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(minimize f a b)
(minimize f a b observe)

Find the minimum of the function f: R -> R in the interval [a,b]. If observe is supplied, will be invoked with the iteration count and the values of x and f(x) at each search step.

Find the minimum of the function f: R -> R in the interval [a,b]. If
observe is supplied, will be invoked with the iteration count and the
values of x and f(x) at each search step.
sourceraw docstring


(multidimensional-minimize func x0 & {:keys [info?] :as opts})

Entrypoint for multidimensional minimization routines.

See sicmutils.numerical.multimin.nelder-mead/nelder-mead for the only supported option.

Entrypoint for multidimensional minimization routines.

See `sicmutils.numerical.multimin.nelder-mead/nelder-mead` for the only
supported option.
sourceraw docstring

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