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Google Chat API: spaces. The Google Chat API lets you build Chat apps to integrate your services with Google Chat and manage Chat resources such as spaces, members, and messages. See:

Google Chat API: spaces.
The Google Chat API lets you build Chat apps to integrate your services with Google Chat and manage Chat resources such as spaces, members, and messages.
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(completeImport$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none



Completes the import process for the specified space and makes it visible to users. Requires app authentication and domain-wide delegation. For more information, see Authorize Google Chat apps to import data.

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none



Completes the [import process]( for the specified space and makes it visible to users. Requires app authentication and domain-wide delegation. For more information, see [Authorize Google Chat apps to import data](
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(create$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: none

Optional parameters: requestId


{:spaceDetails {:description string, :guidelines string}, :importMode boolean, :adminInstalled boolean, :displayName string, :name string, :createTime string, :type string, :threaded boolean, :externalUserAllowed boolean, :singleUserBotDm boolean, :spaceType string, :spaceThreadingState string, :spaceHistoryState string}

Creates a named space. Spaces grouped by topics aren't supported. For an example, see Create a space. If you receive the error message ALREADY_EXISTS when creating a space, try a different displayName. An existing space within the Google Workspace organization might already use this display name. Requires user authentication.

Required parameters: none

Optional parameters: requestId


{:spaceDetails {:description string, :guidelines string},
 :importMode boolean,
 :adminInstalled boolean,
 :displayName string,
 :name string,
 :createTime string,
 :type string,
 :threaded boolean,
 :externalUserAllowed boolean,
 :singleUserBotDm boolean,
 :spaceType string,
 :spaceThreadingState string,
 :spaceHistoryState string}

Creates a named space. Spaces grouped by topics aren't supported. For an example, see [Create a space]( If you receive the error message `ALREADY_EXISTS` when creating a space, try a different `displayName`. An existing space within the Google Workspace organization might already use this display name. Requires [user authentication](
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(delete$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none

Deletes a named space. Always performs a cascading delete, which means that the space's child resources—like messages posted in the space and memberships in the space—are also deleted. For an example, see Delete a space. Requires user authentication from a user who has permission to delete the space.

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none

Deletes a named space. Always performs a cascading delete, which means that the space's child resources—like messages posted in the space and memberships in the space—are also deleted. For an example, see [Delete a space]( Requires [user authentication]( from a user who has permission to delete the space.
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(findDirectMessage$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: none

Optional parameters: name

Returns the existing direct message with the specified user. If no direct message space is found, returns a 404 NOT_FOUND error. For an example, see Find a direct message. With user authentication, returns the direct message space between the specified user and the authenticated user. With app authentication, returns the direct message space between the specified user and the calling Chat app. Requires user authentication or app authentication.

Required parameters: none

Optional parameters: name

Returns the existing direct message with the specified user. If no direct message space is found, returns a `404 NOT_FOUND` error. For an example, see [Find a direct message](/chat/api/guides/v1/spaces/find-direct-message). With [user authentication](, returns the direct message space between the specified user and the authenticated user. With [app authentication](, returns the direct message space between the specified user and the calling Chat app. Requires [user authentication]( or [app authentication](
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(get$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none

Returns details about a space. For an example, see Get details about a space. Requires authentication. Supports app authentication and user authentication.

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none

Returns details about a space. For an example, see [Get details about a space]( Requires [authentication]( Supports [app authentication]( and [user authentication](
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(list$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: none

Optional parameters: pageSize, pageToken, filter

Lists spaces the caller is a member of. Group chats and DMs aren't listed until the first message is sent. For an example, see List spaces. Requires authentication. Supports app authentication and user authentication. Lists spaces visible to the caller or authenticated user. Group chats and DMs aren't listed until the first message is sent. To list all named spaces by Google Workspace organization, use the method using Workspace administrator privileges instead.

