poly ws get:keys
The poly
tool gives us access to the data structure that represents the workspace, which is the same structure that all the poly
commands operate on internally.
Here we will use the output from the example in the documentation.
To list all the keys at the root, execute this from the examples/doc-example
poly ws get:keys
An even better way is to explore the workspace interactively from a shell:
poly ws get:bases:user-api
{:base-deps {:src [], :test []},
:interface-deps {:src ["user"], :test []},
:lib-deps {:src {"slacker/slacker" {:size 28408,
:type "maven",
:version "0.17.0"}}},
:lib-imports {:src ["se.example.user-api.api" "slacker.server"],
:test ["clojure.test" "se.example.user-api.core"]},
:lines-of-code {:src 13, :test 6},
:name "user-api",
:namespaces {:src [{:file-path "/Users/joakimtengstrand/source/polylith/examples/doc-example/bases/user-api/src/se/example/user_api/core.clj",
:imports ["se.example.user-api.api" "slacker.server"],
:name "core",
:namespace "se.example.user-api.core"}
{:file-path "/Users/joakimtengstrand/source/polylith/examples/doc-example/bases/user-api/src/se/example/user_api/api.clj",
:imports ["se.example.user.interface"],
:name "api",
:namespace "se.example.user-api.api"}],
:test [{:file-path "/Users/joakimtengstrand/source/polylith/examples/doc-example/bases/user-api/test/se/example/user_api/core_test.clj",
:imports ["clojure.test" "se.example.user-api.core"],
:name "core-test",
:namespace "se.example.user-api.core-test"}]},
:paths {:src ["src" "resources"], :test ["test"]},
:type "base"}
Lists the bases this base depends on.
A vector of illegal dependencies. Populated if the base depends on something an implementing namespace in a component (bases are allowed to depend on bases) from the :src context (:test has no restrictions).
The name of the namespace where we refer the incorrect namespace.
The interface name or base name we depend on.
The namespace we depend on.
Set to the type of the brick we depend on ("base" or "component").
Lists the interfaces this base depends on.
Here it depends on the user
interface from the src
This is because the se.example.user-api.api
namespace imports se.example.user.interface
No interfaces are imported from the test context in this example.
A vector containing the library names that should not be affected when executing poly libs :update
. Configured in the workspace.edn under :bases.
A map with the libraries that are used in this base’s src context.
Set if there is a newer version of this library, except if :keep-lib-versions is set for this library. Calculated if :outdated
is given for any command, or if :update
is given for the libs command.
The size of this library in bytes.
The type of the library, "maven", "local" or "git" (:mvn/version
, :local/root
and :git/url
The library version:
if type is maven
then version is set to groupId/artifactId
if type is local
then the version key is excluded (a -
is shown in the output from the libs command).
if type is git
then the version is set to the first seven characters in the sha
A map with the libraries that are used in this base’s test context. Follows the same structure as the :src
The name is a bit misleading as internal namespaces for the base is also included.
Lists all imports from the src context except component interfaces.
Lists all imports from the test context except component interfaces.
The total number of lines of code for this base (all namespaces included).
The name of the directory for this base under the bases
Lists all the namespaces that live under the src directory.
The absolute path to the namespace.
Lists all its namespaces.
Set to true
if the namespace is missing or if the file can’t be parsed.
The name of the namespace where top namespace + base name (se.example
+ user-api
in this case) have been stripped away.
The full name of the namespace.
Lists all the namespaces that live under the test directory (same keys as for the :src
If the base contains any non-top namespaces, they will be stored in a vector with elements like this:
{:non-top-ns "com.wrong", :file "bases/cli/src/com/wrong/cli/interface.clj"}
The paths that are specified in its deps.edn
(paths for src
and resources
paths + aliases > :test > :extra-paths
for test paths).
