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(cubic a b c d)

Real solution of cubic formula ax^3+bx^2+cx+d=0. Returns NaNs where no real solutions are found.

Real solution of cubic formula ax^3+bx^2+cx+d=0. Returns `NaNs` where no real solutions are found.
sourceraw docstring


(find-root f lower-bound upper-bound)
(find-root f
           {:keys [absolute-accuracy relative-accuracy max-iters initial-value
            :or {max-iters 100 solver :brent}})

Find zero (root) of a function f in given range [lower-bound, upper-bound].

Optional parameters:

  • :absolute-accuracy - default 1.0e-8
  • :relative-accuracy
  • :max-iters - maximum iterations (default: 100)
  • :initial-value - algorithm starting value
  • :solver - one of: :brent (default), :bisection, :illinois, :muller, :muller2, :pegasus, :regula-falsi, :ridders and :secant.
Find zero (root) of a function `f` in given range [`lower-bound`, `upper-bound`].

Optional parameters:

* `:absolute-accuracy` - default 1.0e-8
* `:relative-accuracy`
* `:max-iters` - maximum iterations (default: 100)
* `:initial-value` - algorithm starting value
* `:solver` - one of: `:brent` (default), `:bisection`, `:illinois`, `:muller`, `:muller2`, `:pegasus`, `:regula-falsi`, `:ridders` and `:secant`.
sourceraw docstring


(quadratic a b c)

Real solutions of quadratic formula ax^2+bx+c=0. Returns NaNs where no real solutions are found.

Real solutions of quadratic formula ax^2+bx+c=0. Returns `NaNs` where no real solutions are found.
sourceraw docstring

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