Required parameters: none

Optional parameters: pageSize, pageToken, filter

Lists spaces the caller is a member of. Group chats and DMs aren't listed until the first message is sent. For an example, see [List spaces]( Requires [authentication]( Supports [app authentication]( and [user authentication]( Lists spaces visible to the caller or authenticated user. Group chats and DMs aren't listed until the first message is sent. To list all named spaces by Google Workspace organization, use the `` method using Workspace administrator privileges instead.
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(members-create$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: none


{:name string, :state string, :role string, :member {:name string, :displayName string, :domainId string, :type string, :isAnonymous boolean}, :groupMember {:name string}, :createTime string, :deleteTime string}

Creates a human membership or app membership for the calling app. Creating memberships for other apps isn't supported. For an example, see Invite or add a user or a Google Chat app to a space. When creating a membership, if the specified member has their auto-accept policy turned off, then they're invited, and must accept the space invitation before joining. Otherwise, creating a membership adds the member directly to the specified space. Requires user authentication. To specify the member to add, set the for the human or app member. - To add the calling app to a space or a direct message between two human users, use users/app. Unable to add other apps to the space. - To add a human user, use users/{user}, where {user} can be the email address for the user. For users in the same Workspace organization {user} can also be the id for the person from the People API, or the id for the user in the Directory API. For example, if the People API Person profile ID for is 123456789, you can add the user to the space by setting the to users/ or users/123456789.

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: none


{:name string,
 :state string,
 :role string,
 :member {:name string,
          :displayName string,
          :domainId string,
          :type string,
          :isAnonymous boolean},
 :groupMember {:name string},
 :createTime string,
 :deleteTime string}

Creates a human membership or app membership for the calling app. Creating memberships for other apps isn't supported. For an example, see [Invite or add a user or a Google Chat app to a space]( When creating a membership, if the specified member has their auto-accept policy turned off, then they're invited, and must accept the space invitation before joining. Otherwise, creating a membership adds the member directly to the specified space. Requires [user authentication]( To specify the member to add, set the `` for the human or app member. - To add the calling app to a space or a direct message between two human users, use `users/app`. Unable to add other apps to the space. - To add a human user, use `users/{user}`, where `{user}` can be the email address for the user. For users in the same Workspace organization `{user}` can also be the `id` for the person from the People API, or the `id` for the user in the Directory API. For example, if the People API Person profile ID for `` is `123456789`, you can add the user to the space by setting the `` to `users/` or `users/123456789`.
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(members-delete$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none

Deletes a membership. For an example, see Remove a user or a Google Chat app from a space. Requires user authentication.

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none

Deletes a membership. For an example, see [Remove a user or a Google Chat app from a space]( Requires [user authentication](
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(members-get$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none

Returns details about a membership. For an example, see Get details about a user's or Google Chat app's membership. Requires authentication. Supports app authentication and user authentication.

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none

Returns details about a membership. For an example, see [Get details about a user's or Google Chat app's membership]( Requires [authentication]( Supports [app authentication]( and [user authentication](
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(members-list$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: pageSize, pageToken, filter, showGroups, showInvited

Lists memberships in a space. For an example, see List users and Google Chat apps in a space. Listing memberships with app authentication lists memberships in spaces that the Chat app has access to, but excludes Chat app memberships, including its own. Listing memberships with User authentication lists memberships in spaces that the authenticated user has access to. Requires authentication. Supports app authentication and user authentication.

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: pageSize, pageToken, filter, showGroups, showInvited

Lists memberships in a space. For an example, see [List users and Google Chat apps in a space]( Listing memberships with [app authentication]( lists memberships in spaces that the Chat app has access to, but excludes Chat app memberships, including its own. Listing memberships with [User authentication]( lists memberships in spaces that the authenticated user has access to. Requires [authentication]( Supports [app authentication]( and [user authentication](
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(members-patch$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: updateMask


{:name string, :state string, :role string, :member {:name string, :displayName string, :domainId string, :type string, :isAnonymous boolean}, :groupMember {:name string}, :createTime string, :deleteTime string}

Updates a membership. For an example, see Update a user's membership in a space. Requires user authentication.

