The MouseEvent interface represents events that occur due to user interacting with a pointing device (such as a mouse). Common using this interface include click, dblclick, mouseup, mousedown.
The MouseEvent interface represents events that occur due to user interacting with a pointing device (such as a mouse). Common using this interface include click, dblclick, mouseup, mousedown.
(alt-key this)
The MouseEvent.altKey read-only property is a js.Boolean
whether the alt key was pressed or not when a given mouse event
var altKeyPressed = instanceOfMouseEvent.altKey
See also:
Property. The MouseEvent.altKey read-only property is a `js.Boolean` that whether the alt key was pressed or not when a given mouse event `var altKeyPressed = instanceOfMouseEvent.altKey` See also: ``
(button this)
The MouseEvent.button read-only property indicates which button pressed on the mouse to trigger the event.
var buttonPressed = instanceOfMouseEvent.button
See also:
Property. The MouseEvent.button read-only property indicates which button pressed on the mouse to trigger the event. `var buttonPressed = instanceOfMouseEvent.button` See also: ``
(buttons this)
The MouseEvent.buttons read-only property indicates which buttons pressed on the mouse (or other input device) when a mouse event triggered.
var buttonsPressed = instanceOfMouseEvent.buttons
See also:
Property. The MouseEvent.buttons read-only property indicates which buttons pressed on the mouse (or other input device) when a mouse event triggered. `var buttonsPressed = instanceOfMouseEvent.buttons` See also: ``
(client-x this)
The clientX read-only property of the web.MouseEvent
the horizontal coordinate within the application's client area
which the event occurred (as opposed to the coordinate within
var x = instanceOfMouseEvent.clientX
See also:
Property. The clientX read-only property of the `web.MouseEvent` interface the horizontal coordinate within the application's client area which the event occurred (as opposed to the coordinate within page). `var x = instanceOfMouseEvent.clientX` See also: ``
(client-y this)
The clientY read-only property of the web.MouseEvent
the vertical coordinate within the application's client area
which the event occurred (as opposed to the coordinate within
var y = instanceOfMouseEvent.clientY
See also:
Property. The clientY read-only property of the `web.MouseEvent` interface the vertical coordinate within the application's client area which the event occurred (as opposed to the coordinate within page). `var y = instanceOfMouseEvent.clientY` See also: ``
The MouseEvent() constructor creates a new web.MouseEvent
See also:
Constructor. The MouseEvent() constructor creates a new `web.MouseEvent`. See also: ``
(ctrl-key this)
The MouseEvent.ctrlKey read-only property is a js.Boolean
whether the ctrl key was pressed or not when a given mouse event
var ctrlKeyPressed = instanceOfMouseEvent.ctrlKey
See also:
Property. The MouseEvent.ctrlKey read-only property is a `js.Boolean` that whether the ctrl key was pressed or not when a given mouse event `var ctrlKeyPressed = instanceOfMouseEvent.ctrlKey` See also: ``
(get-modifier-state this key-arg)
The MouseEvent.getModifierState() method returns the current of the specified modifier key: true if the modifier is active the modifier key is pressed or locked), otherwise, false.
var active = event.getModifierState(keyArg);
See also:
Method. The MouseEvent.getModifierState() method returns the current of the specified modifier key: true if the modifier is active the modifier key is pressed or locked), otherwise, false. `var active = event.getModifierState(keyArg);` See also: ``
(init-mouse-event this & args)
The MouseEvent.initMouseEvent() method initializes the value
a mouse event once it's been created (normally using the Document.createEvent()
event.initMouseEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, view, detail, screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget);
See also:
Method. The MouseEvent.initMouseEvent() method initializes the value a mouse event once it's been created (normally using the `Document.createEvent()` `event.initMouseEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, view, detail, screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget);` See also: ``
(meta-key this)
The MouseEvent.metaKey read-only property is a js.Boolean
whether the meta key was pressed or not when a given mouse event
var metaKeyPressed = instanceOfMouseEvent.metaKey
See also:
Property. The MouseEvent.metaKey read-only property is a `js.Boolean` that whether the meta key was pressed or not when a given mouse event `var metaKeyPressed = instanceOfMouseEvent.metaKey` See also: ``
(movement-x this)
The movementX read-only property of the web.MouseEvent
the difference in the X coordinate of the mouse pointer between
given event and the previous mousemove event. In other words,
value of the property is computed like this: currentEvent.movementX
currentEvent.screenX - previousEvent.screenX.
