An abstract superclass for encoding and writing images. This class must be subclassed by classes that write out images in the context of the Java Image I/O framework.
ImageWriter objects are normally instantiated by the service provider class for the specific format. Service provider classes are registered with the IIORegistry, which uses them for format recognition and presentation of available format readers and writers.
An abstract superclass for encoding and writing images. This class must be subclassed by classes that write out images in the context of the Java Image I/O framework. ImageWriter objects are normally instantiated by the service provider class for the specific format. Service provider classes are registered with the IIORegistry, which uses them for format recognition and presentation of available format readers and writers.
(abort this)
Requests that any current write operation be aborted. The contents of the output following the abort will be undefined.
Writers should call clearAbortRequest at the beginning of each write operation, and poll the value of abortRequested regularly during the write.
Requests that any current write operation be aborted. The contents of the output following the abort will be undefined. Writers should call clearAbortRequest at the beginning of each write operation, and poll the value of abortRequested regularly during the write.
(add-iio-write-progress-listener this listener)
Adds an IIOWriteProgressListener to the list of registered progress listeners. If listener is null, no exception will be thrown and no action will be taken.
listener - an IIOWriteProgressListener to be registered. - javax.imageio.event.IIOWriteProgressListener
Adds an IIOWriteProgressListener to the list of registered progress listeners. If listener is null, no exception will be thrown and no action will be taken. listener - an IIOWriteProgressListener to be registered. - `javax.imageio.event.IIOWriteProgressListener`
(add-iio-write-warning-listener this listener)
Adds an IIOWriteWarningListener to the list of registered warning listeners. If listener is null, no exception will be thrown and no action will be taken. Messages sent to the given listener will be localized, if possible, to match the current Locale. If no Locale has been set, warning messages may be localized as the writer sees fit.
listener - an IIOWriteWarningListener to be registered. - javax.imageio.event.IIOWriteWarningListener
Adds an IIOWriteWarningListener to the list of registered warning listeners. If listener is null, no exception will be thrown and no action will be taken. Messages sent to the given listener will be localized, if possible, to match the current Locale. If no Locale has been set, warning messages may be localized as the writer sees fit. listener - an IIOWriteWarningListener to be registered. - `javax.imageio.event.IIOWriteWarningListener`
(can-insert-empty? this image-index)
Returns true if the writer supports the insertion of a new, empty image at the given index. The pixel values of the image are undefined, and may be specified in pieces using the replacePixels methods. Existing images with indices greater than or equal to the insertion index will have their indices increased by 1. A value for imageIndex of -1 may be used to signify an index one larger than the current largest index.
A writer that does not support insertion of empty images may return false without performing bounds checking on the index.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise returns false without checking the value of imageIndex.
image-index - the index at which the image is to be inserted. - int
returns: true if an empty image may be inserted at
the given index. - boolean
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
Returns true if the writer supports the insertion of a new, empty image at the given index. The pixel values of the image are undefined, and may be specified in pieces using the replacePixels methods. Existing images with indices greater than or equal to the insertion index will have their indices increased by 1. A value for imageIndex of -1 may be used to signify an index one larger than the current largest index. A writer that does not support insertion of empty images may return false without performing bounds checking on the index. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise returns false without checking the value of imageIndex. image-index - the index at which the image is to be inserted. - `int` returns: true if an empty image may be inserted at the given index. - `boolean` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
(can-insert-image? this image-index)
Returns true if the writer supports the insertion of a new image at the given index. Existing images with indices greater than or equal to the insertion index will have their indices increased by 1. A value for imageIndex of -1 may be used to signify an index one larger than the current largest index.
A writer that does not support any image insertion may return false without performing bounds checking on the index.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise returns false without checking the value of imageIndex.
image-index - the index at which the image is to be inserted. - int
returns: true if an image may be inserted at the
given index. - boolean
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
Returns true if the writer supports the insertion of a new image at the given index. Existing images with indices greater than or equal to the insertion index will have their indices increased by 1. A value for imageIndex of -1 may be used to signify an index one larger than the current largest index. A writer that does not support any image insertion may return false without performing bounds checking on the index. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise returns false without checking the value of imageIndex. image-index - the index at which the image is to be inserted. - `int` returns: true if an image may be inserted at the given index. - `boolean` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
(can-remove-image? this image-index)
Returns true if the writer supports the removal of an existing image at the given index. Existing images with indices greater than the insertion index will have their indices decreased by 1.