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: updateMask


{:name string,
 :state string,
 :role string,
 :member {:name string,
          :displayName string,
          :domainId string,
          :type string,
          :isAnonymous boolean},
 :groupMember {:name string},
 :createTime string,
 :deleteTime string}

Updates a membership. For an example, see [Update a user's membership in a space]( Requires [user authentication](
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(messages-attachments-get$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none

Gets the metadata of a message attachment. The attachment data is fetched using the media API. For an example, see Get metadata about a message attachment. Requires app authentication.

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none

Gets the metadata of a message attachment. The attachment data is fetched using the [media API]( For an example, see [Get metadata about a message attachment]( Requires [app authentication](
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(messages-create$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: threadKey, requestId, messageReplyOption, messageId


{:attachedGifs [{:uri string}], :threadReply boolean, :space {:spaceDetails SpaceDetails, :importMode boolean, :adminInstalled boolean, :displayName string, :name string, :createTime string, :type string, :threaded boolean, :externalUserAllowed boolean, :singleUserBotDm boolean, :spaceType string, :spaceThreadingState string, :spaceHistoryState string}, :deleteTime string, :deletionMetadata {:deletionType string}, :fallbackText string, :quotedMessageMetadata {:name string, :lastUpdateTime string}, :name string, :createTime string, :argumentText string, :emojiReactionSummaries [{:emoji Emoji, :reactionCount integer}], :matchedUrl {:url string}, :thread {:name string, :threadKey string}, :actionResponse {:type string, :url string, :dialogAction DialogAction, :updatedWidget UpdatedWidget}, :sender {:name string, :displayName string, :domainId string, :type string, :isAnonymous boolean}, :cards [{:header CardHeader, :sections [Section], :cardActions [CardAction], :name string}], :lastUpdateTime string, :privateMessageViewer {:name string, :displayName string, :domainId string, :type string, :isAnonymous boolean}, :formattedText string, :annotations [{:type string, :startIndex integer, :length integer, :userMention UserMentionMetadata, :slashCommand SlashCommandMetadata, :richLinkMetadata RichLinkMetadata}], :slashCommand {:commandId string}, :cardsV2 [{:cardId string, :card GoogleAppsCardV1Card}], :clientAssignedMessageId string, :attachment [{:name string, :contentName string, :contentType string, :attachmentDataRef AttachmentDataRef, :driveDataRef DriveDataRef, :thumbnailUri string, :downloadUri string, :source string}], :text string, :accessoryWidgets [{:buttonList GoogleAppsCardV1ButtonList}]}

Creates a message in a Google Chat space. The maximum message size, including text and cards, is 32,000 bytes. For an example, see Send a message. Calling this method requires authentication and supports the following authentication types: - For text messages, user authentication or app authentication are supported. - For card messages, only app authentication is supported. (Only Chat apps can create card messages.)

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: threadKey, requestId, messageReplyOption, messageId


