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(shutdown pool-context)

Shuts down the JRuby pool, inserting a poison pill to prevent further borrows and terminating all JRuby instances.

Shuts down the JRuby pool, inserting a poison pill to prevent further borrows and terminating
all JRuby instances.


(lock pool-context)

Blocks waiting for all currently held JRubies to be returned to the pool, preventing further borrows until the pool is unlocked.

Blocks waiting for all currently held JRubies to be returned to the pool, preventing further
borrows until the pool is unlocked.


(return pool-context instance)

Releases a held reference to a JRuby instance back to the pool and returns the worker id (instance id or thread id) for the thing being returned. If max-requests-per-instance is configured and has been reached for this instance, this function will trigger a flush of the instance. Note that when using the ReferencePool, this will also cause the pool to be locked.

If something besides a JRuby instance is passed to return (e.g. a Pill), this function is a no-op.

Releases a held reference to a JRuby instance back to the pool and returns the worker id
(instance id or thread id) for the thing being returned. If `max-requests-per-instance`
is configured and has been reached for this instance, this function will trigger a flush of
the instance. Note that when using the ReferencePool, this will also cause the pool to be locked.

If something besides a JRuby instance is passed to return (e.g. a Pill), this function is a no-op.


(fill pool-context)

Creates all the necessary JRuby instances and adds them to the pool.

Creates all the necessary JRuby instances and adds them to the pool.


(borrow-with-timeout pool-context timeout)

Returns a reference to a JRuby instance and a worker id (instance id or thread id). Will block if the pool is locked or no instances are available, timing out when the supplied number of milliseconds has elapsed.

Returns a reference to a JRuby instance and a worker id (instance id or thread id).
Will block if the pool is locked or no instances are available, timing out when the
supplied number of milliseconds has elapsed.


(flush-pool pool-context)

Removes and terminates all the JRuby instances from the pool, then creates new ones and adds them to the pool. Note that when using the ReferencePool, this will cause the pool to be locked, with a timeout equal to the configured flush-timeout.

Removes and terminates all the JRuby instances from the pool, then creates new ones and adds
them to the pool. Note that when using the ReferencePool, this will cause the pool to be locked,
with a timeout equal to the configured `flush-timeout`.


(borrow pool-context)

Returns a reference to a JRuby instance and a worker id (instance id or thread id). Will block if the pool is locked or no instances are available.

Returns a reference to a JRuby instance and a worker id (instance id or thread id).
Will block if the pool is locked or no instances are available.


(lock-with-timeout pool-context timeout time-unit)

Attempts to lock the JRuby pool, timing out if the supplied interval has elapsed.

Attempts to lock the JRuby pool, timing out if the supplied interval has elapsed.


(unlock pool-context)

Unlocks the JRuby pool, allowing borrows to proceed.

Unlocks the JRuby pool, allowing borrows to proceed.


(worker-id pool-context instance)

Returns the worker id for given instance (instance id or thread id).

Returns the worker id for given instance (instance id or thread id).

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