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My Business Business Information API: accounts. The My Business Business Information API provides an interface for managing business information. Note - If you have a quota of 0 after enabling the API, please request for GBP API access. See:

My Business Business Information API: accounts.
The My Business Business Information API provides an interface for managing business information. Note - If you have a quota of 0 after enabling the API, please request for GBP API access.
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(locations-create$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: validateOnly, requestId


{:serviceItems [{:structuredServiceItem StructuredServiceItem, :freeFormServiceItem FreeFormServiceItem, :price Money}], :labels [string], :regularHours {:periods [TimePeriod]}, :moreHours [{:hoursTypeId string, :periods [TimePeriod]}], :name string, :specialHours {:specialHourPeriods [SpecialHourPeriod]}, :phoneNumbers {:primaryPhone string, :additionalPhones [string]}, :serviceArea {:businessType string, :places Places, :regionCode string}, :title string, :categories {:primaryCategory Category, :additionalCategories [Category]}, :languageCode string, :relationshipData {:parentLocation RelevantLocation, :childrenLocations [RelevantLocation], :parentChain string}, :websiteUri string, :storeCode string, :adWordsLocationExtensions {:adPhone string}, :openInfo {:status string, :canReopen boolean, :openingDate Date}, :latlng {:latitude number, :longitude number}, :metadata {:duplicateLocation string, :canDelete boolean, :canOperateLocalPost boolean, :canOperateLodgingData boolean, :newReviewUri string, :hasPendingEdits boolean, :mapsUri string, :hasVoiceOfMerchant boolean, :hasGoogleUpdated boolean, :canOperateHealthData boolean, :canModifyServiceList boolean, :canHaveFoodMenus boolean, :placeId string, :canHaveBusinessCalls boolean}, :profile {:description string}, :storefrontAddress {:sortingCode string, :locality string, :revision integer, :administrativeArea string, :addressLines [string], :organization string, :recipients [string], :languageCode string, :regionCode string, :postalCode string, :sublocality string}}

Creates a new Location that will be owned by the logged in user.

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: validateOnly, requestId


{:serviceItems [{:structuredServiceItem StructuredServiceItem,
                 :freeFormServiceItem FreeFormServiceItem,
                 :price Money}],
 :labels [string],
 :regularHours {:periods [TimePeriod]},
 :moreHours [{:hoursTypeId string, :periods [TimePeriod]}],
 :name string,
 :specialHours {:specialHourPeriods [SpecialHourPeriod]},
 :phoneNumbers {:primaryPhone string, :additionalPhones [string]},
 :serviceArea {:businessType string,
               :places Places,
               :regionCode string},
 :title string,
 :categories {:primaryCategory Category,
              :additionalCategories [Category]},
 :languageCode string,
 :relationshipData {:parentLocation RelevantLocation,
                    :childrenLocations [RelevantLocation],
                    :parentChain string},
 :websiteUri string,
 :storeCode string,
 :adWordsLocationExtensions {:adPhone string},
 :openInfo {:status string, :canReopen boolean, :openingDate Date},
 :latlng {:latitude number, :longitude number},
 :metadata {:duplicateLocation string,
            :canDelete boolean,
            :canOperateLocalPost boolean,
            :canOperateLodgingData boolean,
            :newReviewUri string,
            :hasPendingEdits boolean,
            :mapsUri string,
            :hasVoiceOfMerchant boolean,
            :hasGoogleUpdated boolean,
            :canOperateHealthData boolean,
            :canModifyServiceList boolean,
            :canHaveFoodMenus boolean,
            :placeId string,
            :canHaveBusinessCalls boolean},
 :profile {:description string},
 :storefrontAddress {:sortingCode string,
                     :locality string,
                     :revision integer,
                     :administrativeArea string,
                     :addressLines [string],
                     :organization string,
                     :recipients [string],
                     :languageCode string,
                     :regionCode string,
                     :postalCode string,
                     :sublocality string}}

Creates a new Location that will be owned by the logged in user.
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(locations-list$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: pageSize, pageToken, filter, orderBy, readMask

Lists the locations for the specified account.

Required parameters: parent

Optional parameters: pageSize, pageToken, filter, orderBy, readMask

Lists the locations for the specified account.
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