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Google Chat API: dms. Enables bots to fetch information and perform actions in Google Chat. Authentication using a service account is a prerequisite for using the Google Chat REST API. See:

Google Chat API: dms.
Enables bots to fetch information and perform actions in Google Chat. Authentication using a service account is a prerequisite for using the Google Chat REST API.
raw docstring


(conversations-messages$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: threadKey


{:space {:type string, :displayName string, :singleUserBotDm boolean, :name string, :threaded boolean}, :fallbackText string, :name string, :createTime string, :previewText string, :argumentText string, :thread {:name string}, :actionResponse {:type string, :dialogAction DialogAction, :url string}, :sender {:domainId string, :type string, :name string, :isAnonymous boolean, :displayName string}, :cards [{:name string, :cardActions [CardAction], :sections [Section], :header CardHeader}], :lastUpdateTime string, :annotations [{:userMention UserMentionMetadata, :startIndex integer, :type string, :slashCommand SlashCommandMetadata, :length integer}], :slashCommand {:commandId string}, :attachment [{:contentType string, :thumbnailUri string, :name string, :downloadUri string, :contentName string, :source string, :driveDataRef DriveDataRef, :attachmentDataRef AttachmentDataRef}], :text string}

Legacy path for creating message. Calling these will result in a BadRequest response.

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: threadKey


{:space {:type string,
         :displayName string,
         :singleUserBotDm boolean,
         :name string,
         :threaded boolean},
 :fallbackText string,
 :name string,
 :createTime string,
 :previewText string,
 :argumentText string,
 :thread {:name string},
 :actionResponse {:type string,
                  :dialogAction DialogAction,
                  :url string},
 :sender {:domainId string,
          :type string,
          :name string,
          :isAnonymous boolean,
          :displayName string},
 :cards [{:name string,
          :cardActions [CardAction],
          :sections [Section],
          :header CardHeader}],
 :lastUpdateTime string,
 :annotations [{:userMention UserMentionMetadata,
                :startIndex integer,
                :type string,
                :slashCommand SlashCommandMetadata,
                :length integer}],
 :slashCommand {:commandId string},
 :attachment [{:contentType string,
               :thumbnailUri string,
               :name string,
               :downloadUri string,
               :contentName string,
               :source string,
               :driveDataRef DriveDataRef,
               :attachmentDataRef AttachmentDataRef}],
 :text string}

Legacy path for creating message. Calling these will result in a BadRequest response.
raw docstring


(messages$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: threadKey


{:space {:type string, :displayName string, :singleUserBotDm boolean, :name string, :threaded boolean}, :fallbackText string, :name string, :createTime string, :previewText string, :argumentText string, :thread {:name string}, :actionResponse {:type string, :dialogAction DialogAction, :url string}, :sender {:domainId string, :type string, :name string, :isAnonymous boolean, :displayName string}, :cards [{:name string, :cardActions [CardAction], :sections [Section], :header CardHeader}], :lastUpdateTime string, :annotations [{:userMention UserMentionMetadata, :startIndex integer, :type string, :slashCommand SlashCommandMetadata, :length integer}], :slashCommand {:commandId string}, :attachment [{:contentType string, :thumbnailUri string, :name string, :downloadUri string, :contentName string, :source string, :driveDataRef DriveDataRef, :attachmentDataRef AttachmentDataRef}], :text string}

Legacy path for creating message. Calling these will result in a BadRequest response.

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: threadKey


{:space {:type string,
         :displayName string,
         :singleUserBotDm boolean,
         :name string,
         :threaded boolean},
 :fallbackText string,
 :name string,
 :createTime string,
 :previewText string,
 :argumentText string,
 :thread {:name string},
 :actionResponse {:type string,
                  :dialogAction DialogAction,
                  :url string},
 :sender {:domainId string,
          :type string,
          :name string,
          :isAnonymous boolean,
          :displayName string},
 :cards [{:name string,
          :cardActions [CardAction],
          :sections [Section],
          :header CardHeader}],
 :lastUpdateTime string,
 :annotations [{:userMention UserMentionMetadata,
                :startIndex integer,
                :type string,
                :slashCommand SlashCommandMetadata,
                :length integer}],
 :slashCommand {:commandId string},
 :attachment [{:contentType string,
               :thumbnailUri string,
               :name string,
               :downloadUri string,
               :contentName string,
               :source string,
               :driveDataRef DriveDataRef,
               :attachmentDataRef AttachmentDataRef}],
 :text string}

Legacy path for creating message. Calling these will result in a BadRequest response.
raw docstring


(webhooks$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: threadKey


{:space {:type string, :displayName string, :singleUserBotDm boolean, :name string, :threaded boolean}, :fallbackText string, :name string, :createTime string, :previewText string, :argumentText string, :thread {:name string}, :actionResponse {:type string, :dialogAction DialogAction, :url string}, :sender {:domainId string, :type string, :name string, :isAnonymous boolean, :displayName string}, :cards [{:name string, :cardActions [CardAction], :sections [Section], :header CardHeader}], :lastUpdateTime string, :annotations [{:userMention UserMentionMetadata, :startIndex integer, :type string, :slashCommand SlashCommandMetadata, :length integer}], :slashCommand {:commandId string}, :attachment [{:contentType string, :thumbnailUri string, :name string, :downloadUri string, :contentName string, :source string, :driveDataRef DriveDataRef, :attachmentDataRef AttachmentDataRef}], :text string}

Legacy path for creating message. Calling these will result in a BadRequest response.

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: threadKey


{:space {:type string,
         :displayName string,
         :singleUserBotDm boolean,
         :name string,
         :threaded boolean},
 :fallbackText string,
 :name string,
 :createTime string,
 :previewText string,
 :argumentText string,
 :thread {:name string},
 :actionResponse {:type string,
                  :dialogAction DialogAction,
                  :url string},
 :sender {:domainId string,
          :type string,
          :name string,
          :isAnonymous boolean,
          :displayName string},
 :cards [{:name string,
          :cardActions [CardAction],
          :sections [Section],
          :header CardHeader}],
 :lastUpdateTime string,
 :annotations [{:userMention UserMentionMetadata,
                :startIndex integer,
                :type string,
                :slashCommand SlashCommandMetadata,
                :length integer}],
 :slashCommand {:commandId string},
 :attachment [{:contentType string,
               :thumbnailUri string,
               :name string,
               :downloadUri string,
               :contentName string,
               :source string,
               :driveDataRef DriveDataRef,
               :attachmentDataRef AttachmentDataRef}],
 :text string}

Legacy path for creating message. Calling these will result in a BadRequest response.
raw docstring

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