var xShift = instanceOfMouseEvent.movementX;
See also:
Property. The movementX read-only property of the `web.MouseEvent` interface the difference in the X coordinate of the mouse pointer between given event and the previous mousemove event. In other words, value of the property is computed like this: currentEvent.movementX currentEvent.screenX - previousEvent.screenX. `var xShift = instanceOfMouseEvent.movementX;` See also: ``
(movement-y this)
The movementY read-only property of the web.MouseEvent
the difference in the Y coordinate of the mouse pointer between
given event and the previous mousemove event. In other words,
value of the property is computed like this: currentEvent.movementY
currentEvent.screenY - previousEvent.screenY.
var yShift = instanceOfMouseEvent.movementY;
See also:
Property. The movementY read-only property of the `web.MouseEvent` interface the difference in the Y coordinate of the mouse pointer between given event and the previous mousemove event. In other words, value of the property is computed like this: currentEvent.movementY currentEvent.screenY - previousEvent.screenY. `var yShift = instanceOfMouseEvent.movementY;` See also: ``
(moz-input-source this)
The MouseEvent.mozInputSource read-only property on web.MouseEvent
information indicating the type of device that generated the
This lets you, for example, determine whether a mouse event was
by an actual mouse or by a touch event (which might affect the
of accuracy with which you interpret the coordinates associated
the event).
var source = instanceOfMouseEvent.mozInputSource;
See also:
Property. The MouseEvent.mozInputSource read-only property on `web.MouseEvent` information indicating the type of device that generated the This lets you, for example, determine whether a mouse event was by an actual mouse or by a touch event (which might affect the of accuracy with which you interpret the coordinates associated the event). `var source = instanceOfMouseEvent.mozInputSource;` See also: ``
(offset-x this)
The offsetX read-only property of the web.MouseEvent
the offset in the X coordinate of the mouse pointer between that
and the padding edge of the target node.
var xOffset = instanceOfMouseEvent.offsetX;
See also:
Property. The offsetX read-only property of the `web.MouseEvent` interface the offset in the X coordinate of the mouse pointer between that and the padding edge of the target node. `var xOffset = instanceOfMouseEvent.offsetX;` See also: ``
(offset-y this)
The offsetY read-only property of the web.MouseEvent
the offset in the Y coordinate of the mouse pointer between that
and the padding edge of the target node.
var yOffset = instanceOfMouseEvent.offsetY;
See also:
Property. The offsetY read-only property of the `web.MouseEvent` interface the offset in the Y coordinate of the mouse pointer between that and the padding edge of the target node. `var yOffset = instanceOfMouseEvent.offsetY;` See also: ``
(page-x this)
The pageX read-only property of the web.MouseEvent
the X (horizontal) coordinate (in pixels) at which the mouse
clicked, relative to the left edge of the entire document.
var pageX = MouseEvent.pageX;
See also:
Property. The pageX read-only property of the `web.MouseEvent` interface the X (horizontal) coordinate (in pixels) at which the mouse clicked, relative to the left edge of the entire document. `var pageX = MouseEvent.pageX;` See also: ``
(page-y this)
The pageY read-only property of the web.MouseEvent
the Y (vertical) coordinate in pixels of the event relative to
whole document. This property takes into account any vertical
of the page.
`var pos = event.pageY;
Originally, this property was defined as a long integer. The CSSOM View Module redefined it as a double float. See the Browser compatibility section for details.`
See also:
Property. The pageY read-only property of the `web.MouseEvent` interface the Y (vertical) coordinate in pixels of the event relative to whole document. This property takes into account any vertical of the page. `var pos = event.pageY; Originally, this property was defined as a long integer. The CSSOM View Module redefined it as a double float. See the Browser compatibility section for details.` See also: ``
(region this)
The MouseEvent.region read-only property returns the id of the hit region affected by the event. If no hit region is affected, is returned.
var hitRegion = instanceOfMouseEvent.region
See also:
Property. The MouseEvent.region read-only property returns the id of the hit region affected by the event. If no hit region is affected, is returned. `var hitRegion = instanceOfMouseEvent.region` See also: ``
(related-target this)
The MouseEvent.relatedTarget read-only property is the secondary for the mouse event, if there is one. That is:
var target = instanceOfMouseEvent.relatedTarget
See also:
Property. The MouseEvent.relatedTarget read-only property is the secondary for the mouse event, if there is one. That is: `var target = instanceOfMouseEvent.relatedTarget` See also: ``
(screen-x this)
The screenX read-only property of the web.MouseEvent
the horizontal coordinate (offset) of the mouse pointer in global
var x = instanceOfMouseEvent.screenX
See also:
Property. The screenX read-only property of the `web.MouseEvent` interface the horizontal coordinate (offset) of the mouse pointer in global coordinates. `var x = instanceOfMouseEvent.screenX` See also: ``
(screen-y this)
The screenY read-only property of the web.MouseEvent
the vertical coordinate (offset) of the mouse pointer in global
var y = instanceOfMouseEvent.screenY
See also:
Property. The screenY read-only property of the `web.MouseEvent` interface the vertical coordinate (offset) of the mouse pointer in global coordinates. `var y = instanceOfMouseEvent.screenY` See also: ``
(set-webkit-force! this val)
MouseEvent.webkitForce is a proprietary, WebKit-specific numeric whose value represents the amount of pressure that is being applied the touchpad or touchscreen.
