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Search Ads 360 API: reports. The Search Ads 360 API allows developers to automate uploading conversions and downloading reports from Search Ads 360. See:

Search Ads 360 API: reports.
The Search Ads 360 API allows developers to automate uploading conversions and downloading reports from Search Ads 360.
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(generate$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: none

Optional parameters: none


{:timeRange {:changedMetricsSinceTimestamp string, :changedAttributesSinceTimestamp string, :startDate string, :endDate string}, :filters [{:column {:productReportPerspective string, :customMetricName string, :startDate string, :headerText string, :endDate string, :groupByColumn boolean, :platformSource string, :customDimensionName string, :savedColumnName string, :columnName string}, :operator string, :values [any]}], :columns [{:productReportPerspective string, :customMetricName string, :startDate string, :headerText string, :endDate string, :groupByColumn boolean, :platformSource string, :customDimensionName string, :savedColumnName string, :columnName string}], :includeRemovedEntities boolean, :verifySingleTimeZone boolean, :includeDeletedEntities boolean, :statisticsCurrency string, :reportScope {:agencyId string, :advertiserId string, :engineAccountId string, :campaignId string, :adGroupId string, :keywordId string, :adId string}, :reportType string, :startRow integer, :maxRowsPerFile integer, :rowCount integer, :downloadFormat string, :orderBy [{:column {:productReportPerspective string, :customMetricName string, :startDate string, :headerText string, :endDate string, :groupByColumn boolean, :platformSource string, :customDimensionName string, :savedColumnName string, :columnName string}, :sortOrder string}]}

Generates and returns a report immediately.

Required parameters: none

Optional parameters: none


{:timeRange {:changedMetricsSinceTimestamp string,
             :changedAttributesSinceTimestamp string,
             :startDate string,
             :endDate string},
 :filters [{:column {:productReportPerspective string,
                     :customMetricName string,
                     :startDate string,
                     :headerText string,
                     :endDate string,
                     :groupByColumn boolean,
                     :platformSource string,
                     :customDimensionName string,
                     :savedColumnName string,
                     :columnName string},
            :operator string,
            :values [any]}],
 :columns [{:productReportPerspective string,
            :customMetricName string,
            :startDate string,
            :headerText string,
            :endDate string,
            :groupByColumn boolean,
            :platformSource string,
            :customDimensionName string,
            :savedColumnName string,
            :columnName string}],
 :includeRemovedEntities boolean,
 :verifySingleTimeZone boolean,
 :includeDeletedEntities boolean,
 :statisticsCurrency string,
 :reportScope {:agencyId string,
               :advertiserId string,
               :engineAccountId string,
               :campaignId string,
               :adGroupId string,
               :keywordId string,
               :adId string},
 :reportType string,
 :startRow integer,
 :maxRowsPerFile integer,
 :rowCount integer,
 :downloadFormat string,
 :orderBy [{:column {:productReportPerspective string,
                     :customMetricName string,
                     :startDate string,
                     :headerText string,
                     :endDate string,
                     :groupByColumn boolean,
                     :platformSource string,
                     :customDimensionName string,
                     :savedColumnName string,
                     :columnName string},
            :sortOrder string}]}

Generates and returns a report immediately.
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(get$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: reportId

Optional parameters: none

Polls for the status of a report request.

Required parameters: reportId

Optional parameters: none

Polls for the status of a report request.
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(getFile$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: reportId, reportFragment

Optional parameters: none

Downloads a report file encoded in UTF-8.

Required parameters: reportId, reportFragment

Optional parameters: none

Downloads a report file encoded in UTF-8.
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(getIdMappingFile$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: agencyId, advertiserId

Optional parameters: none

Downloads a csv file(encoded in UTF-8) that contains ID mappings between legacy SA360 and new SA360. The file includes all children entities of the given advertiser(e.g. engine accounts, campaigns, ad groups, etc.) that exist in both legacy SA360 and new SA360.

Required parameters: agencyId, advertiserId

Optional parameters: none

Downloads a csv file(encoded in UTF-8) that contains ID mappings between legacy SA360 and new SA360. The file includes all children entities of the given advertiser(e.g. engine accounts, campaigns, ad groups, etc.) that exist in both legacy SA360 and new SA360.
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(request$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: none

Optional parameters: none


{:timeRange {:changedMetricsSinceTimestamp string, :changedAttributesSinceTimestamp string, :startDate string, :endDate string}, :filters [{:column {:productReportPerspective string, :customMetricName string, :startDate string, :headerText string, :endDate string, :groupByColumn boolean, :platformSource string, :customDimensionName string, :savedColumnName string, :columnName string}, :operator string, :values [any]}], :columns [{:productReportPerspective string, :customMetricName string, :startDate string, :headerText string, :endDate string, :groupByColumn boolean, :platformSource string, :customDimensionName string, :savedColumnName string, :columnName string}], :includeRemovedEntities boolean, :verifySingleTimeZone boolean, :includeDeletedEntities boolean, :statisticsCurrency string, :reportScope {:agencyId string, :advertiserId string, :engineAccountId string, :campaignId string, :adGroupId string, :keywordId string, :adId string}, :reportType string, :startRow integer, :maxRowsPerFile integer, :rowCount integer, :downloadFormat string, :orderBy [{:column {:productReportPerspective string, :customMetricName string, :startDate string, :headerText string, :endDate string, :groupByColumn boolean, :platformSource string, :customDimensionName string, :savedColumnName string, :columnName string}, :sortOrder string}]}

Inserts a report request into the reporting system.

Required parameters: none

Optional parameters: none


{:timeRange {:changedMetricsSinceTimestamp string,
             :changedAttributesSinceTimestamp string,
             :startDate string,
             :endDate string},
 :filters [{:column {:productReportPerspective string,
                     :customMetricName string,
                     :startDate string,
                     :headerText string,
                     :endDate string,
                     :groupByColumn boolean,
                     :platformSource string,
                     :customDimensionName string,
                     :savedColumnName string,
                     :columnName string},
            :operator string,
            :values [any]}],
 :columns [{:productReportPerspective string,
            :customMetricName string,
            :startDate string,
            :headerText string,
            :endDate string,
            :groupByColumn boolean,
            :platformSource string,
            :customDimensionName string,
            :savedColumnName string,
            :columnName string}],
 :includeRemovedEntities boolean,
 :verifySingleTimeZone boolean,
 :includeDeletedEntities boolean,
 :statisticsCurrency string,
 :reportScope {:agencyId string,
               :advertiserId string,
               :engineAccountId string,
               :campaignId string,
               :adGroupId string,
               :keywordId string,
               :adId string},
 :reportType string,
 :startRow integer,
 :maxRowsPerFile integer,
 :rowCount integer,
 :downloadFormat string,
 :orderBy [{:column {:productReportPerspective string,
                     :customMetricName string,
                     :startDate string,
                     :headerText string,
                     :endDate string,
                     :groupByColumn boolean,
                     :platformSource string,
                     :customDimensionName string,
                     :savedColumnName string,
                     :columnName string},
            :sortOrder string}]}

Inserts a report request into the reporting system.
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