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Visualize the repo


Here we use git-of-theseus to show how the polylith codebase has evolved over time.

As you can see, the codebase has been constantly reworked to keep it in shape:

code over time

This second diagram shows how people have contributed with source code (mostly Clojure code) to the codebase:



If you want to try it out yourself, start by cloning the polylith repo (if you haven’t already):

git clone

To generate these diagrams, we need to have python and pip installed.

Create Python virtual environment in e.g. a python-venv directory, and install git-of-theseus:

mkdir python-venv
cd python-venv
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install git-of-theseus

Now you can ask git-of-theseus to analyze the repository:

git-of-theseus-analyze ../polylith

This will generate different json files that can be used by other commands to generate diagrams, e.g.:

git-of-theseus-stack-plot cohorts.json --outfile code-over-time.png
git-of-theseus-stack-plot authors.json --outfile contribution.png

Show more options:

git-of-theseus-analyze --help
git-of-theseus-stack-plot --help


Gource is another tool that can create animations to visualize how the codebase has evolved over time.

Here is an example animation (click to open):

polylith git repo animation


If you want to try it out yourself, start by installing it:

brew install gource
brew install ffmpeg


This will generate a polylith.mp4 file:

gource --seconds-per-day 0.2 --auto-skip-seconds 1 --max-file-lag 0.1 --background 9dabcb --logo doc/images/visualize-the-repo/logo.png --disable-bloom --font-size 18 --font-colour 566ca1 --hide filenames --date-format "%d %B %Y" --dir-colour eeeeee --dir-name-depth 2 --caption-colour ff0000 --dir-font-size 12 -o - | ffmpeg -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 1 -threads 0 -bf 0 polylith.mp4

You can also experiment without generating a file:

gource --seconds-per-day 0.2 \
       --auto-skip-seconds 1 \
       --max-file-lag 0.1 \
       --background 9dabcb \
       --logo doc/images/visualize-the-repo/logo.png \
       --disable-bloom \
       --font-size 18 \
       --font-colour 566ca1 \
       --hide filenames \
       --date-format "%d %B %Y" \
       --dir-colour eeeeee \
       --dir-name-depth 2 \
       --caption-colour ff0000 \
       --dir-font-size 12

See how to tweak the animation here. All the options are listed here, or execute gource --help.

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