(both-sub? s t)
(both-subtype? s t)
(caught-top-level-errors nfn & body)
(check & as)
(check-opt opt)
(clj & body)
(cljs & body)
(equal-types l r)
(equal-types-noparse l r)
(eret f)
(ety f)
(extract-error-messages tc-err-res)
(is-cf & args)
(is-clj & args)
(is-tc-e & body)
(is-tc-err & body)
Returns the result of the tc-err call
Returns the result of the tc-err call
(is-tc-err-messages & body)
Performs an is-tc-err and returns error messages
Performs an is-tc-err and returns error messages
(is-with-aliases tst)
(should-not-reflect form)
Turn on all warning flags, and test that reflection does not occur (as identified by messages to err).
Turn on all warning flags, and test that reflection does not occur (as identified by messages to *err*).
(sub? s t)
(sub?-q s t)
(subtype? s t)
(tc form)
(tc-common* frm
{{:keys [syn provided?]} :expected-syntax
:keys [expected-ret requires ns-meta check-config]
:as opt})
(tc-e frm & opts)
Type check an an expression in namespace that :refer's all of clojure.core.typed (aliased to t) and aliases clojure.core to core.
Takes one form and then options, and returns true if the form checks with the expected input/output types according to the provided options.
The first form in the options can be a static type syntax scoped in the new namespace. This is disambiguated with a call to keyword? (literal keywords aren't valid type syntax).
eg. (tc-e (+ 1 1) Num) ;=> Num
Keyword Options:
:expected-ret An expected ret, evaluated in the current namespace (not the new one that refers c.c.t). Cannot be provided in combination with the implicit first option as a type, as above. :ret Check the return TCResult of this expression against this ret. Evaluated in the current namespace. :ns-meta Map to use as ns metadata. :check-config Map specifying check-config.
Type check an an expression in namespace that :refer's all of clojure.core.typed (aliased to t) and aliases clojure.core to core. Takes one form and then options, and returns true if the form checks with the expected input/output types according to the provided options. The first form in the options can be a static type syntax scoped in the new namespace. This is disambiguated with a call to keyword? (literal keywords aren't valid type syntax). eg. (tc-e (+ 1 1) Num) ;=> Num Keyword Options: :expected-ret An expected ret, evaluated in the current namespace (not the new one that refers c.c.t). Cannot be provided in combination with the implicit first option as a type, as above. :ret Check the return TCResult of this expression against this ret. Evaluated in the current namespace. :ns-meta Map to use as ns metadata. :check-config Map specifying check-config.
(tc-err frm & opts)
(tc-t form)
(throws-tc-error? & body)
(with-delayed-remove-ns & body)
(with-err-print-writer & body)
Evaluate with err pointing to a temporary PrintWriter, and return err contents as a string.
Evaluate with err pointing to a temporary PrintWriter, and return err contents as a string.
(with-err-string-writer & body)
Evaluate with err pointing to a temporary StringWriter, and return err contents as a string.
Evaluate with err pointing to a temporary StringWriter, and return err contents as a string.
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