A writer that does not support any image removal may return false without performing bounds checking on the index.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise returns false without checking the value of imageIndex.
image-index - the index of the image to be removed. - int
returns: true if it is possible to remove the given
image. - boolean
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
Returns true if the writer supports the removal of an existing image at the given index. Existing images with indices greater than the insertion index will have their indices decreased by 1. A writer that does not support any image removal may return false without performing bounds checking on the index. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise returns false without checking the value of imageIndex. image-index - the index of the image to be removed. - `int` returns: true if it is possible to remove the given image. - `boolean` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
(can-replace-image-metadata? this image-index)
Returns true if it is possible to replace the image metadata associated with an existing image with index imageIndex. If this method returns false, a call to replaceImageMetadata(imageIndex) will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
A writer that does not support any image metadata replacement may return false without performing bounds checking on the index.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise returns false without checking the value of imageIndex.
image-index - the index of the image whose metadata is to be replaced. - int
returns: true if the image metadata of the given
image can be replaced. - boolean
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
Returns true if it is possible to replace the image metadata associated with an existing image with index imageIndex. If this method returns false, a call to replaceImageMetadata(imageIndex) will throw an UnsupportedOperationException. A writer that does not support any image metadata replacement may return false without performing bounds checking on the index. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise returns false without checking the value of imageIndex. image-index - the index of the image whose metadata is to be replaced. - `int` returns: true if the image metadata of the given image can be replaced. - `boolean` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
(can-replace-pixels? this image-index)
Returns true if the writer allows pixels of the given image to be replaced using the replacePixels methods.
A writer that does not support any pixel replacement may return false without performing bounds checking on the index.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise returns false without checking the value of imageIndex.
image-index - the index of the image whose pixels are to be replaced. - int
returns: true if the pixels of the given
image can be replaced. - boolean
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
Returns true if the writer allows pixels of the given image to be replaced using the replacePixels methods. A writer that does not support any pixel replacement may return false without performing bounds checking on the index. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise returns false without checking the value of imageIndex. image-index - the index of the image whose pixels are to be replaced. - `int` returns: true if the pixels of the given image can be replaced. - `boolean` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
(can-replace-stream-metadata? this)
Returns true if it is possible to replace the stream metadata already present in the output.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise returns false.
returns: true if replacement of stream metadata is
allowed. - boolean
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
Returns true if it is possible to replace the stream metadata already present in the output. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise returns false. returns: true if replacement of stream metadata is allowed. - `boolean` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
(can-write-empty? this)
Returns true if the writer supports the writing of a complete image stream consisting of a single image with undefined pixel values and associated metadata and thumbnails to the output. The pixel values may be defined by future calls to the replacePixels methods. If the output is an ImageOutputStream, its existing contents prior to the current seek position are not affected, and need not be readable or writable.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise returns false.
returns: true if the writing of complete image
stream with contents to be defined later is supported. - boolean
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
Returns true if the writer supports the writing of a complete image stream consisting of a single image with undefined pixel values and associated metadata and thumbnails to the output. The pixel values may be defined by future calls to the replacePixels methods. If the output is an ImageOutputStream, its existing contents prior to the current seek position are not affected, and need not be readable or writable. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise returns false. returns: true if the writing of complete image stream with contents to be defined later is supported. - `boolean` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
(can-write-rasters? this)
Returns true if the methods that take an IIOImage parameter are capable of dealing with a Raster (as opposed to RenderedImage) source image. If this method returns false, then those methods will throw an UnsupportedOperationException if supplied with an IIOImage containing a Raster.
The default implementation returns false.
returns: true if Raster sources are
supported. - boolean
Returns true if the methods that take an IIOImage parameter are capable of dealing with a Raster (as opposed to RenderedImage) source image. If this method returns false, then those methods will throw an UnsupportedOperationException if supplied with an IIOImage containing a Raster. The default implementation returns false. returns: true if Raster sources are supported. - `boolean`
(can-write-sequence? this)
Returns true if the writer is able to append an image to an image stream that already contains header information and possibly prior images.
