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Whenever you run the create command, Polylith uses template files to generate the desired files in the new component, base, project, or workspace.

Polylith has a default set of template files for this but you can override some or all of them on a per-project or global (user) level.

Each template can use a number of variable substitutions (listed below), using {{var-name}} for the placeholder to be replaced. The specific variables provided for each template are shown in the various create sections below.

Because Polylith uses Selmer for rendering the templates, you can also use any of the built-in filters and tags in your templates. For example, you might want to add a copyright notice at the top of your source files:

;; copyright (c) {% now "yyyy" %} acme inc, all rights reserved

(ns {{interface-ns}}
  (:require [{{impl-ns}} :as impl]))

Since you can override the development and projects' deps.edn files, you can provide your own default dependencies, such as testing libraries, and you can override how test files are rendered to :require those testing libraries and provide default tests using that style.

The full set of template files is:

├── .gitignore
├── bases
│   ├── deps.edn
│   ├── main.clj
│   └── test.clj
├── components
│   ├── deps.edn
│   ├── impl.clj
│   ├── interface.clj
│   └── test.clj
├── deps.edn
├── projects
│   └── deps.edn
└── workspace.edn

templates/components/impl.clj is optional (and has no default version).

The per-project templates should be added to the .polylith folder within the project, e.g., <project>/.polylith/templates/components/interface.clj

The per-user templates to should be added to the .config/polylith folder in your home directory, e.g., $HOME/.config/polylith/templates/workspace.edn

For each template needed by the poly create command, the per-project one is used if present, else the per-user one is used if present, else Polylith’s internal default version.

create workspace

This command uses the following template files to generate parts of the new workspace:

  • templates/.gitignore → the top-level .gitignore file

  • templates/deps.edn → the top-level deps.edn file

  • templates/ → the top-level file

  • templates/workspace.edn → the top-level workspace.edn file

For all these templates, the following variables are provided:

  • {{clojure-ver}} — the default version of Clojure to use; currently "1.12.0"

  • {{maven-ver}} — the default version of Polylith to use

  • {{top-ns}} — the top namespace name (from the create workspace command)

  • {{ws-name}} — the name of the workspace (from the create workspace command)

create component

This command uses the following template files to generate the new component:

  • templates/components/deps.edn → the new component’s deps.edn file

  • no variable substitutions are provided

  • templates/components/interface.clj → the new component’s interface source file (based on the :interface-ns setting in workspace.edn etc)

  • {{interface-ns}} — the interface namespace (from the create component command)

  • {{impl-ns}} — the impl.clj namespace name (derived from the interface name)

  • if present, templates/components/impl.clj → the new component’s impl.clj source file

  • {{interface-ns}} — the interface namespace (from the create component command)

  • {{impl-ns}} — the impl.clj namespace name (derived from the interface name)

  • templates/components/test.clj → the new component’s interface test file

  • {{test-ns}} — the namespace of the new test file

  • {{src-ns}} — the namespace of the new source file — the interface namespace

  • {{alias}} — an alias that can be used for the source file in :require

create base

This command uses the following template files to generate the new base:

  • templates/bases/deps.edn → the new base’s deps.edn file

  • no variable substitutions are provided

  • templates/bases/main.clj → the new base’s core.clj source file

  • {{main-ns}} — the core namespace

  • templates/bases/test.clj → the new base’s interface test file

  • {{test-ns}} — the namespace of the new test file

  • {{src-ns}} — the namespace of the new source file — the core namespace

  • {{alias}} — an alias that can be used for the source file in :require

create project

This command uses the following template files to generate the new project:

  • templates/projects/deps.edn → the new project’s deps.edn file

  • {{clojure-ver}} — the default version of Clojure to use; currently "1.12.0"

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