Set to "base".
poly ws get:changes since:b339c35
{:changed-bases ["cli" "user-api"],
:changed-components ["user" "user-remote"],
:changed-files ["bases/cli/deps.edn"
:changed-or-affected-projects ["command-line" "development" "user-service"],
:changed-projects ["command-line" "development" "user-service"],
:git-diff-command "git diff b339c35 --name-only",
:since "b339c35",
:since-sha "b339c35"}
Lists the changed bases since the sha b339c35
(or last stable point in time if :since
is not given).
Lists the changed components since the sha b339c35
(or last stable point in time if :since
is not given).
The same list that is returned by poly diff since:b339c35
The keys :changed-bases
, :changed-components
and :changed-projects
are calculated from this list.
Lists the projects that are directly or indirectly changed.
A project will be marked as changed if a file in its project directory has changed, or if a file in the bricks it includes has changed.
Lists the changed projects since the sha b339c35
(or last stable point in time if :since
is not given).
The git command that was executed to calculate the :changed-files
Set to "stable" if since:SINCE
is not given.
The full sha if since:SINCE
was not given, e.g. b339c358079fa36ca20ed0163708ba010a0ffd4c
The name of the tag, e.g. 0.1.0-alpha9
if since:release
was given.
poly ws get:components:user
{:interface {:definitions [{:name "hello",
:arglists [{:name "name"}],
:type "function"}],
:name "user"},
:interface-deps {:src [], :test []},
:lib-deps {},
:lib-imports {:test ["clojure.test"]},
:lines-of-code {:src 9, :test 7},
:name "user",
:namespaces {:src [{:file-path "/Users/joakimtengstrand/source/polylith/examples/doc-example/components/user/src/se/example/user/interface.clj",
:imports ["se.example.user.core"],
:name "interface",
:namespace "se.example.user.interface"}
{:file-path "/Users/joakimtengstrand/source/polylith/examples/doc-example/components/user/src/se/example/user/core.clj",
:imports [],
:name "core",
:namespace "se.example.user.core"}],
:test [{:file-path "/Users/joakimtengstrand/source/polylith/examples/doc-example/components/user/test/se/example/user/interface_test.clj",
:imports ["clojure.test" "se.example.user.interface"],
:name "interface-test",
:namespace "se.example.user.interface-test"}]},
:paths {:src ["src" "resources"], :test ["test"]},
:type "component"}
Component keys are the same as for the base plus the :interfaces
key, except that it doesn’t have :base-deps
Lists all public def
, defn
and defmacro
definitions in the interface namespace.
If a type hint is given, then :type
will also be set and be part of the contract.
A vector of illegal dependencies. Populated if the component depends on something else than interfaces, from the :src context (:test has no restrictions).
The name of the namespace where we refer the incorrect namespace.
The interface name or base name we depend on.
The namespace we depend on.
Set to the type of the brick we depend on ("base" or "component").
Lists the interfaces this base depends on.
Here it depends on the user
interface from the src
This is because the se.example.user-api.api
namespace imports se.example.user.interface
No interfaces are imported from the test context in this example.
A vector containing the library names that should not be affected when executing poly libs :update
. Configured in workspace.edn under :bricks
A map with the libraries that are used in this component’s src context.
Set if there is a newer version of this library, except if :keep-lib-versions is set for this library. Calculated if :outdated
is given for any command, or if :update
is given for the libs command.
The size of this library in bytes.
The type of the library, "maven", "local" or "git" (:mvn/version
, :local/root
and :git/url
The library version:
if type is maven
then version is set to groupId/artifactId
if type is local
then the version key is excluded (a -
is shown in the output from the libs command).
if type is git
then the version is set to the first seven characters in the sha
A map with the libraries that are used in this base’s test context. Follows the same structure as the :src
The name is a bit misleading as internal namespaces for the base is also included.
Lists all imports from the src context except component interfaces.
Lists all imports from the test context except component interfaces.
The total number of lines of code for this base (all namespaces included).
The name of the directory for this base under the bases
Lists all the namespaces that live under the src directory.
The absolute path to the namespace.
Lists all its namespaces.
Set to true
if the namespace is missing or if the file can’t be parsed.
The name of the namespace where top namespace + base name (se.example
+ user-api
in this case) have been stripped away.