If canWriteSequence returns false, writeToSequence and endWriteSequence will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
The default implementation returns false.
returns: true if images may be appended sequentially. - boolean
Returns true if the writer is able to append an image to an image stream that already contains header information and possibly prior images. If canWriteSequence returns false, writeToSequence and endWriteSequence will throw an UnsupportedOperationException. The default implementation returns false. returns: true if images may be appended sequentially. - `boolean`
(convert-image-metadata this in-data image-type param)
Description copied from interface: ImageTranscoder
in-data - an IIOMetadata object representing image metadata, used to initialize the state of the returned object. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
image-type - an ImageTypeSpecifier indicating the layout and color information of the image with which the metadata will be associated. - javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier
param - an ImageWriteParam that will be used to encode the image, or null. - javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
returns: an IIOMetadata object,
or null if the plug-in does not provide
metadata encoding capabilities. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
Description copied from interface: ImageTranscoder in-data - an IIOMetadata object representing image metadata, used to initialize the state of the returned object. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata` image-type - an ImageTypeSpecifier indicating the layout and color information of the image with which the metadata will be associated. - `javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier` param - an ImageWriteParam that will be used to encode the image, or null. - `javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam` returns: an IIOMetadata object, or null if the plug-in does not provide metadata encoding capabilities. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata`
(convert-stream-metadata this in-data param)
Description copied from interface: ImageTranscoder
in-data - an IIOMetadata object representing stream metadata, used to initialize the state of the returned object. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
param - an ImageWriteParam that will be used to encode the image, or null. - javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
returns: an IIOMetadata object, or
null if the plug-in does not provide metadata
encoding capabilities. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
Description copied from interface: ImageTranscoder in-data - an IIOMetadata object representing stream metadata, used to initialize the state of the returned object. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata` param - an ImageWriteParam that will be used to encode the image, or null. - `javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam` returns: an IIOMetadata object, or null if the plug-in does not provide metadata encoding capabilities. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata`
(dispose this)
Allows any resources held by this object to be released. The result of calling any other method (other than finalize) subsequent to a call to this method is undefined.
It is important for applications to call this method when they know they will no longer be using this ImageWriter. Otherwise, the writer may continue to hold on to resources indefinitely.
The default implementation of this method in the superclass does nothing. Subclass implementations should ensure that all resources, especially native resources, are released.
Allows any resources held by this object to be released. The result of calling any other method (other than finalize) subsequent to a call to this method is undefined. It is important for applications to call this method when they know they will no longer be using this ImageWriter. Otherwise, the writer may continue to hold on to resources indefinitely. The default implementation of this method in the superclass does nothing. Subclass implementations should ensure that all resources, especially native resources, are released.
(end-insert-empty this)
Completes the insertion of a new image that was begun with a prior call to prepareInsertEmpty.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if a call to prepareReplacePixels has been made without a matching call to endReplacePixels.
Completes the insertion of a new image that was begun with a prior call to prepareInsertEmpty. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException. throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if a call to prepareReplacePixels has been made without a matching call to endReplacePixels.
(end-replace-pixels this)
Terminates a sequence of calls to replacePixels.
If canReplacePixels returns false, and UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if there is no previous call to prepareReplacePixels without a matching call to endReplacePixels.
Terminates a sequence of calls to replacePixels. If canReplacePixels returns false, and UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException. throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if there is no previous call to prepareReplacePixels without a matching call to endReplacePixels.
(end-write-empty this)
Completes the writing of a new image that was begun with a prior call to prepareWriteEmpty.
If canWriteEmpty() returns false, an UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if a call to prepareReiplacePixels has been made without a matching call to endReplacePixels.
Completes the writing of a new image that was begun with a prior call to prepareWriteEmpty. If canWriteEmpty() returns false, an UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException. throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if a call to prepareReiplacePixels has been made without a matching call to endReplacePixels.
(end-write-sequence this)
Completes the writing of a sequence of images begun with prepareWriteSequence. Any stream metadata that should come at the end of the sequence of images is written out, and any header information at the beginning of the sequence is patched up if necessary. If the output is an ImageOutputStream, data through the stream metadata at the end of the sequence are flushed and need not be readable or writable.
If canWriteSequence returns false, this method will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set, or prepareWriteSequence has not been called.
Completes the writing of a sequence of images begun with prepareWriteSequence. Any stream metadata that should come at the end of the sequence of images is written out, and any header information at the beginning of the sequence is patched up if necessary. If the output is an ImageOutputStream, data through the stream metadata at the end of the sequence are flushed and need not be readable or writable. If canWriteSequence returns false, this method will throw an UnsupportedOperationException. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException. throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set, or prepareWriteSequence has not been called.
