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An abstract class to be extended by objects that represent metadata (non-image data) associated with images and streams. Plug-ins represent metadata using opaque, plug-in specific objects. These objects, however, provide the ability to access their internal information as a tree of IIOMetadataNode objects that support the XML DOM interfaces as well as additional interfaces for storing non-textual data and retrieving information about legal data values. The format of such trees is plug-in dependent, but plug-ins may choose to support a plug-in neutral format described below. A single plug-in may support multiple metadata formats, whose names maybe determined by calling getMetadataFormatNames. The plug-in may also support a single special format, referred to as the "native" format, which is designed to encode its metadata losslessly. This format will typically be designed specifically to work with a specific file format, so that images may be loaded and saved in the same format with no loss of metadata, but may be less useful for transferring metadata between an ImageReader and an ImageWriter for different image formats. To convert between two native formats as losslessly as the image file formats will allow, an ImageTranscoder object must be used.

An abstract class to be extended by objects that represent metadata
(non-image data) associated with images and streams.  Plug-ins
represent metadata using opaque, plug-in specific objects.  These
objects, however, provide the ability to access their internal
information as a tree of IIOMetadataNode objects that
support the XML DOM interfaces as well as additional interfaces for
storing non-textual data and retrieving information about legal
data values.  The format of such trees is plug-in dependent, but
plug-ins may choose to support a plug-in neutral format described
below.  A single plug-in may support multiple metadata formats,
whose names maybe determined by calling
getMetadataFormatNames.  The plug-in may also support
a single special format, referred to as the "native" format, which
is designed to encode its metadata losslessly.  This format will
typically be designed specifically to work with a specific file
format, so that images may be loaded and saved in the same format
with no loss of metadata, but may be less useful for transferring
metadata between an ImageReader and an
ImageWriter for different image formats.  To convert
between two native formats as losslessly as the image file formats
will allow, an ImageTranscoder object must be used.
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(activate-controller this)

Activates the installed IIOMetadataController for this IIOMetadata object and returns the resulting value. When this method returns true, all values for this IIOMetadata object will be ready for the next write operation. If false is returned, no settings in this object will have been disturbed (i.e., the user canceled the operation).

Ordinarily, the controller will be a GUI providing a user interface for a subclass of IIOMetadata for a particular plug-in. Controllers need not be GUIs, however.

The default implementation calls getController and the calls activate on the returned object if hasController returns true.

returns: true if the controller completed normally. - boolean

throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if there is no controller currently installed.

Activates the installed IIOMetadataController for
 this IIOMetadata object and returns the resulting
 value.  When this method returns true, all values for this
 IIOMetadata object will be ready for the next write
 operation.  If false is
 returned, no settings in this object will have been disturbed
 (i.e., the user canceled the operation).

  Ordinarily, the controller will be a GUI providing a user
 interface for a subclass of IIOMetadata for a
 particular plug-in.  Controllers need not be GUIs, however.

  The default implementation calls getController
 and the calls activate on the returned object if
 hasController returns true.

returns: true if the controller completed normally. - `boolean`

throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if there is no controller currently installed.
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(get-as-tree this format-name)

Returns an XML DOM Node object that represents the root of a tree of metadata contained within this object according to the conventions defined by a given metadata format.

The names of the available metadata formats may be queried using the getMetadataFormatNames method.

format-name - the desired metadata format. - java.lang.String

returns: an XML DOM Node object forming the root of a tree. - org.w3c.dom.Node

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if formatName is null or is not one of the names returned by getMetadataFormatNames.

Returns an XML DOM Node object that represents the
 root of a tree of metadata contained within this object
 according to the conventions defined by a given metadata

  The names of the available metadata formats may be queried
 using the getMetadataFormatNames method.

format-name - the desired metadata format. - `java.lang.String`

returns: an XML DOM Node object forming the
 root of a tree. - `org.w3c.dom.Node`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if formatName is null or is not one of the names returned by getMetadataFormatNames.
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(get-controller this)

Returns whatever IIOMetadataController is currently installed. This could be the default if there is one, null, or the argument of the most recent call to setController.

The default implementation returns the value of the controller instance variable.

returns: the currently installed IIOMetadataController, or null. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataController

Returns whatever IIOMetadataController is currently
 installed.  This could be the default if there is one,
 null, or the argument of the most recent call
 to setController.

  The default implementation returns the value of the
 controller instance variable.

returns: the currently installed
 IIOMetadataController, or null. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataController`
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(get-default-controller this)

Returns the default IIOMetadataController, if there is one, regardless of the currently installed controller. If there is no default controller, returns null.

