The DataTransfer object is used to hold the data that is being during a drag and drop operation. It may hold one or more data each of one or more data types. For more information about drag drop, see HTML Drag and Drop API.
The DataTransfer object is used to hold the data that is being during a drag and drop operation. It may hold one or more data each of one or more data types. For more information about drag drop, see HTML Drag and Drop API.
(add-element this el)
The DataTransfer.addElement() method sets the drag source to given element. This element will be the element to which drag dragend events are fired, and not the defaut target (the node was dragged).
void dataTransfer.addElement(el);
See also:
Method. The DataTransfer.addElement() method sets the drag source to given element. This element will be the element to which drag dragend events are fired, and not the defaut target (the node was dragged). `void dataTransfer.addElement(el);` See also: ``
(clear-data this & args)
The DataTransfer.clearData() method removes the drag operation's data` for the given type. If data for the given type does not this method does nothing.
See also:
Method. The DataTransfer.clearData() method removes the drag operation's data` for the given type. If data for the given type does not this method does nothing. `DataTransfer.clearData([format]);` See also: ``
The DataTransfer constructor creates a new web.drag.DataTransfer
object instance.
See also:
Constructor. The DataTransfer constructor creates a new `web.drag.DataTransfer` object instance. None. See also: ``
(drop-effect this)
The DataTransfer.dropEffect property controls the feedback (typically the user is given during a drag and drop operation. It will affect cursor is displayed while dragging. For example, when the user over a target drop element, the browser's cursor may indicate type of operation will occur.
See also:
Property. The DataTransfer.dropEffect property controls the feedback (typically the user is given during a drag and drop operation. It will affect cursor is displayed while dragging. For example, when the user over a target drop element, the browser's cursor may indicate type of operation will occur. `dataTransfer.dropEffect;` See also: ``
(effect-allowed this)
The DataTransfer.effectAllowed property specifies the effect is allowed for a drag operation. The copy operation is used to that the data being dragged will be copied from its present location the drop location. The move operation is used to indicate that data being dragged will be moved, and the link operation is used indicate that some form of relationship or connection will be between the source and drop locations.
See also:
Property. The DataTransfer.effectAllowed property specifies the effect is allowed for a drag operation. The copy operation is used to that the data being dragged will be copied from its present location the drop location. The move operation is used to indicate that data being dragged will be moved, and the link operation is used indicate that some form of relationship or connection will be between the source and drop locations. `dataTransfer.effectAllowed;` See also: ``
(files this)
The DataTransfer.files property is a list of the files
in the
operation. If the operation includes no files, the list is empty.
See also:
Property. The DataTransfer.files property is a `list of the files` in the operation. If the operation includes no files, the list is empty. `dataTransfer.files;` See also: ``
(get-data this format)
The DataTransfer.getData() method retrieves drag data (as a web.dom.DOMString
the specified type. If the drag operation does not include data,
method returns an empty string.
See also:
Method. The DataTransfer.getData() method retrieves drag data (as a `web.dom.DOMString`) the specified type. If the drag operation does not include data, method returns an empty string. `dataTransfer.getData(format);` See also: ``
(items this)
The read-only web.drag.DataTransfer
property items property
a list
of the data transfer items
in a drag operation. The
includes one item for each item in the operation and if the operation
no items, the list is empty.
itemList = dataTransfer.items;
See also:
Property. The read-only `web.drag.DataTransfer` property items property a `list` of the `data transfer items` in a drag operation. The includes one item for each item in the operation and if the operation no items, the list is empty. `itemList = dataTransfer.items;` See also: ``
(moz-clear-data-at this & args)
The DataTransfer.mozClearDataAt() method removes the data associated the given format for an item at the specified index. The index be in the range from zero to the number of items minus one.
void dataTransfer.mozClearDataAt([type], index);
See also:
Method. The DataTransfer.mozClearDataAt() method removes the data associated the given format for an item at the specified index. The index be in the range from zero to the number of items minus one. `void dataTransfer.mozClearDataAt([type], index);` See also: ``
(moz-cursor this)
The DataTransfer.mozCursor property returns or sets the drag state. This is primarily used to control the cursor during tab
See also:
Property. The DataTransfer.mozCursor property returns or sets the drag state. This is primarily used to control the cursor during tab `dataTransfer.mozCursor;` See also: ``
(moz-get-data-at this & args)
The DataTransfer.mozGetDataAt() method is used to retrieve an
in the drag event's data transfer
object, based on a given
and index. This method returns null if the specified item does
exist or if the index is not in the range from zero to the number
items minus one.