The full name of the namespace.
Lists all the namespaces that live under the test directory (same keys as for the :src
If the base contains any non-top namespaces, they will be stored in a vector with elements like this:
"com.wrong", :file
The paths that are specified in its deps.edn
file (paths for src
and resources
paths + aliases > :test > :extra-paths
for test paths).
Set to "base".
poly ws get:configs
{:bases [{:deps {:aliases {:test {:extra-deps {}, :extra-paths ["test"]}},
:deps {},
:paths ["src" "resources"]},
:name "cli",
:type "base"}
{:deps {:aliases {:test {:extra-deps {}, :extra-paths ["test"]}},
:deps {slacker/slacker {:mvn/version "0.17.0"}},
:paths ["src" "resources"]},
:name "user-api",
:type "base"}],
:components [{:deps {:aliases {:test {:extra-deps {}, :extra-paths ["test"]}},
:deps {},
:paths ["src" "resources"]},
:name "user",
:type "component"}
{:deps {:aliases {:test {:extra-deps {}, :extra-paths ["test"]}},
:deps {compojure/compojure {:mvn/version "1.6.2"},
http-kit/http-kit {:mvn/version "2.4.0"},
ring/ring {:mvn/version "1.8.1"},
slacker/slacker {:mvn/version "0.17.0"}},
:paths ["src" "resources"]},
:name "user-remote",
:type "component"}],
:projects [{:deps {:aliases {:test {:extra-deps {}, :extra-paths ["test"]},
:uberjar {:main se.example.cli.core}},
:deps {org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-core {:mvn/version "2.13.3"},
org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-slf4j-impl {:mvn/version "2.13.3"},
org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0"},
poly/cli {:local/root "../../bases/cli"},
poly/user-remote {:local/root "../../components/user-remote"}}},
:name "command-line",
:type "project"}
{:deps {:aliases {:+default {:extra-deps {poly/user {:local/root "components/user"}},
:extra-paths ["components/user/test"]},
:+remote {:extra-deps {poly/user-remote {:local/root "components/user-remote"}},
:extra-paths ["components/user-remote/test"]},
:build {:deps {io.github.clojure/tools.build {:mvn/version "0.9.5"},
io.github.seancorfield/build-uber-log4j2-handler {:git/sha "55fb6f6",
:git/tag "v0.1.5"},
org.clojure/tools.deps {:mvn/version "0.16.1281"}},
:ns-default build,
:paths ["build/resources"]},
:dev {:extra-deps {org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-core {:mvn/version "2.13.3"},
org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-slf4j-impl {:mvn/version "2.13.3"},
org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0"},
poly/cli {:local/root "bases/cli"},
poly/user-api {:local/root "bases/user-api"}},
:extra-paths ["development/src"]},
:poly {:extra-deps {polylith/clj-poly {:mvn/version "0.2.18"}},
:main-opts ["-m"
:test {:extra-paths ["bases/cli/test"
:name "development",
:type "project"}
{:deps {:aliases {:test {:extra-deps {}, :extra-paths []},
:uberjar {:main se.example.user-api.core}},
:deps {org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-core {:mvn/version "2.13.3"},
org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-slf4j-impl {:mvn/version "2.13.3"},
org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0"},
poly/user {:local/root "../../components/user"},
poly/user-api {:local/root "../../bases/user-api"}}},
:name "user-service",
:type "project"}],
:user {:color-mode "dark", :empty-character ".", :thousand-separator ","},
:workspace {:compact-views #{},
:default-profile-name "default",
:interface-ns "interface",
:tag-patterns {:release "v[0-9]*", :stable "stable-*"},
:top-namespace "se.example",
:vcs {:auto-add true, :name "git"}}}
These attributes are described in the Configuration section.
poly ws get:interfaces:user
{:definitions [{:name "hello",
:arglists [{:name "name"}],
:type "function"}],
:implementing-components ["user" "user-remote"],
:name "user",
:type "interface"}
A list of the public def
, defn
and defmacro
definitions that are part of the interface.
the name of the def
, defn
or defmacro
If it’s a multi-arity function or macro, then each arity will be stored separately.
