(check-fn-methods mthods expected opt opts)
(check-fni expected
{:keys [validate-expected-fn self-name] :as opt}
Check a vector of :method AST nodes mthods against an expected type that is a possibly-polymorphic function intersection.
Returns a vector in the same order as the passed in methods, but each method replaced with a vector of type checked methods.
Check a vector of :method AST nodes mthods against an expected type that is a possibly-polymorphic function intersection. Returns a vector in the same order as the passed in methods, but each method replaced with a vector of type checked methods.
(expected-for-method {:keys [variadic?] :as method}
{:keys [dom rest drest kws pdot prest] :as f}
Takes a :fn-method or :method AST node and a single Function arity type, and returns the Function if the :method node should be checked against the Function, otherwise returns nil.
Takes a :fn-method or :method AST node and a single Function arity type, and returns the Function if the :method node should be checked against the Function, otherwise returns nil.
(function-types expected opts)
(method->fixed-arity {:keys [fixed-arity] :as method})
(method-return? opts)
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