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Google Wallet API: media. API for issuers to save and manage Google Wallet Objects. See:

Google Wallet API: media.
API for issuers to save and manage Google Wallet Objects.
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(download$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: resourceId

Optional parameters: none

Downloads rotating barcode values for the transit object referenced by the given object ID.

Required parameters: resourceId

Optional parameters: none

Downloads rotating barcode values for the transit object referenced by the given object ID.
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(upload$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: resourceId

Optional parameters: none


{:blob {:path string, :sha256Hash string, :algorithm string, :hash string, :contentTypeInfo ContentTypeInfo, :diffChecksumsResponse DiffChecksumsResponse, :objectId ObjectId, :crc32cHash integer, :isPotentialRetry boolean, :diffVersionResponse DiffVersionResponse, :blobRef string, :bigstoreObjectRef string, :cosmoBinaryReference string, :md5Hash string, :token string, :filename string, :diffUploadResponse DiffUploadResponse, :sha1Hash string, :diffDownloadResponse DiffDownloadResponse, :compositeMedia [CompositeMedia], :referenceType string, :length string, :downloadParameters DownloadParameters, :blobstore2Info Blobstore2Info, :hashVerified boolean, :contentType string, :diffUploadRequest DiffUploadRequest, :timestamp string, :inline string, :mediaId string}, :mediaRequestInfo {:currentBytes string, :notificationType string, :requestReceivedParamsServingInfo string, :totalBytes string, :requestId string, :diffObjectVersion string, :finalStatus integer, :customData string, :totalBytesIsEstimated boolean}}

Uploads rotating barcode values for the transit object referenced by the given object ID. Note the max upload size is specified in google3/production/config/cdd/apps-upload/customers/payments-consumer-passes/config.gcl and enforced by Scotty.

Required parameters: resourceId

Optional parameters: none


{:blob {:path string,
        :sha256Hash string,
        :algorithm string,
        :hash string,
        :contentTypeInfo ContentTypeInfo,
        :diffChecksumsResponse DiffChecksumsResponse,
        :objectId ObjectId,
        :crc32cHash integer,
        :isPotentialRetry boolean,
        :diffVersionResponse DiffVersionResponse,
        :blobRef string,
        :bigstoreObjectRef string,
        :cosmoBinaryReference string,
        :md5Hash string,
        :token string,
        :filename string,
        :diffUploadResponse DiffUploadResponse,
        :sha1Hash string,
        :diffDownloadResponse DiffDownloadResponse,
        :compositeMedia [CompositeMedia],
        :referenceType string,
        :length string,
        :downloadParameters DownloadParameters,
        :blobstore2Info Blobstore2Info,
        :hashVerified boolean,
        :contentType string,
        :diffUploadRequest DiffUploadRequest,
        :timestamp string,
        :inline string,
        :mediaId string},
 :mediaRequestInfo {:currentBytes string,
                    :notificationType string,
                    :requestReceivedParamsServingInfo string,
                    :totalBytes string,
                    :requestId string,
                    :diffObjectVersion string,
                    :finalStatus integer,
                    :customData string,
                    :totalBytesIsEstimated boolean}}

Uploads rotating barcode values for the transit object referenced by the given object ID. Note the max upload size is specified in google3/production/config/cdd/apps-upload/customers/payments-consumer-passes/config.gcl and enforced by Scotty.
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