREATED means the
rendition can be requested.
You can use the **where** parameter in `query-params` to filter the returned renditions by status.
For example, the following **where** clause will return just the CREATED renditions:
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(list-deleted-nodes ticket)
(list-deleted-nodes ticket query-params & [opts])

Gets a list of deleted nodes for the current user. If the current user is an administrator deleted nodes for all users will be returned. The list of deleted nodes will be ordered with the most recently deleted node at the top of the list.
More info here.

Gets a list of deleted nodes for the current user.
If the current user is an administrator deleted nodes for all users will be returned.
The list of deleted nodes will be ordered with the most recently deleted node at the top of the list.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(restore-deleted-node ticket node-id body)
(restore-deleted-node ticket node-id body query-params & [opts])

Attempts to restore the deleted node node-id to its original location or to a new location.
More info here.

Attempts to restore the deleted node `node-id` to its original location or to a new location.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring

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