nsIVariant dataTransfer.mozGetDataAt([type], index);
See also:
Method. The DataTransfer.mozGetDataAt() method is used to retrieve an in the drag event's `data transfer` object, based on a given and index. This method returns null if the specified item does exist or if the index is not in the range from zero to the number items minus one. `nsIVariant dataTransfer.mozGetDataAt([type], index);` See also: ``
(moz-item-count this)
The DataTransfer.mozItemCount property returns the number of being dragged. This can be used, for example, to get the number files being dragged.
See also:
Property. The DataTransfer.mozItemCount property returns the number of being dragged. This can be used, for example, to get the number files being dragged. `dataTransfer.mozItemCount;` See also: ``
(moz-set-data-at this & args)
The DataTransfer.mozSetDataAt() method is used to add data to
specific index in the drag event's data transfer
void dataTransfer.mozSetDataAt([type], data, index);
See also:
Method. The DataTransfer.mozSetDataAt() method is used to add data to specific index in the drag event's `data transfer` object. `void dataTransfer.mozSetDataAt([type], data, index);` See also: ``
(moz-source-node this)
The DataTransfer.mozSourceNode property is used to determine
over which the mouse cursor was located when the the
operation was initiated (for example, when a <button>
was clicked).
external drags or if the calling function cannot reach the node,
is returned.
See also:
Property. The DataTransfer.mozSourceNode property is used to determine `web.Node` over which the mouse cursor was located when the the operation was initiated (for example, when a `<button>` was clicked). external drags or if the calling function cannot reach the node, is returned. `dataTransfer.mozSourceNode;` See also: ``
(moz-types-at this index)
The DataTransfer.mozTypesAt() method returns a list of the format that are stored for an item at the specified index. If the index not in the range from 0 to the number of items minus one, an string list is returned.
nsIVariant dataTransfer.mozTypesAt(index);
See also:
Method. The DataTransfer.mozTypesAt() method returns a list of the format that are stored for an item at the specified index. If the index not in the range from 0 to the number of items minus one, an string list is returned. `nsIVariant dataTransfer.mozTypesAt(index);` See also: ``
(moz-user-cancelled this)
The DataTransfer.mozUserCancelled property is used in the dragend handler to determine if the user canceled the drag or not. If user canceled the event, the property returns true and returns otherwise. This property only applies to the dragend event.
See also:
Property. The DataTransfer.mozUserCancelled property is used in the dragend handler to determine if the user canceled the drag or not. If user canceled the event, the property returns true and returns otherwise. This property only applies to the dragend event. `dataTransfer.mozUserCancelled;` See also: ``
(set-data this format data)
The DataTransfer.setData() method sets the drag operation's drag to the specified data and type. If data for the given type does exist, it is added at the end of the drag data store, such that last item in the
typeslist will be the new type. If data for given type already exists, the existing data is replaced in the position. That is, the order of the
types` list is not changed
replacing data of the same type.
void dataTransfer.setData(format, data);
See also:
Method. The DataTransfer.setData() method sets the drag operation's `drag to the specified data and type. If data for the given type does exist, it is added at the end of the drag data store, such that last item in the `types` list will be the new type. If data for given type already exists, the existing data is replaced in the position. That is, the order of the `types` list is not changed replacing data of the same type. `void dataTransfer.setData(format, data);` See also: ``
(set-drag-image this img x-offset y-offset)
When a drag occurs, a translucent image is generated from the
target (the element the dragstart event is fired at), and follows
mouse pointer during the drag. This image is created automatically,
you do not need to create it yourself. However, if a custom image
desired, the DataTransfer.setDragImage() method can be used to
the custom image to be used. The image will typically be an <image>
but it can also be a <canvas>
or any other image element.
void dataTransfer.setDragImage(img, xOffset, yOffset);
See also:
Method. When a drag occurs, a translucent image is generated from the target (the element the dragstart event is fired at), and follows mouse pointer during the drag. This image is created automatically, you do not need to create it yourself. However, if a custom image desired, the DataTransfer.setDragImage() method can be used to the custom image to be used. The image will typically be an `<image>` but it can also be a `<canvas>` or any other image element. `void dataTransfer.setDragImage(img, xOffset, yOffset);` See also: ``
(set-drop-effect! this val)
The DataTransfer.dropEffect property controls the feedback (typically the user is given during a drag and drop operation. It will affect cursor is displayed while dragging. For example, when the user over a target drop element, the browser's cursor may indicate type of operation will occur.