See also:
Property. MouseEvent.webkitForce is a proprietary, WebKit-specific numeric whose value represents the amount of pressure that is being applied the touchpad or touchscreen. See also: ``
(set-webkit-force-at-force-mouse-down! this val)
MouseEvent.WEBKIT_FORCE_AT_FORCE_MOUSE_DOWN is a proprietary, static numeric property whose value is the minimum force necessary a force click.
See also:
Property. MouseEvent.WEBKIT_FORCE_AT_FORCE_MOUSE_DOWN is a proprietary, static numeric property whose value is the minimum force necessary a force click. See also: ``
(set-webkit-force-at-mouse-down! this val)
MouseEvent.WEBKIT_FORCE_AT_MOUSE_DOWN is a proprietary, WebKit-specific, numeric property whose value is the minimum force necessary for normal click.
See also:
Property. MouseEvent.WEBKIT_FORCE_AT_MOUSE_DOWN is a proprietary, WebKit-specific, numeric property whose value is the minimum force necessary for normal click. See also: ``
(set-x! this val)
The MouseEvent.x property is an alias for the MouseEvent.clientX
See also:
Property. The MouseEvent.x property is an alias for the `MouseEvent.clientX` See also: ``
(set-y! this val)
The MouseEvent.y property is an alias for the MouseEvent.clientY
See also:
Property. The MouseEvent.y property is an alias for the `MouseEvent.clientY` See also: ``
(shift-key this)
The MouseEvent.shiftKey read-only property is a js.Boolean
indicates whether the shift key was pressed or not when a given
event occurs.
var shiftKeyPressed = instanceOfMouseEvent.shiftKey
See also:
Property. The MouseEvent.shiftKey read-only property is a `js.Boolean` indicates whether the shift key was pressed or not when a given event occurs. `var shiftKeyPressed = instanceOfMouseEvent.shiftKey` See also: ``
(webkit-force this)
MouseEvent.webkitForce is a proprietary, WebKit-specific numeric whose value represents the amount of pressure that is being applied the touchpad or touchscreen.
See also:
Property. MouseEvent.webkitForce is a proprietary, WebKit-specific numeric whose value represents the amount of pressure that is being applied the touchpad or touchscreen. See also: ``
(webkit-force-at-force-mouse-down this)
MouseEvent.WEBKIT_FORCE_AT_FORCE_MOUSE_DOWN is a proprietary, static numeric property whose value is the minimum force necessary a force click.
See also:
Property. MouseEvent.WEBKIT_FORCE_AT_FORCE_MOUSE_DOWN is a proprietary, static numeric property whose value is the minimum force necessary a force click. See also: ``
(webkit-force-at-mouse-down this)
MouseEvent.WEBKIT_FORCE_AT_MOUSE_DOWN is a proprietary, WebKit-specific, numeric property whose value is the minimum force necessary for normal click.
See also:
Property. MouseEvent.WEBKIT_FORCE_AT_MOUSE_DOWN is a proprietary, WebKit-specific, numeric property whose value is the minimum force necessary for normal click. See also: ``
(which this)
The MouseEvent.which read-only property indicates which button
pressed on the mouse to trigger the event. The standard alternatives
this property are MouseEvent.button
and MouseEvent.buttons
var buttonPressed = instanceOfMouseEvent.which
See also:
Property. The MouseEvent.which read-only property indicates which button pressed on the mouse to trigger the event. The standard alternatives this property are `MouseEvent.button` and `MouseEvent.buttons`. `var buttonPressed = instanceOfMouseEvent.which` See also: ``
(x this)
The MouseEvent.x property is an alias for the MouseEvent.clientX
See also:
Property. The MouseEvent.x property is an alias for the `MouseEvent.clientX` See also: ``
(y this)
The MouseEvent.y property is an alias for the MouseEvent.clientY
See also:
Property. The MouseEvent.y property is an alias for the `MouseEvent.clientY` See also: ``
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