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The BiquadFilterNode interface represents a simple low-order and is created using the AudioContext.createBiquadFilter() It is an that can represent different kinds filters, tone control devices, and graphic equalizers.

The BiquadFilterNode interface represents a simple low-order
and is created using the `AudioContext.createBiquadFilter()`
It is an `` that can represent different kinds
filters, tone control devices, and graphic equalizers.
raw docstring



The BiquadFilterNode() constructor of the Web Audio API creates a new object, which represents a simple low-order filter, and is created using the AudioContext.createBiquadFilter() method.

Inherits parameters from the dictionary.

context A reference to an options Optional Options are as follows:

type: One of "lowpass", "highpass", "bandpass", "lowshelf", "highshelf", "peaking", "notch", "allpass". The meaning of the other options depends on the value of this one. The defaults for all are as follows:

Q: 1 detune: 0 frequency: 350 gain: 0

lowpass: (Default) Allows frequencies below a cutoff frequency to pass through, and attenuates frequencies above the cutoff. This is a standard second-order resonant lowpass filter with 12dB/octave rolloff.

Q: Controls how peaked the response will be at the cutoff frequency. A large value makes the response more peaked. Please note that for this filter type, this value is not a traditional Q, but is a resonance value in decibels. frequency: The cutoff frequency. gain: Not used.

highpass: A highpass filter is the opposite of a lowpass filter. Frequencies above the cutoff frequency are passed through, but frequencies below the cutoff are attenuated. It implements a standard second-order resonant highpass filter with 12dB/octave rolloff.

Q: Controls how peaked the response will be at the cutoff frequency. A large value makes the response more peaked. Please note that for this filter type, this value is not a traditional Q, but is a resonance value in decibels. frequency: The cutoff frequency. gain: Not used.

bandpass: A bandpass filter allows a range of frequencies to pass through and attenuates the frequencies below and above this frequency range. It implements a second-order bandpass filter.

Q: Controls the width of the band. The width becomes narrower as the Q value increases. frequency: The center of the frequency band. gain: Not used.

lowshelf: The lowshelf filter allows all frequencies through, but adds a boost (or attenuation) to the lower frequencies. It implements a second-order lowshelf filter.

Q: Not used. frequency: The upper limit of the frequences where the boost, or attenuation, is applied. gain: The boost, in dB, to be applied. If the value is negative, the frequencies are attenuated.

highshelf: The highshelf filter is the opposite of the lowshelf filter and allows all frequencies through, but adds a boost to the higher frequencies. It implements a second-order highshelf filter.

Q: Not used. frequency: The lower limit of the frequences where the boost, or attenuation, is applied. gain: The boost, in dB, to be applied. If the value is negative, the frequencies are attenuated.

peaking: The peaking filter allows all frequencies through, adding a boost, or attenuation, to a range of frequencies.

Q: The width of the band of frequencies that are boosted. A large value implies a narrow width. frequency: The center frequency of the boost range. gain: The boost, in dB, to be applied. If the value is negative, the frequencies are attenuated.

notch: The notch filter (also known as a band-stop, or band-rejection filter) is the opposite of a bandpass filter. It allows all frequencies through, except for a set of frequencies.

Q: The width of the band of frequencies that are attenuated. A large value implies a narrow width. frequency: The center frequency of the attenuation range. gain: Not used.

allpass: An allpass filter allows all frequencies through, but changes the phase relationship between the various frequencies. It implements a second-order allpass filter.

Q: The sharpness of the phase transition at the center frequency. A larger value implies a sharper transition and a larger group delay. frequency: The frequency where the center of the phase transition occurs. Viewed another way, this is the frequency with maximal group delay. gain: Not used.

See also:


The BiquadFilterNode() constructor of the Web Audio API creates a new `` object, which represents a simple low-order filter, and is created using the AudioContext.createBiquadFilter() method.

Inherits parameters from the `` dictionary.

A reference to an ``.
options Optional
Options are as follows:

type: One of \"lowpass\", \"highpass\", \"bandpass\", \"lowshelf\", \"highshelf\", \"peaking\", \"notch\", \"allpass\". The meaning of the other options depends on the value of this one. The defaults for all are as follows:

Q: 1
detune: 0
frequency: 350
gain: 0

lowpass: (Default) Allows frequencies below a cutoff frequency to pass through, and attenuates frequencies above the cutoff. This is a standard second-order resonant lowpass filter with 12dB/octave rolloff.

Q: Controls how peaked the response will be at the cutoff frequency. A large value makes the response more peaked. Please note that for this filter type, this value is not a traditional Q, but is a resonance value in decibels.
frequency: The cutoff frequency.
gain: Not used.

highpass: A highpass filter is the opposite of a lowpass filter. Frequencies above the cutoff frequency are passed through, but frequencies below the cutoff are attenuated. It implements a standard second-order resonant highpass filter with 12dB/octave rolloff.

Q: Controls how peaked the response will be at the cutoff frequency. A large value makes the response more peaked. Please note that for this filter type, this value is not a traditional Q, but is a resonance value in decibels.
frequency: The cutoff frequency.
gain: Not used.

bandpass: A bandpass filter allows a range of frequencies to pass through and attenuates the frequencies below and above this frequency range. It implements a second-order bandpass filter.

Q: Controls the width of the band. The width becomes narrower as the Q value increases.
frequency: The center of the frequency band.
gain: Not used.

lowshelf: The lowshelf filter allows all frequencies through, but adds a boost (or attenuation) to the lower frequencies. It implements a second-order lowshelf filter.