(get-available-locales this)
Returns an array of Locales that may be used to localize warning listeners and compression settings. A return value of null indicates that localization is not supported.
The default implementation returns a clone of the availableLocales instance variable if it is non-null, or else returns null.
returns: an array of Locales that may be used as
arguments to setLocale, or null. - java.util.Locale[]
Returns an array of Locales that may be used to localize warning listeners and compression settings. A return value of null indicates that localization is not supported. The default implementation returns a clone of the availableLocales instance variable if it is non-null, or else returns null. returns: an array of Locales that may be used as arguments to setLocale, or null. - `java.util.Locale[]`
(get-default-image-metadata this image-type param)
Returns an IIOMetadata object containing default values for encoding an image of the given type. The contents of the object may be manipulated using either the XML tree structure returned by the IIOMetadata.getAsTree method, an IIOMetadataController object, or via plug-in specific interfaces, and the resulting data supplied to one of the write methods that take a stream metadata parameter.
An optional ImageWriteParam may be supplied for cases where it may affect the structure of the image metadata.
If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored.
image-type - an ImageTypeSpecifier indicating the format of the image to be written later. - javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier
param - an ImageWriteParam that will be used to encode the image, or null. - javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
returns: an IIOMetadata object. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
Returns an IIOMetadata object containing default values for encoding an image of the given type. The contents of the object may be manipulated using either the XML tree structure returned by the IIOMetadata.getAsTree method, an IIOMetadataController object, or via plug-in specific interfaces, and the resulting data supplied to one of the write methods that take a stream metadata parameter. An optional ImageWriteParam may be supplied for cases where it may affect the structure of the image metadata. If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored. image-type - an ImageTypeSpecifier indicating the format of the image to be written later. - `javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier` param - an ImageWriteParam that will be used to encode the image, or null. - `javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam` returns: an IIOMetadata object. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata`
(get-default-stream-metadata this param)
Returns an IIOMetadata object containing default values for encoding a stream of images. The contents of the object may be manipulated using either the XML tree structure returned by the IIOMetadata.getAsTree method, an IIOMetadataController object, or via plug-in specific interfaces, and the resulting data supplied to one of the write methods that take a stream metadata parameter.
An optional ImageWriteParam may be supplied for cases where it may affect the structure of the stream metadata.
If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored.
Writers that do not make use of stream metadata (e.g., writers for single-image formats) should return null.
param - an ImageWriteParam that will be used to encode the image, or null. - javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
returns: an IIOMetadata object. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
Returns an IIOMetadata object containing default values for encoding a stream of images. The contents of the object may be manipulated using either the XML tree structure returned by the IIOMetadata.getAsTree method, an IIOMetadataController object, or via plug-in specific interfaces, and the resulting data supplied to one of the write methods that take a stream metadata parameter. An optional ImageWriteParam may be supplied for cases where it may affect the structure of the stream metadata. If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored. Writers that do not make use of stream metadata (e.g., writers for single-image formats) should return null. param - an ImageWriteParam that will be used to encode the image, or null. - `javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam` returns: an IIOMetadata object. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata`
(get-default-write-param this)
Returns a new ImageWriteParam object of the appropriate type for this file format containing default values, that is, those values that would be used if no ImageWriteParam object were specified. This is useful as a starting point for tweaking just a few parameters and otherwise leaving the default settings alone.
The default implementation constructs and returns a new ImageWriteParam object that does not allow tiling, progressive encoding, or compression, and that will be localized for the current Locale (i.e., what you would get by calling new ImageWriteParam(getLocale()).
Individual plug-ins may return an instance of ImageWriteParam with additional optional features enabled, or they may return an instance of a plug-in specific subclass of ImageWriteParam.
returns: a new ImageWriteParam object containing
default values. - javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
Returns a new ImageWriteParam object of the appropriate type for this file format containing default values, that is, those values that would be used if no ImageWriteParam object were specified. This is useful as a starting point for tweaking just a few parameters and otherwise leaving the default settings alone. The default implementation constructs and returns a new ImageWriteParam object that does not allow tiling, progressive encoding, or compression, and that will be localized for the current Locale (i.e., what you would get by calling new ImageWriteParam(getLocale()). Individual plug-ins may return an instance of ImageWriteParam with additional optional features enabled, or they may return an instance of a plug-in specific subclass of ImageWriteParam. returns: a new ImageWriteParam object containing default values. - `javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam`
(get-locale this)
Returns the currently set Locale, or null if none has been set.
