(add-type-hints expr)
Add type hints to an expression, only if it can be preserved via emit-form to the Clojure compiler.
The most reliable AST node to convey a type hint is :local, so we restrict adding type hints to only :local nodes.
Add type hints to an expression, only if it can be preserved via emit-form to the Clojure compiler. The most reliable AST node to convey a type hint is :local, so we restrict adding type hints to only :local nodes.
(check-host-call -host-call-special expr expected opts)
(check-host-interop expr
{:typed.cljc.checker.check/keys [check-expr] :as opts})
(check-maybe-host-form expr
{:typed.cljc.checker.check/keys [check-expr] :as opts})
(try-resolve-reflection ast opts)
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