The default implementation returns the value of the defaultController instance variable.

returns: the default IIOMetadataController, or null. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataController

Returns the default IIOMetadataController, if there
 is one, regardless of the currently installed controller.  If
 there is no default controller, returns null.

  The default implementation returns the value of the
 defaultController instance variable.

returns: the default IIOMetadataController, or
 null. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataController`
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(get-extra-metadata-format-names this)

Returns an array of Strings containing the names of additional metadata formats, other than the native and standard formats, recognized by this plug-in's getAsTree, setFromTree, and mergeTree methods. If there are no such additional formats, null is returned.

The default implementation returns a clone of the extraMetadataFormatNames instance variable.

returns: an array of Strings with length at least 1, or null. - java.lang.String[]

Returns an array of Strings containing the names
 of additional metadata formats, other than the native and standard
 formats, recognized by this plug-in's
 getAsTree, setFromTree, and
 mergeTree methods.  If there are no such additional
 formats, null is returned.

  The default implementation returns a clone of the
 extraMetadataFormatNames instance variable.

returns: an array of Strings with length at least
 1, or null. - `java.lang.String[]`
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(get-metadata-format this format-name)

Returns an IIOMetadataFormat object describing the given metadata format, or null if no description is available. The supplied name must be one of those returned by getMetadataFormatNames (i.e., either the native format name, the standard format name, or one of those returned by getExtraMetadataFormatNames).

The default implementation checks the name against the global standard metadata format name, and returns that format if it is supported. Otherwise, it checks against the native format names followed by any additional format names. If a match is found, it retrieves the name of the IIOMetadataFormat class from nativeMetadataFormatClassName or extraMetadataFormatClassNames as appropriate, and constructs an instance of that class using its getInstance method.

format-name - the desired metadata format. - java.lang.String

returns: an IIOMetadataFormat object. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataFormat

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if formatName is null or is not one of the names recognized by the plug-in.

Returns an IIOMetadataFormat object describing the
 given metadata format, or null if no description
 is available.  The supplied name must be one of those returned
 by getMetadataFormatNames (i.e., either the
 native format name, the standard format name, or one of those
 returned by getExtraMetadataFormatNames).

  The default implementation checks the name against the
 global standard metadata format name, and returns that format
 if it is supported.  Otherwise, it checks against the native
 format names followed by any additional format names.  If a
 match is found, it retrieves the name of the
 IIOMetadataFormat class from
 nativeMetadataFormatClassName or
 extraMetadataFormatClassNames as appropriate, and
 constructs an instance of that class using its
 getInstance method.

format-name - the desired metadata format. - `java.lang.String`

returns: an IIOMetadataFormat object. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataFormat`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if formatName is null or is not one of the names recognized by the plug-in.
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(get-metadata-format-names this)

Returns an array of Strings containing the names of all metadata formats, including the native and standard formats, recognized by this plug-in's getAsTree, setFromTree, and mergeTree methods. If there are no such formats, null is returned.

The default implementation calls getNativeMetadataFormatName, isStandardMetadataFormatSupported, and getExtraMetadataFormatNames and returns the combined results.

returns: an array of Strings. - java.lang.String[]

Returns an array of Strings containing the names
 of all metadata formats, including the native and standard
 formats, recognized by this plug-in's getAsTree,
 setFromTree, and mergeTree methods.
 If there are no such formats, null is returned.

  The default implementation calls
 isStandardMetadataFormatSupported, and
 getExtraMetadataFormatNames and returns the
 combined results.

returns: an array of Strings. - `java.lang.String[]`
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(get-native-metadata-format-name this)

Returns the name of the "native" metadata format for this plug-in, which typically allows for lossless encoding and transmission of the metadata stored in the format handled by this plug-in. If no such format is supported, nullwill be returned.

The structure and contents of the "native" metadata format are defined by the plug-in that created this IIOMetadata object. Plug-ins for simple formats will usually create a dummy node for the root, and then a series of child nodes representing individual tags, chunks, or keyword/value pairs. A plug-in may choose whether or not to document its native format.

The default implementation returns the value of the nativeMetadataFormatName instance variable.

returns: the name of the native format, or null. - java.lang.String

Returns the name of the "native" metadata format for this
 plug-in, which typically allows for lossless encoding and
 transmission of the metadata stored in the format handled by
 this plug-in.  If no such format is supported,
 nullwill be returned.

  The structure and contents of the "native" metadata format
 are defined by the plug-in that created this
 IIOMetadata object.  Plug-ins for simple formats
 will usually create a dummy node for the root, and then a
 series of child nodes representing individual tags, chunks, or
 keyword/value pairs.  A plug-in may choose whether or not to
 document its native format.