Q: Not used.
frequency: The upper limit of the frequences where the boost, or attenuation, is applied.
gain: The boost, in dB, to be applied. If the value is negative, the frequencies are attenuated.

highshelf: The highshelf filter is the opposite of the lowshelf filter and allows all frequencies through, but adds a boost to the higher frequencies. It implements a second-order highshelf filter.

Q: Not used.
frequency: The lower limit of the frequences where the boost, or attenuation, is applied.
gain: The boost, in dB, to be applied. If the value is negative, the frequencies are attenuated.

peaking: The peaking filter allows all frequencies through, adding a boost, or attenuation, to a range of frequencies.

Q: The width of the band of frequencies that are boosted. A large value implies a narrow width.
frequency: The center frequency of the boost range.
gain: The boost, in dB, to be applied. If the value is negative, the frequencies are attenuated.

notch: The notch filter (also known as a band-stop, or band-rejection filter) is the opposite of a bandpass filter. It allows all frequencies through, except for a set of frequencies.

Q: The width of the band of frequencies that are attenuated. A large value implies a narrow width.
frequency: The center frequency of the attenuation range.
gain: Not used.

allpass: An allpass filter allows all frequencies through, but changes the phase relationship between the various frequencies. It implements a second-order allpass filter.

Q: The sharpness of the phase transition at the center frequency. A larger value implies a sharper transition and a larger group delay.
frequency: The frequency where the center of the phase transition occurs. Viewed another way, this is the frequency with maximal group delay.
gain: Not used.

See also: ``
sourceraw docstring


(detune this)


An a-rate

`var audioCtx = new AudioContext(); var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter(); biquadFilter.detune.value = 100;

Note: Though the AudioParam returned is read-only, the value it represents is not.`

See also:


An a-rate ``.

`var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter();
biquadFilter.detune.value = 100;

Note: Though the AudioParam returned is read-only, the value it represents is not.`

See also: ``
sourceraw docstring


(frequency this)



`var audioCtx = new AudioContext(); var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter(); biquadFilter.frequency.value = 3000;

Note: Though the AudioParam returned is read-only, the value it represents is not.`

See also:


An ``.

`var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter();
biquadFilter.frequency.value = 3000;

Note: Though the AudioParam returned is read-only, the value it represents is not.`

See also: ``
sourceraw docstring


(gain this)



`var audioCtx = new AudioContext(); var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter(); biquadfilter.gain.value = 25;

Note: Though the AudioParam returned is read-only, the value it represents is not.`

See also:


An ``.

`var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter();
biquadfilter.gain.value = 25;

Note: Though the AudioParam returned is read-only, the value it represents is not.`

See also: ``
sourceraw docstring


(get-frequency-response this



BiquadFilterNode.getFrequencyResponse(frequencyArray, magResponseOutput, phaseResponseOutput);

See also:



`BiquadFilterNode.getFrequencyResponse(frequencyArray, magResponseOutput, phaseResponseOutput);`

See also: ``
sourceraw docstring


(q this)



`var audioCtx = new AudioContext(); var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter(); biquadfilter.Q.value = 100;

Note: Though the AudioParam returned is read-only, the value it represents is not.`

See also:


An ``.

`var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter();
biquadfilter.Q.value = 100;

Note: Though the AudioParam returned is read-only, the value it represents is not.`

See also: ``
sourceraw docstring


(set-detune! this val)


An a-rate

`var audioCtx = new AudioContext(); var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter(); biquadFilter.detune.value = 100;

Note: Though the AudioParam returned is read-only, the value it represents is not.`

See also:


An a-rate ``.

`var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter();
biquadFilter.detune.value = 100;

Note: Though the AudioParam returned is read-only, the value it represents is not.`

See also: ``
sourceraw docstring


(set-frequency! this val)



`var audioCtx = new AudioContext(); var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter(); biquadFilter.frequency.value = 3000;

Note: Though the AudioParam returned is read-only, the value it represents is not.`

See also:


An ``.

`var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter();
biquadFilter.frequency.value = 3000;

Note: Though the AudioParam returned is read-only, the value it represents is not.`

See also: ``
sourceraw docstring


(set-gain! this val)



`var audioCtx = new AudioContext(); var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter(); biquadfilter.gain.value = 25;

Note: Though the AudioParam returned is read-only, the value it represents is not.`

See also:


An ``.

`var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter();
biquadfilter.gain.value = 25;

Note: Though the AudioParam returned is read-only, the value it represents is not.`

See also: ``
sourceraw docstring


(set-q! this val)



`var audioCtx = new AudioContext(); var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter(); biquadfilter.Q.value = 100;

Note: Though the AudioParam returned is read-only, the value it represents is not.`

See also:


An ``.

`var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter();
biquadfilter.Q.value = 100;

Note: Though the AudioParam returned is read-only, the value it represents is not.`

See also: ``
sourceraw docstring


(set-type! this val)


A string (enum) representing a BiquadFilterType.

var audioCtx = new AudioContext(); var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter(); biquadfilter.type = 'lowpass';

See also:


A string (enum) representing a BiquadFilterType.

`var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter();
biquadfilter.type = 'lowpass';`

See also: ``
sourceraw docstring


(type this)


A string (enum) representing a BiquadFilterType.

var audioCtx = new AudioContext(); var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter(); biquadfilter.type = 'lowpass';

See also:


A string (enum) representing a BiquadFilterType.

`var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
var biquadFilter = audioCtx.createBiquadFilter();
biquadfilter.type = 'lowpass';`

See also: ``
sourceraw docstring

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