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System Environment variables have strings for the keys and values of a map

System Environment variables have strings for the keys and values of a map
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Schema for a clojure persistent map for the system environment

Schema for a clojure persistent map for the system environment
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(event-type-borrowed? e)


(event-type-lock-acquired? e)


(event-type-lock-released? e)


(event-type-lock-requested? e)


(event-type-requested? e)


(event-type-returned? e)


(jruby-instance-config? x)


(jruby-instance? x)


(jruby-main-instance? x)


(jruby-main-status-instance? x)


(jruby-scripting-container? x)




Schema defining the config map for the JRuby pooling functions.

The keys should have the following values:

  • :ruby-load-path - a vector of file paths, containing the locations of ruby source code.

  • :gem-home - The location that JRuby gems will be installed

  • :gem-path - The full path where JRuby should look for gems

  • :compile-mode - The value to use for JRuby's CompileMode setting. Legal values are :jit, :force, and :off. Defaults to :off.

  • :max-active-instances - The maximum number of JRubyInstances that will be pooled.

  • :splay-instance-flush - Whether or not to splay flushing of instances

  • :environment-vars - A map of environment variables and their values to be passed through to the JRuby scripting container and visible to any Ruby code.

  • :profiling-mode - The value to use for JRuby's ProfilerMode setting. Legal values are :api, :flat, :graph, :html, :json, :off, and :service. Defaults to :off.

  • :profiler-output-file - A target file to direct profiler output to. If not set, defaults to a random file relative to the working directory of the service.

  • :multithreaded - Instead of managing the number of JRuby Instances create a single JRuby instance and manage the number of threads that may access it.

  • :instance-creation-concurrency - How many instances to create at once. This will improve start up and potentially reload times, but if too high may create unaceptable load on the system during startup or reload.

Schema defining the config map for the JRuby pooling functions.

The keys should have the following values:

  * :ruby-load-path - a vector of file paths, containing the locations of ruby source code.

  * :gem-home - The location that JRuby gems will be installed

  * :gem-path - The full path where JRuby should look for gems

  * :compile-mode - The value to use for JRuby's CompileMode setting.  Legal
      values are `:jit`, `:force`, and `:off`.  Defaults to `:off`.

  * :max-active-instances - The maximum number of JRubyInstances that
      will be pooled.

  * :splay-instance-flush - Whether or not to splay flushing of instances

  * :environment-vars - A map of environment variables and their values to be
      passed through to the JRuby scripting container and visible to any Ruby code.

  * :profiling-mode - The value to use for JRuby's ProfilerMode setting. Legal
      values are `:api`, `:flat`, `:graph`, `:html`, `:json`, `:off`, and
      `:service`. Defaults to `:off`.

  * :profiler-output-file - A target file to direct profiler output to. If
      not set, defaults to a random file relative to the working directory
      of the service.

  * :multithreaded - Instead of managing the number of JRuby Instances create
      a single JRuby instance and manage the number of threads that may access it.

  * :instance-creation-concurrency - How many instances to create at once. This
      will improve start up and potentially reload times, but if too high may
      create unaceptable load on the system during startup or reload.
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State metadata for an individual JRubyInstance

State metadata for an individual JRubyInstance
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An atom containing the current state of a given JRubyInstance.

An atom containing the current state of a given JRubyInstance.
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An agent configured for use in managing JRuby pools

An agent configured for use in managing JRuby pools
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(map->InstancePool m5211)

Factory function for class InstancePool, taking a map of keywords to field values, but not much slower than ->x like the clojure.core version. (performance is fixed in Clojure 1.7, so this should eventually be removed.)

Factory function for class InstancePool, taking a map of keywords to field values, but not much
slower than ->x like the clojure.core version.
(performance is fixed in Clojure 1.7, so this should eventually be removed.)
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(map->JRubyInstance m5272)

Factory function for class JRubyInstance, taking a map of keywords to field values, but not much slower than ->x like the clojure.core version. (performance is fixed in Clojure 1.7, so this should eventually be removed.)

Factory function for class JRubyInstance, taking a map of keywords to field values, but not much
slower than ->x like the clojure.core version.
(performance is fixed in Clojure 1.7, so this should eventually be removed.)
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(map->ReferencePool m5151)

Factory function for class ReferencePool, taking a map of keywords to field values, but not much slower than ->x like the clojure.core version. (performance is fixed in Clojure 1.7, so this should eventually be removed.)

Factory function for class ReferencePool, taking a map of keywords to field values, but not much
slower than ->x like the clojure.core version.
(performance is fixed in Clojure 1.7, so this should eventually be removed.)
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(poison-pill? x)


The Java datastructure type used to store JRubyInstances which are free to be borrowed.

The Java datastructure type used to store JRubyInstances which are
free to be borrowed.
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The data structure that stores all JRuby pools

The data structure that stores all JRuby pools
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A map that describes all attributes of a particular JRuby pool.

A map that describes all attributes of a particular JRuby pool.
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An atom containing the current state of all of the JRuby pool.

An atom containing the current state of all of the JRuby pool.
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(shutdown-poison-pill? x)


(strict-map->InstancePool m5212 & [drop-extra-keys?__1884__auto__])

Factory function for class InstancePool, taking a map of keywords to field values. All keys are required, and no extra keys are allowed. Even faster than map->

Factory function for class InstancePool, taking a map of keywords to field values.  All keys are required, and no extra keys are allowed.  Even faster than map->
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(strict-map->JRubyInstance m5273 & [drop-extra-keys?__1884__auto__])

Factory function for class JRubyInstance, taking a map of keywords to field values. All keys are required, and no extra keys are allowed. Even faster than map->

Factory function for class JRubyInstance, taking a map of keywords to field values.  All keys are required, and no extra keys are allowed.  Even faster than map->
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(strict-map->ReferencePool m5152 & [drop-extra-keys?__1884__auto__])

Factory function for class ReferencePool, taking a map of keywords to field values. All keys are required, and no extra keys are allowed. Even faster than map->

Factory function for class ReferencePool, taking a map of keywords to field values.  All keys are required, and no extra keys are allowed.  Even faster than map->
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Schema defining the supported values for the JRuby CompileMode setting.

Schema defining the supported values for the JRuby CompileMode setting.
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Schema defining the supported values for the JRuby ProfilingMode setting.

Schema defining the supported values for the JRuby ProfilingMode setting.
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