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The DeprecationReportBody interface of the Reporting API represents body of a deprecation report (the return value of its Report.body

The DeprecationReportBody interface of the Reporting API represents
body of a deprecation report (the return value of its `Report.body`
raw docstring


(id this)


A string representing the deprecated feature that generated the for example NavigatorGetUserMedia. This can be used to group by deprecated feature.


A string representing the deprecated feature that generated the
for example NavigatorGetUserMedia. This can be used to group
by deprecated feature.
sourceraw docstring


(set-id! this val)


A string representing the deprecated feature that generated the for example NavigatorGetUserMedia. This can be used to group by deprecated feature.


A string representing the deprecated feature that generated the
for example NavigatorGetUserMedia. This can be used to group
by deprecated feature.
sourceraw docstring

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