  The default implementation returns the value of the
 nativeMetadataFormatName instance variable.

returns: the name of the native format, or null. - `java.lang.String`
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(has-controller? this)

Returns true if there is a controller installed for this IIOMetadata object.

The default implementation returns true if the getController method returns a non-null value.

returns: true if a controller is installed. - boolean

Returns true if there is a controller installed
 for this IIOMetadata object.

  The default implementation returns true if the
 getController method returns a
 non-null value.

returns: true if a controller is installed. - `boolean`
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(merge-tree this format-name root)

Alters the internal state of this IIOMetadata object from a tree of XML DOM Nodes whose syntax is defined by the given metadata format. The previous state is altered only as necessary to accommodate the nodes that are present in the given tree. If the tree structure or contents are invalid, an IIOInvalidTreeException will be thrown.

As the semantics of how a tree or subtree may be merged with another tree are completely format-specific, plug-in authors may implement this method in whatever manner is most appropriate for the format, including simply replacing all existing state with the contents of the given tree.

format-name - the desired metadata format. - java.lang.String root - an XML DOM Node object forming the root of a tree. - org.w3c.dom.Node

throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this object is read-only.

Alters the internal state of this IIOMetadata
 object from a tree of XML DOM Nodes whose syntax
 is defined by the given metadata format.  The previous state is
 altered only as necessary to accommodate the nodes that are
 present in the given tree.  If the tree structure or contents
 are invalid, an IIOInvalidTreeException will be

  As the semantics of how a tree or subtree may be merged with
 another tree are completely format-specific, plug-in authors may
 implement this method in whatever manner is most appropriate for
 the format, including simply replacing all existing state with the
 contents of the given tree.

format-name - the desired metadata format. - `java.lang.String`
root - an XML DOM Node object forming the root of a tree. - `org.w3c.dom.Node`

throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this object is read-only.
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(read-only? this)

Returns true if this object does not support the mergeTree, setFromTree, and reset methods.

returns: true if this IIOMetadata object cannot be modified. - boolean

Returns true if this object does not support the
 mergeTree, setFromTree, and
 reset methods.

returns: true if this IIOMetadata object cannot be
 modified. - `boolean`
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(reset this)

Resets all the data stored in this object to default values, usually to the state this object was in immediately after construction, though the precise semantics are plug-in specific. Note that there are many possible default values, depending on how the object was created.

throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this object is read-only.

Resets all the data stored in this object to default values,
 usually to the state this object was in immediately after
 construction, though the precise semantics are plug-in specific.
 Note that there are many possible default values, depending on
 how the object was created.

throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this object is read-only.
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(set-controller this controller)

Sets the IIOMetadataController to be used to provide settings for this IIOMetadata object when the activateController method is called, overriding any default controller. If the argument is null, no controller will be used, including any default. To restore the default, use setController(getDefaultController()).

The default implementation sets the controller instance variable to the supplied value.

controller - An appropriate IIOMetadataController, or null. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataController

Sets the IIOMetadataController to be used
 to provide settings for this IIOMetadata
 object when the activateController method
 is called, overriding any default controller.  If the
 argument is null, no controller will be
 used, including any default.  To restore the default, use

  The default implementation sets the controller
 instance variable to the supplied value.

controller - An appropriate IIOMetadataController, or null. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataController`
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(set-from-tree this format-name root)

Sets the internal state of this IIOMetadata object from a tree of XML DOM Nodes whose syntax is defined by the given metadata format. The previous state is discarded. If the tree's structure or contents are invalid, an IIOInvalidTreeException will be thrown.

The default implementation calls reset followed by mergeTree(formatName, root).

format-name - the desired metadata format. - java.lang.String root - an XML DOM Node object forming the root of a tree. - org.w3c.dom.Node

throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this object is read-only.

Sets the internal state of this IIOMetadata object
 from a tree of XML DOM Nodes whose syntax is
 defined by the given metadata format.  The previous state is
 discarded.  If the tree's structure or contents are invalid, an
 IIOInvalidTreeException will be thrown.

  The default implementation calls reset
 followed by mergeTree(formatName, root).

format-name - the desired metadata format. - `java.lang.String`
root - an XML DOM Node object forming the root of a tree. - `org.w3c.dom.Node`

throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this object is read-only.
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(standard-metadata-format-supported? this)

Returns true if the standard metadata format is supported by getMetadataFormat, getAsTree, setFromTree, and mergeTree.

The default implementation returns the value of the standardFormatSupported instance variable.

returns: true if the standard metadata format is supported. - boolean

Returns true if the standard metadata format is
 supported by getMetadataFormat,
 getAsTree, setFromTree, and

  The default implementation returns the value of the
 standardFormatSupported instance variable.

returns: true if the standard metadata format
 is supported. - `boolean`
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