The default implementation returns the value of the locale instance variable.
returns: the current Locale, or null. - java.util.Locale
Returns the currently set Locale, or null if none has been set. The default implementation returns the value of the locale instance variable. returns: the current Locale, or null. - `java.util.Locale`
(get-num-thumbnails-supported this
Returns the number of thumbnails supported by the format being written, given the image type and any additional write parameters and metadata objects that will be used during encoding. A return value of -1 indicates that insufficient information is available.
An ImageWriteParam may optionally be supplied for cases where it may affect thumbnail handling.
If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored.
The default implementation returns 0.
image-type - an ImageTypeSpecifier indicating the type of image to be written, or null. - javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier
param - the ImageWriteParam that will be used for writing, or null. - javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
stream-metadata - an IIOMetadata object that will be used for writing, or null. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
image-metadata - an IIOMetadata object that will be used for writing, or null. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
returns: the number of thumbnails that may be written given the
supplied parameters, or -1 if insufficient
information is available. - int
Returns the number of thumbnails supported by the format being written, given the image type and any additional write parameters and metadata objects that will be used during encoding. A return value of -1 indicates that insufficient information is available. An ImageWriteParam may optionally be supplied for cases where it may affect thumbnail handling. If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored. The default implementation returns 0. image-type - an ImageTypeSpecifier indicating the type of image to be written, or null. - `javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier` param - the ImageWriteParam that will be used for writing, or null. - `javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam` stream-metadata - an IIOMetadata object that will be used for writing, or null. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata` image-metadata - an IIOMetadata object that will be used for writing, or null. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata` returns: the number of thumbnails that may be written given the supplied parameters, or -1 if insufficient information is available. - `int`
(get-originating-provider this)
Returns the ImageWriterSpi object that created this ImageWriter, or null if this object was not created through the IIORegistry.
The default implementation returns the value of the originatingProvider instance variable.
returns: an ImageWriterSpi, or null. - javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi
Returns the ImageWriterSpi object that created this ImageWriter, or null if this object was not created through the IIORegistry. The default implementation returns the value of the originatingProvider instance variable. returns: an ImageWriterSpi, or null. - `javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi`
(get-output this)
Returns the ImageOutputStream or other Object set by the most recent call to the setOutput method. If no destination has been set, null is returned.
The default implementation returns the value of the output instance variable.
returns: the Object that was specified using
setOutput, or null. - java.lang.Object
Returns the ImageOutputStream or other Object set by the most recent call to the setOutput method. If no destination has been set, null is returned. The default implementation returns the value of the output instance variable. returns: the Object that was specified using setOutput, or null. - `java.lang.Object`
(get-preferred-thumbnail-sizes this
Returns an array of Dimensions indicating the legal size ranges for thumbnail images as they will be encoded in the output file or stream. This information is merely advisory; the writer will resize any supplied thumbnails as necessary.
The information is returned as a set of pairs; the first element of a pair contains an (inclusive) minimum width and height, and the second element contains an (inclusive) maximum width and height. Together, each pair defines a valid range of sizes. To specify a fixed size, the same width and height will appear for both elements. A return value of null indicates that the size is arbitrary or unknown.
An ImageWriteParam may optionally be supplied for cases where it may affect thumbnail handling.
If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored.
The default implementation returns null.
image-type - an ImageTypeSpecifier indicating the type of image to be written, or null. - javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier
param - the ImageWriteParam that will be used for writing, or null. - javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
stream-metadata - an IIOMetadata object that will be used for writing, or null. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
image-metadata - an IIOMetadata object that will be used for writing, or null. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
returns: an array of Dimensions with an even length
of at least two, or null. - java.awt.Dimension[]
Returns an array of Dimensions indicating the legal size ranges for thumbnail images as they will be encoded in the output file or stream. This information is merely advisory; the writer will resize any supplied thumbnails as necessary. The information is returned as a set of pairs; the first element of a pair contains an (inclusive) minimum width and height, and the second element contains an (inclusive) maximum width and height. Together, each pair defines a valid range of sizes. To specify a fixed size, the same width and height will appear for both elements. A return value of null indicates that the size is arbitrary or unknown. An ImageWriteParam may optionally be supplied for cases where it may affect thumbnail handling. If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored. The default implementation returns null. image-type - an ImageTypeSpecifier indicating the type of image to be written, or null. - `javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier` param - the ImageWriteParam that will be used for writing, or null. - `javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam` stream-metadata - an IIOMetadata object that will be used for writing, or null. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata` image-metadata - an IIOMetadata object that will be used for writing, or null. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata` returns: an array of Dimensions with an even length of at least two, or null. - `java.awt.Dimension[]`
(prepare-insert-empty this
Begins the insertion of a new image with undefined pixel values into an existing image stream. Existing images with an index greater than imageIndex are preserved, and their indices are each increased by 1. A value for imageIndex of -1 may be used to signify an index one larger than the previous largest index; that is, it will cause the image to be logically appended to the end of the sequence. If the output is an ImageOutputStream, the entirety of the stream must be both readable and writeable.
