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(bandwidth kernel data h)

Returns infered bandwidth (h).

h can be one of:

  • :nrd - rule-of-thumb (scale=1.06)
  • :nrd0 - rule-of-thumb (scake=0.9)
  • :nrd-adjust - kernel specific adjustment of :nrd, doesn't work for silverman and cauchy
  • :rlcv - robust likelihood cross-validation
  • :lcv - likelihood cross-validation
  • :lscv - least squares cross-validation
Returns infered bandwidth (h).

h can be one of:

* `:nrd` - rule-of-thumb (scale=1.06)
* `:nrd0` - rule-of-thumb (scake=0.9)
* `:nrd-adjust` - kernel specific adjustment of `:nrd`, doesn't work for `silverman` and `cauchy` 
* `:rlcv` - robust likelihood cross-validation
* `:lcv` - likelihood cross-validation
* `:lscv` - least squares cross-validation
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(cauchy x)

Cauchy kernel, experimental

Cauchy kernel, experimental
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(cosine x)

Cosine kernel

Cosine kernel
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(epanechnikov x)

Epanechnikov kernel

Epanechnikov kernel
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(gaussian x)

Gaussian kernel

Gaussian kernel
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Collection of KDE data.

Keys - kernel keyword, vals - kernel data

  • :kernel - kernel fn
  • :k2 - integral of K(x)^2
  • :x2k - integral of x^2K(x)
  • :delta0 - canonical bandwidth
  • :efficiency - absolute efficiency
  • :radius - radius of the function where function is positive or greater than 1.0e-10
Collection of KDE data.

Keys - kernel keyword, vals - kernel data

* `:kernel` - kernel fn
* `:k2` - integral of K(x)^2
* `:x2k` - integral of x^2K(x)
* `:delta0` - canonical bandwidth
* `:efficiency` - absolute efficiency
* `:radius` - radius of the function where function is positive or greater than 1.0e-10
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(kernel-density kernel data)
(kernel-density kernel data params)

Returns kernel density estimation function, 1d


  • kernel - kernel name or kernel function
  • data - data
  • params - a map containing:
    • :bandwidth - bandwidth h
    • :binned? - if data should be binned, if true the width of the bin is bandwidth divided by 5, if is a number then it will be used as denominator. Default: false.

:bandwidth can be a number or one of:

  • :nrd - rule-of-thumb (scale=1.06)
  • :nrd0 - rule-of-thumb (scake=0.9)
  • :nrd-adjust - kernel specific adjustment of :nrd, doesn't work for silverman and cauchy
  • :rlcv - robust likelihood cross-validation
  • :lcv - likelihood cross-validation
  • :lscv - least squares cross-validation
Returns kernel density estimation function, 1d

* `kernel` - kernel name or kernel function  
* `data` - data
* `params` - a map containing:
    * `:bandwidth` - bandwidth h
    * `:binned?` - if data should be binned, if `true` the width of the bin is `bandwidth` divided by 5, if is a number then it will be used as denominator. Default: `false`.

`:bandwidth` can be a number or one of:

* `:nrd` - rule-of-thumb (scale=1.06)
* `:nrd0` - rule-of-thumb (scake=0.9)
* `:nrd-adjust` - kernel specific adjustment of `:nrd`, doesn't work for `silverman` and `cauchy` 
* `:rlcv` - robust likelihood cross-validation
* `:lcv` - likelihood cross-validation
* `:lscv` - least squares cross-validation
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(kernel-density+ kernel data)
(kernel-density+ kernel data {:keys [bandwidth binned?]})

Returns kernel density estimation function with additional information, 1d.

Returns a map:

  • :kde - density function
  • :factor - 1/nh
  • :h - provided or infered bandwidth
  • :mn and :mx - infered extent of the kde`

For arguments see kernel-density

Returns kernel density estimation function with additional information, 1d.

Returns a map:

* `:kde` - density function
* `:factor` - 1/nh
* `:h` - provided or infered bandwidth
* `:mn` and `:mx` - infered extent of the kde`

For arguments see [[kernel-density]]
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(kernel-density-ci kernel data)
(kernel-density-ci kernel data {:keys [alpha] :or {alpha 0.05} :as params})

Create function which returns confidence intervals for given kde method.

Check 6.1.5


  • data - sequence of data values
  • kernel - kernel name
  • bandwidth - as in kde
  • alpha - confidence level parameter

Returns three values: density, lower confidence value and upper confidence value

Create function which returns confidence intervals for given kde method.

Check 6.1.5


* `data` - sequence of data values
* `kernel` - kernel name  
* `bandwidth` - as in `kde`
* `alpha` - confidence level parameter

Returns three values: density, lower confidence value and upper confidence value
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(laplace x)

Laplace kernel, experimental

Laplace kernel, experimental
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(lcv-target kdata)

Create target function to estimate bandwidth using Likelihood Cross Validation.

Create target function to estimate bandwidth using Likelihood Cross Validation.
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(logistic x)

Logistic kernel

Logistic kernel
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(lscv-target kdata)

Create target function to estimate bandwidth using Least Squares Cross Validation.

Create target function to estimate bandwidth using Least Squares Cross Validation.
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(quartic x)

Quartic kernel

Quartic kernel
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(rlcv-target kdata)

Create target function to estimate bandwidth using Robust Likelihood Cross Validation.

Create target function to estimate bandwidth using Robust Likelihood Cross Validation.
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(sigmoid x)

Sigmoid kernel

Sigmoid kernel
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(silverman x)

Silverman kernel

Silverman kernel
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(triangular x)

Triangular kernel

Triangular kernel
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(tricube x)

Tricube kernel

Tricube kernel
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(triweight x)

Triweight kernel

Triweight kernel
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(uniform x)

Uniform kernel

Uniform kernel
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(wigner x)

Wigner kernel, experimental

Wigner kernel, experimental
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