{:attachedGifs [{:uri string}],
 :threadReply boolean,
 :space {:spaceDetails SpaceDetails,
         :importMode boolean,
         :adminInstalled boolean,
         :displayName string,
         :name string,
         :createTime string,
         :type string,
         :threaded boolean,
         :externalUserAllowed boolean,
         :singleUserBotDm boolean,
         :spaceType string,
         :spaceThreadingState string,
         :spaceHistoryState string},
 :deleteTime string,
 :deletionMetadata {:deletionType string},
 :fallbackText string,
 :quotedMessageMetadata {:name string, :lastUpdateTime string},
 :name string,
 :createTime string,
 :argumentText string,
 :emojiReactionSummaries [{:emoji Emoji, :reactionCount integer}],
 :matchedUrl {:url string},
 :thread {:name string, :threadKey string},
 :actionResponse {:type string,
                  :url string,
                  :dialogAction DialogAction,
                  :updatedWidget UpdatedWidget},
 :sender {:name string,
          :displayName string,
          :domainId string,
          :type string,
          :isAnonymous boolean},
 :cards [{:header CardHeader,
          :sections [Section],
          :cardActions [CardAction],
          :name string}],
 :lastUpdateTime string,
 :privateMessageViewer {:name string,
                        :displayName string,
                        :domainId string,
                        :type string,
                        :isAnonymous boolean},
 :formattedText string,
 :annotations [{:type string,
                :startIndex integer,
                :length integer,
                :userMention UserMentionMetadata,
                :slashCommand SlashCommandMetadata,
                :richLinkMetadata RichLinkMetadata}],
 :slashCommand {:commandId string},
 :cardsV2 [{:cardId string, :card GoogleAppsCardV1Card}],
 :clientAssignedMessageId string,
 :attachment [{:name string,
               :contentName string,
               :contentType string,
               :attachmentDataRef AttachmentDataRef,
               :driveDataRef DriveDataRef,
               :thumbnailUri string,
               :downloadUri string,
               :source string}],
 :text string,
 :accessoryWidgets [{:buttonList GoogleAppsCardV1ButtonList}]}

Creates a message in a Google Chat space. The maximum message size, including text and cards, is 32,000 bytes. For an example, see [Send a message]( Calling this method requires [authentication]( and supports the following authentication types: - For text messages, user authentication or app authentication are supported. - For card messages, only app authentication is supported. (Only Chat apps can create card messages.)
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(messages-delete$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: force

Deletes a message. For an example, see Delete a message. Requires authentication. Supports app authentication and user authentication. When using app authentication, requests can only delete messages created by the calling Chat app.

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: force

Deletes a message. For an example, see [Delete a message]( Requires [authentication]( Supports [app authentication]( and [user authentication]( When using app authentication, requests can only delete messages created by the calling Chat app.
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(messages-get$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none

Returns details about a message. For an example, see Get details about a message. Requires authentication. Supports app authentication and user authentication. Note: Might return a message from a blocked member or space.

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none

Returns details about a message. For an example, see [Get details about a message]( Requires [authentication]( Supports [app authentication]( and [user authentication]( Note: Might return a message from a blocked member or space.
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(messages-list$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: pageSize, pageToken, filter, orderBy, showDeleted

Lists messages in a space that the caller is a member of, including messages from blocked members and spaces. For an example, see List messages. Requires user authentication.

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: pageSize, pageToken, filter, orderBy, showDeleted

Lists messages in a space that the caller is a member of, including messages from blocked members and spaces. For an example, see [List messages](/chat/api/guides/v1/messages/list). Requires [user authentication](
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(messages-patch$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: updateMask, allowMissing


{:attachedGifs [{:uri string}], :threadReply boolean, :space {:spaceDetails SpaceDetails, :importMode boolean, :adminInstalled boolean, :displayName string, :name string, :createTime string, :type string, :threaded boolean, :externalUserAllowed boolean, :singleUserBotDm boolean, :spaceType string, :spaceThreadingState string, :spaceHistoryState string}, :deleteTime string, :deletionMetadata {:deletionType string}, :fallbackText string, :quotedMessageMetadata {:name string, :lastUpdateTime string}, :name string, :createTime string, :argumentText string, :emojiReactionSummaries [{:emoji Emoji, :reactionCount integer}], :matchedUrl {:url string}, :thread {:name string, :threadKey string}, :actionResponse {:type string, :url string, :dialogAction DialogAction, :updatedWidget UpdatedWidget}, :sender {:name string, :displayName string, :domainId string, :type string, :isAnonymous boolean}, :cards [{:header CardHeader, :sections [Section], :cardActions [CardAction], :name string}], :lastUpdateTime string, :privateMessageViewer {:name string, :displayName string, :domainId string, :type string, :isAnonymous boolean}, :formattedText string, :annotations [{:type string, :startIndex integer, :length integer, :userMention UserMentionMetadata, :slashCommand SlashCommandMetadata, :richLinkMetadata RichLinkMetadata}], :slashCommand {:commandId string}, :cardsV2 [{:cardId string, :card GoogleAppsCardV1Card}], :clientAssignedMessageId string, :attachment [{:name string, :contentName string, :contentType string, :attachmentDataRef AttachmentDataRef, :driveDataRef DriveDataRef, :thumbnailUri string, :downloadUri string, :source string}], :text string, :accessoryWidgets [{:buttonList GoogleAppsCardV1ButtonList}]}