Set for functions and macros.
Specifies the function/macro arguments:
The name of the argument.
If a type hint, e.g. ^String
is given, then this attribute is set.
Set to "data", "function" or "macro".
The name of the interface.
In this case the bricks user
and user-remote
share the same user
interface and live in the se.example.user.interface
Set to "interface".
poly ws get:messages
[{:code 103,
:message "Missing definitions in user's interface: hello[name]",
:colorized-message "Missing definitions in user's interface: hello[name]",
:components ["user"],
:type "error"}]
To trigger this error, we commented out the hello function from the user component interface.
The code of the error or warning.
To get a full list of existing codes, execute poly help check.
The error message.
The error message using colors so the text can be printed in color.
Each error message can have extra keys/information, like affected components as in this case.
Set to "error" or "warning".
poly ws get:name
The name of the workspace directory.
poly ws get:old ws-file:ws.edn
{:user-input {:args ["ws" "out:ws.edn"],
:cmd "ws",
:is-all `true`,
:is-dev false,
:is-latest-sha false,
:is-no-exit false,
:is-run-all-brick-tests false,
:is-run-project-tests false,
:is-search-for-ws-dir false,
:is-show-brick false,
:is-show-loc false,
:is-show-project false,
:is-show-resources false,
:is-show-workspace false,
:is-verbose false,
:out "ws.edn",
:selected-profiles #{},
:selected-projects #{},
:unnamed-args []}}
If the workspace is loaded using ws-file:WS-FILE
then the :old
key is populated.
The user input from the original ws file.
If any profiles are given, then this key is added with the value of :active-profiles
taken from the :settings
key from the original ws file.
poly ws get:paths
{:existing ["bases/cli/resources"
:on-disk ["bases/cli/resources"
:missing []}
All existing paths in the workspace that are used in bricks, projects, and profiles.
All paths to directories within the workspace.
All missing paths in the workspace that are used in bricks, projects, and profiles but don’t exist on disk.
poly ws get:profiles:default
{:base-names [],
:component-names ["image-creator" "system"],
:lib-deps {},
:name "default",
:paths ["components/image-creator/src" "components/system/src"],
:project-names [],
:type "profile"}
The bases that are referenced from the specified paths.
The components that are referenced from the specified paths.
The library dependencies specified by the key :extra-deps
the profile name, taken from an alias name that starts with a +
in ./deps.edn
The paths specified by the key :extra-paths
The projects that are referenced from the specified paths.
Set to "profile".
poly ws get:projects:user-service
{:alias "user-s",
:base-names {:src ["user-api"], :test ["user-api"]},
:bricks-to-test ["user" "user-api"],
:bricks-to-test-all-sources ["user" "user-api"],
:component-names {:src ["user"], :test ["user"]},
:deps {"user" {:src {}, :test {}},
"user-api" {:src {:direct ["user"]}, :test {:direct ["user"]}}},
:deps-filename "examples/doc-example/projects/user-service/deps.edn",
:indirect-changes {:src [], :test []},
:is-dev false,
:lib-deps {:src {"org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-core" {:size 1714164,
:type "maven",
:version "2.13.3"},
"org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-slf4j-impl" {:size 23590,
:type "maven",
:version "2.13.3"},
"org.clojure/clojure" {:size 4227052,
:type "maven",
:version "1.12.0"},
"slacker/slacker" {:size 28408,
:type "maven",
:version "0.17.0"}}},
:lib-imports {:src ["se.example.user-api.api" "slacker.server"],
:test ["clojure.test" "se.example.user-api.core"]},
:lines-of-code {:src 0, :test 0, :total {:src 44, :test 26}},
:maven-repos {"central" {:url "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/"},
"clojars" {:url "https://repo.clojars.org/"}},
:name "user-service",
:namespaces {},
:paths {:src ["bases/user-api/resources"
:test ["bases/user-api/test" "components/user/test"]},
:project-dir "examples/doc-example/projects/user-service",
:project-lib-deps {:src {"org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-core" {:size 1714164,
:type "maven",
:version "2.13.3"},
"org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-slf4j-impl" {:size 23590,
:type "maven",
:version "2.13.3"},
"org.clojure/clojure" {:size 4227052,
:type "maven",
:version "1.12.0"}},
:test {}},
:projects-to-test [],
:test {:create-test-runner [polylith.clj.core.clojure-test-test-runner.interface/create]},
:type "project"}
The project alias, specified in the project’s config.edn file.
