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There are two kinds of projects in Polylith: development and deployable.

The development project:

  • Where you work with the code, often from a REPL.

  • Described in ./deps.edn which:

    • Specifies all bricks and project libraries used by the project.

    • Optionally defines profiles.

  • Source code to support development (not part of any component or base) lives under the ./development directory.

A deployable project:

  • Used to build deployable artifacts, e.g., lambda functions, REST APIs, tools, etc.

  • Has its own directory under the ./projects directory (e.g., my-project), which:

    • Has a deps.edn specifying the bricks and libraries used by the deployable project.

      • If the referenced bricks contain any tests, they are run when you execute the test command.

    • Can optionally have a resources directory.

    • Can optionally have a test directory for project-specific tests.

    • Doesn’t have a src directory. We discourage a src directory for deployable projects; all production code should normally only live in bricks.

The :project key in ./workspace.edn configures project aliases and, optionally, how poly should run your tests.

Let’s continue with our tutorial. The last thing you did was create a cli base. Run the following create project command:

poly create project name:command-line

Your workspace should now look like this:

├── bases
│   └── cli
│       ├── deps.edn
│       ├── resources
│       │   └── cli
│       ├── src
│       │   └── se
│       │       └── example
│       │           └── cli
│       │               └── core.clj
│       └── test
│           └── se
│               └── example
│                   └── cli
│                       └── core_test.clj
├── components
│   └── user
│       ├── deps.edn
│       ├── resources
│       │   └── user
│       ├── src
│       │   └── se
│       │       └── example
│       │           └── user
│       │               ├── core.clj
│       │               └── interface.clj
│       └── test
│           └── se
│               └── example
│                   └── user
│                       └── interface_test.clj
├── deps.edn
├── development
│   └── src
│       └── dev
│           └── lisa.clj
├── logo.png
├── projects
│   └── command-line (1)
│       └── deps.edn
└── workspace.edn
1new command-line project

The poly tool helpfully reminds us:

  It's recommended to add an alias to :projects in ./workspace.edn for the command-line project.

If you don’t follow this advice, the command-line project heading will default to ?1 when running the info command. Go ahead and add an alias in your ./workspace.edn:

   :projects {"development" {:alias "dev"}
              "command-line" {:alias "cl"}}} (1)
1Add the cl alias for the command-line project

Add the user component and the cli base to your new project by editing projects/command-line/deps.edn:

{:deps {poly/user {:local/root "../../components/user"} (1)
        poly/cli  {:local/root "../../bases/cli"} (2)

        org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0"}}
1Add user component
2Add cli base

The :local/root paths begin with ../../ because the components and bases directories are two levels up relative to projects/command-line directory.

When you run the test command, poly will determine which tests should run. If you want to run tests for each deployable project outside of poly using Clojure’s tools.deps, you must specify the test paths in your ./deps.edn.

Each ./projects/**/deps.edn specifies what bricks to include via :local/root dependencies. The poly test command determines the appropriate test dependencies from each referenced brick’s deps.edn.

But Clojure’s tools.deps does not include test dependencies from :local/root dependencies. To support IDEs and other tooling, you must compensate by adding your brick tests as separate paths in your ./deps.edn, just as you did for your user component and cli base.

Where you specify dependency to bricks differs based on the project type:

  • For the development project: ./deps.edn > :aliases > :dev > :extra-deps

  • For deployable projects: ./projects/PROJECT-DIR/deps.edn > :deps

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