See also:
Property. The DataTransfer.dropEffect property controls the feedback (typically the user is given during a drag and drop operation. It will affect cursor is displayed while dragging. For example, when the user over a target drop element, the browser's cursor may indicate type of operation will occur. `dataTransfer.dropEffect;` See also: ``
(set-effect-allowed! this val)
The DataTransfer.effectAllowed property specifies the effect is allowed for a drag operation. The copy operation is used to that the data being dragged will be copied from its present location the drop location. The move operation is used to indicate that data being dragged will be moved, and the link operation is used indicate that some form of relationship or connection will be between the source and drop locations.
See also:
Property. The DataTransfer.effectAllowed property specifies the effect is allowed for a drag operation. The copy operation is used to that the data being dragged will be copied from its present location the drop location. The move operation is used to indicate that data being dragged will be moved, and the link operation is used indicate that some form of relationship or connection will be between the source and drop locations. `dataTransfer.effectAllowed;` See also: ``
(set-files! this val)
The DataTransfer.files property is a list of the files
in the
operation. If the operation includes no files, the list is empty.
See also:
Property. The DataTransfer.files property is a `list of the files` in the operation. If the operation includes no files, the list is empty. `dataTransfer.files;` See also: ``
(set-items! this val)
The read-only web.drag.DataTransfer
property items property
a list
of the data transfer items
in a drag operation. The
includes one item for each item in the operation and if the operation
no items, the list is empty.
itemList = dataTransfer.items;
See also:
Property. The read-only `web.drag.DataTransfer` property items property a `list` of the `data transfer items` in a drag operation. The includes one item for each item in the operation and if the operation no items, the list is empty. `itemList = dataTransfer.items;` See also: ``
(set-moz-cursor! this val)
The DataTransfer.mozCursor property returns or sets the drag state. This is primarily used to control the cursor during tab
See also:
Property. The DataTransfer.mozCursor property returns or sets the drag state. This is primarily used to control the cursor during tab `dataTransfer.mozCursor;` See also: ``
(set-moz-item-count! this val)
The DataTransfer.mozItemCount property returns the number of being dragged. This can be used, for example, to get the number files being dragged.
See also:
Property. The DataTransfer.mozItemCount property returns the number of being dragged. This can be used, for example, to get the number files being dragged. `dataTransfer.mozItemCount;` See also: ``
(set-moz-source-node! this val)
The DataTransfer.mozSourceNode property is used to determine
over which the mouse cursor was located when the the
operation was initiated (for example, when a <button>
was clicked).
external drags or if the calling function cannot reach the node,
is returned.
See also:
Property. The DataTransfer.mozSourceNode property is used to determine `web.Node` over which the mouse cursor was located when the the operation was initiated (for example, when a `<button>` was clicked). external drags or if the calling function cannot reach the node, is returned. `dataTransfer.mozSourceNode;` See also: ``
(set-moz-user-cancelled! this val)
The DataTransfer.mozUserCancelled property is used in the dragend handler to determine if the user canceled the drag or not. If user canceled the event, the property returns true and returns otherwise. This property only applies to the dragend event.
See also:
Property. The DataTransfer.mozUserCancelled property is used in the dragend handler to determine if the user canceled the drag or not. If user canceled the event, the property returns true and returns otherwise. This property only applies to the dragend event. `dataTransfer.mozUserCancelled;` See also: ``
(set-types! this val)
The DataTransfer.types read-only property returns an array of
drag data formats (as strings
) that were set in the dragstart
The order of the formats is the same order as the data included
the drag operation.
See also:
Property. The DataTransfer.types read-only property returns an array of drag data formats (as `strings`) that were set in the dragstart The order of the formats is the same order as the data included the drag operation. `dataTransfer.types;` See also: ``
(types this)
The DataTransfer.types read-only property returns an array of
drag data formats (as strings
) that were set in the dragstart
The order of the formats is the same order as the data included
the drag operation.
See also:
Property. The DataTransfer.types read-only property returns an array of drag data formats (as `strings`) that were set in the dragstart The order of the formats is the same order as the data included the drag operation. `dataTransfer.types;` See also: ``
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