The bases that are included in the project for the src
context, either as paths or included as :local/root
The bases that are included in the project for the test
context, either as paths or included as :local/root
A vector with the bricks to test from this project if executing the test command. Only contains bricks that have :test
Like :bricks-to-test
, but also contains bricks that do not have :test
The components that are included in the project for the src
context, either as paths or included as :local/root
The components that are included in the project for the test
context, either as paths or included as :local/root
A map with brick names as keys where each brick contains:
Keeps track of the dependencies from the :src
A vector with the direct dependencies, from the :src
directory, to components (component names).
A vector with the indirect dependencies, from the :src
directory, to components (component names).
A vector with the circular dependency chain, translated to the components in the project, e.g. ["a" "b" "c" "a"] from the :src
A vector containing missing interface and base names, that are directly accessed from the :src
A vector containing missing interface and base names, that are indirectly accessed from the :src
Keeps track of the dependencies from the :test
context, with the same set of keys as the :src
The absolute path to the deps.edn
config file.
A vector of the bricks that are indirectly changed (directly changed bricks excluded).
E.g. if components a
and b
are included in the project, and a
has not changed, but b
has changed and a
uses b
, then b
will be included in this vector.
Set to true
for the development project.
A vector containing the library names that should not be affected when executing poly libs :update
. Configured in the project’s config.edn file.
Stores a map with the libraries that are used in the project for the src context. Contains libraries that are specified by the project and the included bricks.
Set if there is a newer version of this library, except if :keep-lib-versions is set for this library. Calculated if :outdated
is given for any command, or if :update
is given for the libs command.
The size of this library in bytes.
The type of the library, "maven", "local" or "git" (:mvn/version
, :local/root
and :git/url
The library version:
if type is maven
then version is set to groupId/artifactId
if type is local
then the version key is excluded (a -
is shown in the output from the libs command).
if type is git
then the version is set to the first seven characters in the sha
A map with the libraries that are used in the project for the test context. Follows the same structure as the :src
All :lib-imports
taken from the bricks that are included in this project for the src
All :lib-imports
taken from the bricks that are included in this project for the test
Number of lines of code living in the project’s src
Number of lines of code living in the project’s test
The total number of lines of code for all the bricks that are included in this project.
The maven repos that are used by this project.
If :mvn/repos
is specified by a brick that is included in this project, then it will automatically turn up in this list.
The name of the project directory under the projects
If the project has a test
and/or src
directory, then the included namespaces are listed here.
Lists all the namespaces that live under the src directory.
The absolute path to the namespace.
Lists all its namespaces.
Set to true
if the namespace is missing or if the file can’t be parsed.
The name of the namespace where top namespace + component name (se.example
+ user
in this case) are stripped away.
The full name of the namespace.
Lists all the namespaces that live under the test
directory (same keys as for the :src
If we get Error 111 - Unreadable namespace in brick/project and know that the brick(s) has to be included in the project, then we can add the necessary bricks(s) to a vector in the project’s config.edn for this key.
Lists the paths that are either explicitly defined as paths or implicitly defined as :local/root
bricks, for the src
Lists the paths that are either explicitly defined as paths or implicitly defined as :local/root
bricks, for the test
The absolute path to the project directory.
Stores a map with the libraries that are specified by the project for the src context.
Set if there is a newer version of this library, except if :keep-lib-versions is set for this library. Calculated if :outdated
is given for any command, or if :update
is given for the libs command.
The size of this library in bytes.