Updates a message. There's a difference between the patch and update methods. The patch method uses a patch request while the update method uses a put request. We recommend using the patch method. For an example, see Update a message. Requires authentication. Supports app authentication and user authentication. When using app authentication, requests can only update messages created by the calling Chat app.

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: updateMask, allowMissing


{:attachedGifs [{:uri string}],
 :threadReply boolean,
 :space {:spaceDetails SpaceDetails,
         :importMode boolean,
         :adminInstalled boolean,
         :displayName string,
         :name string,
         :createTime string,
         :type string,
         :threaded boolean,
         :externalUserAllowed boolean,
         :singleUserBotDm boolean,
         :spaceType string,
         :spaceThreadingState string,
         :spaceHistoryState string},
 :deleteTime string,
 :deletionMetadata {:deletionType string},
 :fallbackText string,
 :quotedMessageMetadata {:name string, :lastUpdateTime string},
 :name string,
 :createTime string,
 :argumentText string,
 :emojiReactionSummaries [{:emoji Emoji, :reactionCount integer}],
 :matchedUrl {:url string},
 :thread {:name string, :threadKey string},
 :actionResponse {:type string,
                  :url string,
                  :dialogAction DialogAction,
                  :updatedWidget UpdatedWidget},
 :sender {:name string,
          :displayName string,
          :domainId string,
          :type string,
          :isAnonymous boolean},
 :cards [{:header CardHeader,
          :sections [Section],
          :cardActions [CardAction],
          :name string}],
 :lastUpdateTime string,
 :privateMessageViewer {:name string,
                        :displayName string,
                        :domainId string,
                        :type string,
                        :isAnonymous boolean},
 :formattedText string,
 :annotations [{:type string,
                :startIndex integer,
                :length integer,
                :userMention UserMentionMetadata,
                :slashCommand SlashCommandMetadata,
                :richLinkMetadata RichLinkMetadata}],
 :slashCommand {:commandId string},
 :cardsV2 [{:cardId string, :card GoogleAppsCardV1Card}],
 :clientAssignedMessageId string,
 :attachment [{:name string,
               :contentName string,
               :contentType string,
               :attachmentDataRef AttachmentDataRef,
               :driveDataRef DriveDataRef,
               :thumbnailUri string,
               :downloadUri string,
               :source string}],
 :text string,
 :accessoryWidgets [{:buttonList GoogleAppsCardV1ButtonList}]}

Updates a message. There's a difference between the `patch` and `update` methods. The `patch` method uses a `patch` request while the `update` method uses a `put` request. We recommend using the `patch` method. For an example, see [Update a message]( Requires [authentication]( Supports [app authentication]( and [user authentication]( When using app authentication, requests can only update messages created by the calling Chat app.
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(messages-reactions-create$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: none


{:name string, :user {:name string, :displayName string, :domainId string, :type string, :isAnonymous boolean}, :emoji {:unicode string, :customEmoji CustomEmoji}}

Creates a reaction and adds it to a message. Only unicode emojis are supported. For an example, see Add a reaction to a message. Requires user authentication.

