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(create-shared-link ticket body)
(create-shared-link ticket body query-params & [opts])

Create a shared link to the file node-id in the request body. Also, an optional expiry date could be set, so the shared link would become invalid when the expiry date is reached.
More info here.

Create a shared link to the file **node-id** in the request `body`. Also, an optional expiry date could be set, so
the shared link would become invalid when the expiry date is reached.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring

(delete-shared-link ticket shared-id & [opts])

Deletes the shared link with identifier shared-id.
More info here.

Deletes the shared link with identifier `shared-id`.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring

(email-shared-link ticket shared-id body & [opts])

Sends email with app-specific url including identifier shared-id. The client and recipient-emails properties are mandatory in the request body.
More info here.

Sends email with app-specific url including identifier `shared-id`.
The client and recipient-emails properties are mandatory in the request body.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring

(get-shared-link shared-id)
(get-shared-link shared-id query-params & [opts])

Gets minimal information for the file with shared link identifier shared-id.
Note: No authentication is required to call this endpoint.
More info here.

Gets minimal information for the file with shared link identifier `shared-id`.\
**Note:** No authentication is required to call this endpoint.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring

(get-shared-link-content shared-id)
(get-shared-link-content shared-id query-params & [opts])

Gets the content of the file with shared link identifier shared-id.
Note: No authentication is required to call this endpoint.
More info here.

Gets the content of the file with shared link identifier `shared-id`.\
**Note:** No authentication is required to call this endpoint.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring

(get-shared-link-rendition-content shared-id rendition-id)
(get-shared-link-rendition-content shared-id rendition-id query-params & [opts])

Gets the rendition content for file with shared link identifier shared-id. Note: No authentication is required to call this endpoint.
More info here.

Gets the rendition content for file with shared link identifier `shared-id`.
**Note**: No authentication is required to call this endpoint.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring

(get-shared-link-rendition-info shared-id rendition-id & [opts])

Gets rendition information for the file with shared link identifier shared-id. This API method returns rendition information where the rendition status is CREATED, which means the rendition is available to view/download.
Note: No authentication is required to call this endpoint.
More info here.

Gets rendition information for the file with shared link identifier `shared-id`.
This API method returns rendition information where the rendition status is CREATED, which means the rendition is
available to view/download.\
**Note**: No authentication is required to call this endpoint.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring

(list-shared-link-renditions shared-id & [opts])

Gets a list of the rendition information for the file with shared link identifier shared-id. This API method returns rendition information, including the rendition id, for each rendition where the rendition status is CREATED, which means the rendition is available to view/download.
Note: No authentication is required to call this endpoint.
More info here.

Gets a list of the rendition information for the file with shared link identifier `shared-id`.
This API method returns rendition information, including the rendition id, for each rendition where the rendition
status is CREATED, which means the rendition is available to view/download.\
**Note**: No authentication is required to call this endpoint.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring

(list-shared-links ticket)
(list-shared-links ticket query-params & [opts])

Get a list of links that the current user has read permission on source node. The list is ordered in descending modified order.
Note: The list of links is eventually consistent so newly created shared links may not appear immediately.
More info here.

Get a list of links that the current user has read permission on source node.
The list is ordered in descending modified order.\
**Note:** The list of links is eventually consistent so newly created shared links may not appear immediately.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring

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