The type of the library, "maven", "local" or "git" (:mvn/version
, :local/root
and :git/url
The library version:
if type is maven
then version is set to groupId/artifactId
if type is local
then the version key is excluded (a -
is shown in the output from the libs command).
if type is git
then the version is set to the first seven characters in the sha
A map with the libraries that are used in the project for the test context. Follows the same structure as the :src
A vector with the projects to test from this project if executing the test command.
Specifies which brick should be excluded when running the test command.
Specifies which bricks should be included when running the test command.
Empty if no bricks, missing if all bricks.
A vector with one or more test runners, see create test runner.
Set to "project".
poly ws get:settings
{:active-profiles #{"default"},
:color-mode "dark",
:compact-views #{},
:default-profile-name "default",
:empty-character ".",
:interface-ns "interface",
:m2-dir "/Users/joakimtengstrand/.m2",
:tag-patterns {:release "v[0-9]*", :stable "stable-*"},
:thousand-separator ",",
:top-namespace "polylith.clj.core",
:user-config-filename "/Users/joakimtengstrand/.config/polylith/config.edn",
:user-home "/Users/joakimtengstrand",
:vcs {:auto-add false,
:branch "issue-315",
:git-root "/Users/joakimtengstrand/source/polylith",
:is-git-repo true,
:name "git",
:polylith {:branch "master",
:repo "https://github.com/polyfy/polylith.git"},
:stable-since {:sha "15453ebc5a86f52ee1c75ec52ebb19da4b113c30",
:tag "stable-master"}}}
If any profiles are defined in ./deps.edn
then the active profiles(s) are listed here.
The color mode specified in ~/.config/polylith/config.edn
The set of views that should be shown in a more compact way, specified in workspace.edn
The name of the default profile name, specified in workspace.edn
The character used to represent empty space in output from e.g. the libs command, specified in workspace.edn
The name of the namespace/package that is used to represent interfaces, specified in workspace.edn
Maven user root directory.
Set to "~/.m2" by default, but can be overridden in ~/.config/polylith/config.edn
The tag patterns that are specified in workspace.edn
Global test configuration used as basis for project test configuration (projects will use these settings and override it with its own settings).
Specifies which brick should be excluded when running the test command.
Specifies which bricks should be included when running the test command.
Empty if no bricks, missing if all bricks.
A vector with one or more test runners, see create test runner.
Used by numbers >= 1000 (e.g. the KB column in the libs command) specified in ~/.config/polylith/config.edn
The top namespace for the workspace, specified in workspace.edn
The full path to the user config filename.
The user home, specified by the user.home environment variable.
Set to true
if files and directories created by the create command should be automatically added to git.
Specified in workspace.edn
The name of the git branch.
The root of the git repository.
Set to "git".
Set to master
if branch:BRANCH
is given.
The branch is used when calculating the latest sha in ./deps.edn
for the key :aliases > :poly > :extra-deps > sha
Set to "https://github.com/polyfy/polylith.git".
The latest stable point in time.
The tag for the latest stable point in time (if exists).
poly ws get:user-input
{:args ["ws" "get:user-input"]
:cmd "ws"
:is-all false
:is-commit false
:is-compact false
:is-dev false
:is-fake-poly false
:is-github false
:is-hide-lib-size false
:is-latest-sha false
:is-local false
:is-no-changes false
:is-no-exit false
:is-outdated false
:is-run-all-brick-tests false
:is-run-project-tests false
:is-search-for-ws-dir false
:is-shell false
:is-show-brick false
:is-show-loc false
:is-show-project false
:is-show-resources false
:is-show-workspace false
:is-swap-axes false
:is-tap false
:is-update false
:is-verbose false
:selected-profiles #{}
:selected-projects #{}
:unnamed-args []}
We also have a number of arguments that are only populated if they are passed in as an argument:
{:branch "master"
:changed-files ["images/doc.png" "workspace.edn"]
:color-mode "none"
:help "info"
:dir "../clojure-polylith-realworld-example-app"
:fake-sha "c91fdad"
:fake-tag "stable-lisa"
:file "usermanager.edn"
:get "user-input"
:interface "user"
:is-git-add true
:libraries ["org.clojure/clojure"]
:more ["blog-posts" "how-polylith-came-to-life"]
:out "example.edn"
:page "naming"
:replace [{:from "this", :to "that"}]
:selected-bricks ["user"]
:since "previous-release"
:skip ["dev"]
:top-ns "se.example"
:with ["default"]
:ws "settings"
:ws-dir "examples/doc-example"
:ws-file "realworld.edn"
The arguments to the poly
tool where the first argument is the command.
