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(create-pool config)

Inputs: [config :- jruby-schemas/JRubyConfig] Returns: jruby-schemas/PoolContext

Inputs: [config :- jruby-schemas/JRubyConfig]
Returns: jruby-schemas/PoolContext
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(create-pool-context config)

Inputs: [config :- jruby-schemas/JRubyConfig] Returns: jruby-schemas/PoolContext

Creates a new JRuby pool context with an empty pool. Once the JRuby pool object has been created, it will need to be filled using prime-pool!.

Inputs: [config :- jruby-schemas/JRubyConfig]
Returns: jruby-schemas/PoolContext

Creates a new JRuby pool context with an empty pool. Once the JRuby
pool object has been created, it will need to be filled using `prime-pool!`.
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