A simple container class to aggregate an image, a set of thumbnail (preview) images, and an object representing metadata associated with the image.
The image data may take the form of either a RenderedImage, or a Raster. Reader methods that return an IIOImage will always return a BufferedImage using the RenderedImage reference. Writer methods that accept an IIOImage will always accept a RenderedImage, and may optionally accept a Raster.
Exactly one of getRenderedImage and getRaster will return a non-null value. Subclasses are responsible for ensuring this behavior.
A simple container class to aggregate an image, a set of thumbnail (preview) images, and an object representing metadata associated with the image. The image data may take the form of either a RenderedImage, or a Raster. Reader methods that return an IIOImage will always return a BufferedImage using the RenderedImage reference. Writer methods that accept an IIOImage will always accept a RenderedImage, and may optionally accept a Raster. Exactly one of getRenderedImage and getRaster will return a non-null value. Subclasses are responsible for ensuring this behavior.
(->iio-image image thumbnails metadata)
Constructs an IIOImage containing a RenderedImage, and thumbnails and metadata associated with it.
All parameters are stored by reference.
The thumbnails argument must either be null or contain only BufferedImage objects.
image - a RenderedImage. - java.awt.image.RenderedImage
thumbnails - a List of BufferedImages, or null. - java.util.List
metadata - an IIOMetadata object, or null. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if image is null.
Constructor. Constructs an IIOImage containing a RenderedImage, and thumbnails and metadata associated with it. All parameters are stored by reference. The thumbnails argument must either be null or contain only BufferedImage objects. image - a RenderedImage. - `java.awt.image.RenderedImage` thumbnails - a List of BufferedImages, or null. - `java.util.List` metadata - an IIOMetadata object, or null. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata` throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if image is null.
(get-metadata this)
Returns a reference to the current IIOMetadata object, or null is none is set.
returns: an IIOMetadata object, or null. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
Returns a reference to the current IIOMetadata object, or null is none is set. returns: an IIOMetadata object, or null. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata`
(get-num-thumbnails this)
Returns the number of thumbnails stored in this IIOImage.
returns: the number of thumbnails, as an int. - int
Returns the number of thumbnails stored in this IIOImage. returns: the number of thumbnails, as an int. - `int`
(get-raster this)
Returns the currently set Raster, or null if only a RenderedImage is available.
returns: a Raster, or null. - java.awt.image.Raster
Returns the currently set Raster, or null if only a RenderedImage is available. returns: a Raster, or null. - `java.awt.image.Raster`
(get-rendered-image this)
Returns the currently set RenderedImage, or null if only a Raster is available.
returns: a RenderedImage, or null. - java.awt.image.RenderedImage
Returns the currently set RenderedImage, or null if only a Raster is available. returns: a RenderedImage, or null. - `java.awt.image.RenderedImage`
(get-thumbnail this index)
Returns a thumbnail associated with the main image.
index - the index of the desired thumbnail image. - int
returns: a thumbnail image, as a BufferedImage. - java.awt.image.BufferedImage
throws: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the supplied index is negative or larger than the largest valid index.
Returns a thumbnail associated with the main image. index - the index of the desired thumbnail image. - `int` returns: a thumbnail image, as a BufferedImage. - `java.awt.image.BufferedImage` throws: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the supplied index is negative or larger than the largest valid index.
(get-thumbnails this)
Returns the current List of thumbnail BufferedImages, or null if none is set. A live reference is returned.
returns: the current List of
BufferedImage thumbnails, or null. - java.util.List<? extends java.awt.image.BufferedImage>
Returns the current List of thumbnail BufferedImages, or null if none is set. A live reference is returned. returns: the current List of BufferedImage thumbnails, or null. - `java.util.List<? extends java.awt.image.BufferedImage>`
(has-raster? this)
Returns true if this IIOImage stores a Raster rather than a RenderedImage.
returns: true if a Raster is
available. - boolean
Returns true if this IIOImage stores a Raster rather than a RenderedImage. returns: true if a Raster is available. - `boolean`
(set-metadata this metadata)
Sets the IIOMetadata to a new object, or null.
metadata - an IIOMetadata object, or null. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
Sets the IIOMetadata to a new object, or null. metadata - an IIOMetadata object, or null. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata`
(set-raster this raster)
Sets the current Raster. The value is stored by reference. Any existing RenderedImage is discarded.
raster - a Raster. - java.awt.image.Raster
throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if raster is null.
Sets the current Raster. The value is stored by reference. Any existing RenderedImage is discarded. raster - a Raster. - `java.awt.image.Raster` throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if raster is null.
(set-rendered-image this image)
Sets the current RenderedImage. The value is stored by reference. Any existing Raster is discarded.
image - a RenderedImage. - java.awt.image.RenderedImage
throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if image is null.
Sets the current RenderedImage. The value is stored by reference. Any existing Raster is discarded. image - a RenderedImage. - `java.awt.image.RenderedImage` throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if image is null.
(set-thumbnails this thumbnails)
Sets the list of thumbnails to a new List of BufferedImages, or to null. The reference to the previous List is discarded.
The thumbnails argument must either be null or contain only BufferedImage objects.
thumbnails - a List of BufferedImage thumbnails, or null. - java.util.List
Sets the list of thumbnails to a new List of BufferedImages, or to null. The reference to the previous List is discarded. The thumbnails argument must either be null or contain only BufferedImage objects. thumbnails - a List of BufferedImage thumbnails, or null. - `java.util.List`
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