Used in the create workspace command to give the branch, otherwise the workspace will be created in the main
Overrides the real changed-files that is retrieved from a git.
The first argument to the poly
Overrides the color-mode.
Used by the switch-ws command.
Overrides the "stable since" sha
in the output from the info command.
Used when taking screenshots for this documentation.
Sets the tag (or clears it if "") used by the info command.
Sometimes used when taking screenshots for this documentation.
Used by the switch-ws command.
Used by the ws command.
Used by the doc command.
Used by the create component command.
Set to true
if :all
is given.
Set to true
if :commit
is given.
Set to true
if :compact
is given.
Used in combination with the libs
and deps
Set to true
if :dev
is given.
Set to true
if :fake-poly
is given.
Used when using the polyx
tool with the help
and when starting a shell
with poly shell :fake-poly
where the latter will show e.g. "poly 0.2.21" as version, instead of e.g. "polyx 0.2.21-SNAPSHOT".
Used by the create component, create base and create project commands to add created files to git.
Has the same effect for current command as if :vcs > :auto-add
was set to true
in workspace.edn
Set to true
if :github
is given.
Used by the doc command to open the corresponding page on GitHub.
Set to true
if :is-hide-lib-size
is given. Used by the tests to show -
instead the of size of the libraries in the libs
command, to protect tests from failing if a library hasn’t been downloaded yet.
Set to true
if :latest-sha
is given.
Set to true
if :local
is given.
If set, the doc command will use localhost
instead of cljdoc.org
, when opening cljdoc pages.
The :local
argument can also be passed in when starting a shell.
Set to true
if :no-changes
is given.
Used to fake that no changes have been made since the last stable point in time.
Set to true
if :no-exit
is given.
This will prevent the poly
tool from exiting with System/exit
Set to true
if :outdated
is given.
Set to true
if :all
or :all-bricks are given
Set to true
if :all
or :project
are given.
Set to true
if a shell has been started with the shell command.
Set to true
if ::
is given.
Set to true
if :brick
is given.
Used by poly help deps :brick
to show help for the deps command when brick:BRICK
is given.
Set to true
if :loc
is given.
If given, then the info
command will show the number of lines of code.
Set to true
if :project
is given.
Used by poly help deps :project
to show help for the deps command when project:PROJECT
is given.
Set to true
if :r
or :resources
is given.
This will tell the info
command to show the r
status flag.
Set to true
if :workspace
is given.
Used by poly help deps :workspace
to show help for the deps command when workspace:WORKSPACE
is given.
Set to true
if :swap-axes
is given.
Used by poly deps :swap-axes
to swap the x and y axes.
Set to true
if :tap
is given.
Set to true
if :update
is given. Used by the libs command.
Used in combination with the test
command to show extra information.
Mainly used by the ws command, but can also be passed in to the info, deps, and libs commands to generate a text file from the output.
This is also available in the overview command if using the polyx tool.
Used by the libs command.
Used in tests when maintaining the poly
tool itself, to make the output more stable.
Set to e.g. [{:from "this", :to "that"}]
if replace:this:that
is given.
More than one pair of values can be passed in, separated with :.
A vector of bricks.
The key is only populated if bricks:
is given.
Used by the info and test commands.
A vector of profiles, e.g. ["default" "extra"]
, if poly info +default +extra
is executed.
Used by the info and test commands.
A vector of projects.
Used by the info and test commands.
