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(add-inferred-type checker nsym vsym t opts)

Add type t to the pool of inferred types of var vsym in namespace ns.

Add type t to the pool of inferred types of var vsym in namespace ns.
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(infer-unannotated-vars nsym)
(infer-unannotated-vars checker nsym opts)

Return a vector of syntax that can be spliced into the given namespace, that annotates the inferred untyped variables.

Return a vector of syntax that can be spliced into the given namespace,
that annotates the inferred untyped variables.
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(inferred-var-in-ns checker nsym vsym opts)


(prepare-inferred-untyped-var-expression checker nsym vsym opts)

Return an expression to eval in namespace nsym, which declares untyped var vsym as its inferred type.

Return an expression to eval in namespace nsym, which declares
untyped var vsym as its inferred type.
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(using-alias-in-ns nsym vsym opts)

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