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(flush-if-at-max-borrows pool-context instance)

Inputs: [pool-context :- jruby-schemas/PoolContext instance :- JRubyInstance]

Inputs: [pool-context :- jruby-schemas/PoolContext instance :- JRubyInstance]
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(flush-pool* pool-context)

Inputs: [pool-context :- jruby-schemas/PoolContext]

Flushes the pool, assuming it has already been locked by the calling function. Do not call this without first locking the pool, or the flush may never complete, since it requires that all references be returned to proceed.

Inputs: [pool-context :- jruby-schemas/PoolContext]

Flushes the pool, assuming it has already been locked by the calling function.
Do not call this without first locking the pool, or the flush may never complete,
since it requires that all references be returned to proceed.
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(max-borrows-exceeded current-borrows max-borrows)

Inputs: [current-borrows :- schema/Int max-borrows :- schema/Int] Returns: schema/Bool

Returns true if max-borrows is set and the current borrow count has exceeded the allowed maximum.

Inputs: [current-borrows :- schema/Int max-borrows :- schema/Int]
Returns: schema/Bool

Returns true if max-borrows is set and the current borrow count has
exceeded the allowed maximum.
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