Finds the corresponding key in :tag-patterns
in workspace.edn
and uses that regex to find the latest matching tag/sha in the git repository, which is the latest stable point in time used by various commands.
Used to skip projects, as if they never existed.
Often used to skip the development project, in e.g. the ws commands.
The top namespace, used by the create workspace command.
All given arguments that don’t contain a :
So if we type poly ws get:user-input:unnamed-args :flag arg xx:123
it will return ["arg"]
but not xx
Used by the libs command.
Used by switch-ws.
Used by the test command to merge snippets of configuaration into the :test
key in workspace.edn.
Used by the doc command.
If set, holds the workspace directory we have switched to.
Can either be explicitly passed in together with the poly
or implicitly set by the xref:commands.adoc#switch-ws command, using the dir
If set, holds the filename of the exported workspace we have switched to.
Can either be explicitly passed in together with the poly
command, or implicitly set by the xref:commands.adoc#switch-ws, using the file
poly ws get:version
{:api {:breaking 1
:non-breaking 0}
:release {:date "2023-07-24"
:major 0
:minor 2
:name "0.2.18-SNAPSHOT"
:patch 18
:revision "SNAPSHOT"
:snapshot 1
:tool "poly"}
:test-runner-api {:breaking 1
:non-breaking 0}
:ws {:breaking 3
:non-breaking 0}}
There are four areas that are version controlled in Polylith:
Key | Description |
| The |
| |
| The test runner API |
The date of the release in the format yyyy-mm-dd
The major version, set to zero.
Increased by one if any breaking changes.
The full name of the release.
Increased by one for each release within a given major.minor
What comes after major.minor.path
Has the value "" if a final release, or "SNAPSHOT" if a snapshot release (older releases can have other values here).
Only set if a snapshot release, otherwise 0.
The first snapshot release will have the value of 1.
Each subsequent snapshot release will increase this value by one.
Set to "poly" if the poly
tool, or "polyx" if the extended polyx tool.
Versioning of the test runner API:
Increased by one if introducing a non-backward compatible change of the test runner API.
Increased by one when a non-breaking change is made to the test runner API.
Versioning of the internal workspace format, returned by poly ws
Increased by one if introducing a non-backward compatible change of the workspace format:
If an attribute has changed name.
If an attribute has been deleted.
If the data format of an attribute has changed.
Increased by one when a non-breaking change is made to the workspace format.
Set to the value of :version
if the workspace is read from a file, produced by a different version than the current version of the poly
tool, or if the workspace is read from a directory that has not been migrated from :toolsdeps1
to :toolsdeps2
The version of the poly
tool from which this ws file was created.
The breaking version of the original ws
The non-breaking version of the original ws
Changes to the workspace structure is documented in the versions page.
poly ws get:ws-dir
The absolute path of the workspace directory.
poly ws get:ws-local-dir
If the workspace lives at the same level as the git root, which will be the case if we create a workspace outside a git repository, or within an existing without giving a name, then this attribute is not set. If the workspace lives inside the git root as a directory or subdirectory, which will be the case if we create the workspace inside an existing repository and giving it a name, then it is set to the relative path to the git root.
poly ws get:ws-reader
{:file-extensions ["clj" "cljs" "cljc"],
:language "Clojure",
:name "polylith-clj",
:project-url "https://github.com/polyfy/polylith",
:type-position "postfix"}
This structure explains different aspects of the tool that created this workspace structure (the poly
tool in this case) and the idea is that new tooling could support the workspace format
and populate this structure so that it can be used by external tooling.
Lists the supported file extensions.
The name of the supported language.
The name of the workspace reader.
The URL to the workspace reader tool.
Set to postfix
because types (type hints) come before the arguments, in Clojure, e.g. ^String arg
In some other languages like Scala, the types come after the arguments.
poly ws get:ws-type
Outputs the type of workspace:
With start from version 0.2.10-alpha we store deps.edn
files in each brick, see issue 66.
These workspaces will have ws-type
set to :toolsdeps2
All older versions (0.1.0-alpha9 and older) will have ws-type
set to :toolsdeps1
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