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: none


{:name string,
 :user {:name string,
        :displayName string,
        :domainId string,
        :type string,
        :isAnonymous boolean},
 :emoji {:unicode string, :customEmoji CustomEmoji}}

Creates a reaction and adds it to a message. Only unicode emojis are supported. For an example, see [Add a reaction to a message]( Requires [user authentication](
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(messages-reactions-delete$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none

Deletes a reaction to a message. Only unicode emojis are supported. For an example, see Delete a reaction. Requires user authentication.

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none

Deletes a reaction to a message. Only unicode emojis are supported. For an example, see [Delete a reaction]( Requires [user authentication](
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(messages-reactions-list$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: pageSize, pageToken, filter

Lists reactions to a message. For an example, see List reactions for a message. Requires user authentication.

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: pageSize, pageToken, filter

Lists reactions to a message. For an example, see [List reactions for a message]( Requires [user authentication](
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(messages-update$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: updateMask, allowMissing


{:attachedGifs [{:uri string}], :threadReply boolean, :space {:spaceDetails SpaceDetails, :importMode boolean, :adminInstalled boolean, :displayName string, :name string, :createTime string, :type string, :threaded boolean, :externalUserAllowed boolean, :singleUserBotDm boolean, :spaceType string, :spaceThreadingState string, :spaceHistoryState string}, :deleteTime string, :deletionMetadata {:deletionType string}, :fallbackText string, :quotedMessageMetadata {:name string, :lastUpdateTime string}, :name string, :createTime string, :argumentText string, :emojiReactionSummaries [{:emoji Emoji, :reactionCount integer}], :matchedUrl {:url string}, :thread {:name string, :threadKey string}, :actionResponse {:type string, :url string, :dialogAction DialogAction, :updatedWidget UpdatedWidget}, :sender {:name string, :displayName string, :domainId string, :type string, :isAnonymous boolean}, :cards [{:header CardHeader, :sections [Section], :cardActions [CardAction], :name string}], :lastUpdateTime string, :privateMessageViewer {:name string, :displayName string, :domainId string, :type string, :isAnonymous boolean}, :formattedText string, :annotations [{:type string, :startIndex integer, :length integer, :userMention UserMentionMetadata, :slashCommand SlashCommandMetadata, :richLinkMetadata RichLinkMetadata}], :slashCommand {:commandId string}, :cardsV2 [{:cardId string, :card GoogleAppsCardV1Card}], :clientAssignedMessageId string, :attachment [{:name string, :contentName string, :contentType string, :attachmentDataRef AttachmentDataRef, :driveDataRef DriveDataRef, :thumbnailUri string, :downloadUri string, :source string}], :text string, :accessoryWidgets [{:buttonList GoogleAppsCardV1ButtonList}]}

Updates a message. There's a difference between the patch and update methods. The patch method uses a patch request while the update method uses a put request. We recommend using the patch method. For an example, see Update a message. Requires authentication. Supports app authentication and user authentication. When using app authentication, requests can only update messages created by the calling Chat app.

