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Bootstrap methods and confidence intervals

Bootstrap methods and confidence intervals
raw docstring


(bootstrap input)
(bootstrap input statistic)
(bootstrap input
           {:keys [rng samples size method antithetic? smoothing dimensions
            :or {samples 500}
            :as params})

Create set of samples from given data (nonparametric) or model (parametric).


  • sequence of values (any type) or sequence of sequences for multidimensional data
  • a map containing:
    • :data - sequence
    • :model - model for parametric bootstrap (optional)
  • statistic function which returns statistic value (optional)


  • :samples - number of bootstrapped samples (default: 500)
  • :size - forced size of individual sample (default: same as source)
  • :method
    • nil (default) - random
    • :jackknife for leave-one-out jackknife
    • :jackknife+ for positive jackknife
    • any method accepted by fastmath.random/->seq
  • :rng - random number generator (see: fastmath.random/rng)
  • :smoothing - smoothing bootstrap:
    • :kde - kernel density estimation, additional options are: :kernel (default) and :bandwidth (auto)
    • :gaussian - add random value from N(0,standard error)
  • :distribution - distribution used to auto generate model (distribution) from data:
    • :real-discrete-distribution - default
    • :integer-discrete-distribution - for integer values
    • :categorical-distribution - for any other type
  • :dimensions - if set to :multi - multidimensional data and models are created
  • :antithetic? - antithetic sampling (default: false)
  • :include? - if set to true (default: false) original dataset is included in samples

Model can be:

  • any distribution object
  • any 0-arity function which returns random sample

When model is ommited, function creates discrete distribution. When multidimensional data are provided, models should be created for every dimension (as a sequence).

Create set of samples from given data (nonparametric) or model (parametric).

* sequence of values (any type) or sequence of sequences for multidimensional data
* a map containing:
    * `:data` - sequence
    * `:model` - model for parametric bootstrap (optional)
* `statistic` function which returns statistic value (optional)

* `:samples` - number of bootstrapped samples (default: 500)
* `:size` - forced size of individual sample (default: same as source)
* `:method`
    *  `nil` (default) - random
    * `:jackknife` for leave-one-out jackknife
    * `:jackknife+` for positive jackknife
    * any method accepted by `fastmath.random/->seq`
* `:rng` - random number generator (see: `fastmath.random/rng`)
* `:smoothing` - smoothing bootstrap:
    * `:kde` - kernel density estimation, additional options are: `:kernel` (default) and `:bandwidth` (auto)
    * `:gaussian` - add random value from N(0,standard error)
* `:distribution` - distribution used to auto generate model (distribution) from data:
    * `:real-discrete-distribution` - default
    * `:integer-discrete-distribution` - for integer values
    * `:categorical-distribution` - for any other type
* `:dimensions` - if set to `:multi` - multidimensional data and models are created
* `:antithetic?` - antithetic sampling (default: false)
* `:include?` - if set to `true` (default: `false`) original dataset is included in samples

Model can be:
* any distribution object
* any 0-arity function which returns random sample

When model is ommited, function creates discrete distribution.
When multidimensional data are provided, models should be created for every dimension (as a sequence).
sourceraw docstring


(bootstrap-stats {:keys [data samples] :as input} statistic)

Calculate bootstrap analysis.


  • a map containing :data and :samples
  • statistic - bootstrap statistic

Returns a map containing:

  • :data, :samples, model and :statistic - from input
  • :t0 - statistic from data (single value)
  • :ts - statistic from bootstrap samples (sequence)
  • :bias - difference between mean of ts and t0
  • :mean, :median, :variance, :stddev, :sem - statistics from ts
Calculate bootstrap analysis.


* a map containing `:data` and `:samples`
* `statistic` - bootstrap statistic

Returns a map containing:

* `:data`, `:samples`, `model` and `:statistic` - from input
* `:t0` - statistic from data (single value)
* `:ts` - statistic from bootstrap samples (sequence)
* `:bias` - difference between mean of ts and t0
* `:mean`, `:median`, `:variance`, `:stddev`, `:sem` - statistics from ts
sourceraw docstring


(ci-basic boot-data)
(ci-basic boot-data alpha)
(ci-basic {:keys [t0 ts]} alpha estimation-strategy)

Basic percentile confidence interval

:t0 and :ts are obligatory

Basic percentile confidence interval

`:t0` and `:ts` are obligatory
sourceraw docstring


(ci-bc boot-data)
(ci-bc boot-data alpha)
(ci-bc {:keys [t0 ts]} alpha estimation-strategy)

Bias-corrected confidence interval

Bias-corrected confidence interval
sourceraw docstring


(ci-bca boot-data)
(ci-bca boot-data alpha)
(ci-bca {:keys [t0 ts data statistic]} alpha estimation-strategy)

Bias-corrected and accelerated confidence interval.

There are two ways to calculate acceleration:

  • jackknife method (when boot-data contains :data and :statistic)
  • empirical from bootstrap estimations ts otherwise
Bias-corrected and accelerated confidence interval.

There are two ways to calculate acceleration:
* jackknife method (when boot-data contains `:data` and `:statistic`)
* empirical from bootstrap estimations `ts` otherwise
sourceraw docstring


(ci-normal boot-data)
(ci-normal {:keys [t0 ts stddev bias]} alpha)

Normal (gaussian) bias-corrected confidence interval

:t0 and :ts are obligatory

Normal (gaussian) bias-corrected confidence interval

`:t0` and `:ts` are obligatory
sourceraw docstring


(ci-percentile boot-data)
(ci-percentile boot-data alpha)
(ci-percentile {:keys [t0 ts]} alpha estimation-strategy)

Percentile confidence interval

:t0 and :ts are obligatory

Percentile confidence interval

`:t0` and `:ts` are obligatory
sourceraw docstring


(ci-studentized boot-data)
(ci-studentized boot-data alpha)
(ci-studentized {:keys [t0 ts data samples]} alpha estimation-strategy)

Confidence interval from studentized data.

:t0, :ts, :data and :samples are obligatory in boot-data

Confidence interval from studentized data.

`:t0`, `:ts`, `:data` and `:samples` are obligatory in `boot-data`
sourceraw docstring


(ci-t boot-data)
(ci-t {:keys [t0 ts stddev]} alpha)

Student's T confidence interval.

:t0 and :ts are obligatory

Student's T confidence interval.

`:t0` and `:ts` are obligatory
sourceraw docstring


(jackknife vs)

Generates set of samples using jackknife leave-one-out method

Generates set of samples using jackknife leave-one-out method
sourceraw docstring


(jackknife+ vs)

Generates set of samples using jackknife positive method

Generates set of samples using jackknife positive method
sourceraw docstring

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