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(find-nodes ticket query-params & [opts])

Gets a list of nodes that match the given search criteria. The search term is used to look for nodes that match against name, title, description, full text content or tags. The search term:

  • must contain a minimum of 3 alphanumeric characters
  • allows "quoted term"
  • can optionally use '*' for wildcard matching

By default, file and folder types will be searched unless a specific type is provided as a query parameter. By default, the search will be across the repository unless a specific root node id is provided to start the search from. You can sort the result list using the order-by parameter in query-params. You can specify one or more of the following fields in the order-by parameter:

  • name
  • modifiedAt
  • createdAt

More info here.

Gets a list of nodes that match the given search criteria.
The search term is used to look for nodes that match against name, title, description, full text content or tags.
The search term:
- must contain a minimum of 3 alphanumeric characters
- allows "quoted term"
- can optionally use '*' for wildcard matching

By default, file and folder types will be searched unless a specific type is provided as a query parameter.
By default, the search will be across the repository unless a specific root node id is provided to start the search from.
You can sort the result list using the **order-by** parameter in `query-params`.
You can specify one or more of the following fields in the **order-by** parameter:
- name
- modifiedAt
- createdAt

More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(find-people ticket query-params & [opts])

Gets a list of people that match the given search criteria. The search term is used to look for matches against person id, firstname and lastname. The search term:

  • must contain a minimum of 2 alphanumeric characters
  • can optionally use '*' for wildcard matching within the term

You can sort the result list using the order-by parameter. You can specify one or more of the following fields in the order-by parameter:

  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName

More info here.

Gets a list of people that match the given search criteria.
The search term is used to look for matches against person id, firstname and lastname.
The search term:
- must contain a minimum of 2 alphanumeric characters
- can optionally use '*' for wildcard matching within the term

You can sort the result list using the **order-by** parameter. You can specify one or more of the following fields in the **order-by** parameter:
- id
- firstName
- lastName

More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(find-sites ticket query-params & [opts])

Gets a list of sites that match the given search criteria. The search term is used to look for sites that match against site id, title or description. The search term:

  • must contain a minimum of 2 alphanumeric characters
  • can optionally use '*' for wildcard matching within the term

The default sort order for the returned list is for sites to be sorted by ascending id. You can override the default by using the order-by parameter. You can specify one or more of the following fields in the order-by parameter:

  • id
  • title
  • description

More info here.

Gets a list of sites that match the given search criteria.
The search term is used to look for sites that match against site id, title or description.
The search term:
- must contain a minimum of 2 alphanumeric characters
- can optionally use '*' for wildcard matching within the term

The default sort order for the returned list is for sites to be sorted by ascending id.
You can override the default by using the **order-by** parameter. You can specify one or more of the following fields in the **order-by** parameter:
- id
- title
- description

More info [here](
sourceraw docstring

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