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: updateMask, allowMissing


{:attachedGifs [{:uri string}],
 :threadReply boolean,
 :space {:spaceDetails SpaceDetails,
         :importMode boolean,
         :adminInstalled boolean,
         :displayName string,
         :name string,
         :createTime string,
         :type string,
         :threaded boolean,
         :externalUserAllowed boolean,
         :singleUserBotDm boolean,
         :spaceType string,
         :spaceThreadingState string,
         :spaceHistoryState string},
 :deleteTime string,
 :deletionMetadata {:deletionType string},
 :fallbackText string,
 :quotedMessageMetadata {:name string, :lastUpdateTime string},
 :name string,
 :createTime string,
 :argumentText string,
 :emojiReactionSummaries [{:emoji Emoji, :reactionCount integer}],
 :matchedUrl {:url string},
 :thread {:name string, :threadKey string},
 :actionResponse {:type string,
                  :url string,
                  :dialogAction DialogAction,
                  :updatedWidget UpdatedWidget},
 :sender {:name string,
          :displayName string,
          :domainId string,
          :type string,
          :isAnonymous boolean},
 :cards [{:header CardHeader,
          :sections [Section],
          :cardActions [CardAction],
          :name string}],
 :lastUpdateTime string,
 :privateMessageViewer {:name string,
                        :displayName string,
                        :domainId string,
                        :type string,
                        :isAnonymous boolean},
 :formattedText string,
 :annotations [{:type string,
                :startIndex integer,
                :length integer,
                :userMention UserMentionMetadata,
                :slashCommand SlashCommandMetadata,
                :richLinkMetadata RichLinkMetadata}],
 :slashCommand {:commandId string},
 :cardsV2 [{:cardId string, :card GoogleAppsCardV1Card}],
 :clientAssignedMessageId string,
 :attachment [{:name string,
               :contentName string,
               :contentType string,
               :attachmentDataRef AttachmentDataRef,
               :driveDataRef DriveDataRef,
               :thumbnailUri string,
               :downloadUri string,
               :source string}],
 :text string,
 :accessoryWidgets [{:buttonList GoogleAppsCardV1ButtonList}]}

Updates a message. There's a difference between the `patch` and `update` methods. The `patch` method uses a `patch` request while the `update` method uses a `put` request. We recommend using the `patch` method. For an example, see [Update a message]( Requires [authentication]( Supports [app authentication]( and [user authentication]( When using app authentication, requests can only update messages created by the calling Chat app.
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(patch$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: updateMask


{:spaceDetails {:description string, :guidelines string}, :importMode boolean, :adminInstalled boolean, :displayName string, :name string, :createTime string, :type string, :threaded boolean, :externalUserAllowed boolean, :singleUserBotDm boolean, :spaceType string, :spaceThreadingState string, :spaceHistoryState string}

Updates a space. For an example, see Update a space. If you're updating the displayName field and receive the error message ALREADY_EXISTS, try a different display name.. An existing space within the Google Workspace organization might already use this display name. Requires user authentication.

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: updateMask


{:spaceDetails {:description string, :guidelines string},
 :importMode boolean,
 :adminInstalled boolean,
 :displayName string,
 :name string,
 :createTime string,
 :type string,
 :threaded boolean,
 :externalUserAllowed boolean,
 :singleUserBotDm boolean,
 :spaceType string,
 :spaceThreadingState string,
 :spaceHistoryState string}

Updates a space. For an example, see [Update a space]( If you're updating the `displayName` field and receive the error message `ALREADY_EXISTS`, try a different display name.. An existing space within the Google Workspace organization might already use this display name. Requires [user authentication](
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(setup$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: none

Optional parameters: none


{:space {:spaceDetails SpaceDetails, :importMode boolean, :adminInstalled boolean, :displayName string, :name string, :createTime string, :type string, :threaded boolean, :externalUserAllowed boolean, :singleUserBotDm boolean, :spaceType string, :spaceThreadingState string, :spaceHistoryState string}, :requestId string, :memberships [{:name string, :state string, :role string, :member User, :groupMember Group, :createTime string, :deleteTime string}]}

Creates a space and adds specified users to it. The calling user is automatically added to the space, and shouldn't be specified as a membership in the request. For an example, see Set up a space with initial members. To specify the human members to add, add memberships with the appropriate To add a human user, use users/{user}, where {user} can be the email address for the user. For users in the same Workspace organization {user} can also be the id for the person from the People API, or the id for the user in the Directory API. For example, if the People API Person profile ID for is 123456789, you can add the user to the space by setting the to users/ or users/123456789. For a named space or group chat, if the caller blocks, or is blocked by some members, or doesn't have permission to add some members, then those members aren't added to the created space. To create a direct message (DM) between the calling user and another human user, specify exactly one membership to represent the human user. If one user blocks the other, the request fails and the DM isn't created. To create a DM between the calling user and the calling app, set Space.singleUserBotDm to true and don't specify any memberships. You can only use this method to set up a DM with the calling app. To add the calling app as a member of a space or an existing DM between two human users, see Invite or add a user or app to a space. If a DM already exists between two users, even when one user blocks the other at the time a request is made, then the existing DM is returned. Spaces with threaded replies aren't supported. If you receive the error message ALREADY_EXISTS when setting up a space, try a different displayName. An existing space within the Google Workspace organization might already use this display name. Requires user authentication.

Required parameters: none

Optional parameters: none


{:space {:spaceDetails SpaceDetails,
         :importMode boolean,
         :adminInstalled boolean,
         :displayName string,
         :name string,
         :createTime string,
         :type string,
         :threaded boolean,
         :externalUserAllowed boolean,
         :singleUserBotDm boolean,
         :spaceType string,
         :spaceThreadingState string,
         :spaceHistoryState string},
 :requestId string,
 :memberships [{:name string,
                :state string,
                :role string,
                :member User,
                :groupMember Group,
                :createTime string,
                :deleteTime string}]}

Creates a space and adds specified users to it. The calling user is automatically added to the space, and shouldn't be specified as a membership in the request. For an example, see [Set up a space with initial members]( To specify the human members to add, add memberships with the appropriate ``. To add a human user, use `users/{user}`, where `{user}` can be the email address for the user. For users in the same Workspace organization `{user}` can also be the `id` for the person from the People API, or the `id` for the user in the Directory API. For example, if the People API Person profile ID for `` is `123456789`, you can add the user to the space by setting the `` to `users/` or `users/123456789`. For a named space or group chat, if the caller blocks, or is blocked by some members, or doesn't have permission to add some members, then those members aren't added to the created space. To create a direct message (DM) between the calling user and another human user, specify exactly one membership to represent the human user. If one user blocks the other, the request fails and the DM isn't created. To create a DM between the calling user and the calling app, set `Space.singleUserBotDm` to `true` and don't specify any memberships. You can only use this method to set up a DM with the calling app. To add the calling app as a member of a space or an existing DM between two human users, see [Invite or add a user or app to a space]( If a DM already exists between two users, even when one user blocks the other at the time a request is made, then the existing DM is returned. Spaces with threaded replies aren't supported. If you receive the error message `ALREADY_EXISTS` when setting up a space, try a different `displayName`. An existing space within the Google Workspace organization might already use this display name. Requires [user authentication](
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(spaceEvents-get$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none

Returns an event from a Google Chat space. The event payload contains the most recent version of the resource that changed. For example, if you request an event about a new message but the message was later updated, the server returns the updated Message resource in the event payload. Requires user authentication. To get an event, the authenticated user must be a member of the space. For an example, see Get details about an event from a Google Chat space.

Required parameters: name

Optional parameters: none

Returns an event from a Google Chat space. The [event payload]( contains the most recent version of the resource that changed. For example, if you request an event about a new message but the message was later updated, the server returns the updated `Message` resource in the event payload. Requires [user authentication]( To get an event, the authenticated user must be a member of the space. For an example, see [Get details about an event from a Google Chat space](
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(spaceEvents-list$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: pageSize, pageToken, filter

Lists events from a Google Chat space. For each event, the payload contains the most recent version of the Chat resource. For example, if you list events about new space members, the server returns Membership resources that contain the latest membership details. If new members were removed during the requested period, the event payload contains an empty Membership resource. Requires user authentication. To list events, the authenticated user must be a member of the space. For an example, see List events from a Google Chat space.

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: pageSize, pageToken, filter

Lists events from a Google Chat space. For each event, the [payload]( contains the most recent version of the Chat resource. For example, if you list events about new space members, the server returns `Membership` resources that contain the latest membership details. If new members were removed during the requested period, the event payload contains an empty `Membership` resource. Requires [user authentication]( To list events, the authenticated user must be a member of the space. For an example, see [List events from a Google Chat space](
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