The image contents may be supplied later using the replacePixels method. The insertion is not complete until a call to endInsertEmpty occurs. Calls to prepareReplacePixels, replacePixels, and endReplacePixels may occur between calls to prepareInsertEmpty and endInsertEmpty. However, calls to prepareInsertEmpty cannot be nested, and calls to prepareWriteEmpty and prepareInsertEmpty may not be interspersed.
If canInsertEmpty(imageIndex) returns false, an UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown.
An ImageWriteParam may optionally be supplied to control the writing process. If param is null, a default write param will be used.
If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
image-index - the index at which to write the image. - int
image-type - an ImageTypeSpecifier describing the layout of the image. - javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier
width - the width of the image. - int
height - the height of the image. - int
image-metadata - an IIOMetadata object representing image metadata, or null. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
thumbnails - a List of BufferedImage thumbnails for this image, or null. - java.util.List
param - an ImageWriteParam, or null to use a default ImageWriteParam. - javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if a previous call to prepareWriteEmpty has been made without a corresponding call to endWriteEmpty.
Begins the insertion of a new image with undefined pixel values into an existing image stream. Existing images with an index greater than imageIndex are preserved, and their indices are each increased by 1. A value for imageIndex of -1 may be used to signify an index one larger than the previous largest index; that is, it will cause the image to be logically appended to the end of the sequence. If the output is an ImageOutputStream, the entirety of the stream must be both readable and writeable. The image contents may be supplied later using the replacePixels method. The insertion is not complete until a call to endInsertEmpty occurs. Calls to prepareReplacePixels, replacePixels, and endReplacePixels may occur between calls to prepareInsertEmpty and endInsertEmpty. However, calls to prepareInsertEmpty cannot be nested, and calls to prepareWriteEmpty and prepareInsertEmpty may not be interspersed. If canInsertEmpty(imageIndex) returns false, an UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown. An ImageWriteParam may optionally be supplied to control the writing process. If param is null, a default write param will be used. If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException. image-index - the index at which to write the image. - `int` image-type - an ImageTypeSpecifier describing the layout of the image. - `javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier` width - the width of the image. - `int` height - the height of the image. - `int` image-metadata - an IIOMetadata object representing image metadata, or null. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata` thumbnails - a List of BufferedImage thumbnails for this image, or null. - `java.util.List` param - an ImageWriteParam, or null to use a default ImageWriteParam. - `javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if a previous call to prepareWriteEmpty has been made without a corresponding call to endWriteEmpty.
(prepare-replace-pixels this image-index region)
Prepares the writer to handle a series of calls to the replacePixels methods. The affected pixel area will be clipped against the supplied
If canReplacePixels returns false, and UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
image-index - the index of the image whose pixels are to be replaced. - int
region - a Rectangle that will be used to clip future pixel regions. - java.awt.Rectangle
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if there is a previous call to prepareReplacePixels without a matching call to endReplacePixels (i.e., nesting is not allowed).
Prepares the writer to handle a series of calls to the replacePixels methods. The affected pixel area will be clipped against the supplied If canReplacePixels returns false, and UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException. image-index - the index of the image whose pixels are to be replaced. - `int` region - a Rectangle that will be used to clip future pixel regions. - `java.awt.Rectangle` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if there is a previous call to prepareReplacePixels without a matching call to endReplacePixels (i.e., nesting is not allowed).
(prepare-write-empty this
Begins the writing of a complete image stream, consisting of a single image with undefined pixel values and associated metadata and thumbnails, to the output. The pixel values will be defined by future calls to the replacePixels methods. If the output is an ImageOutputStream, its existing contents prior to the current seek position are not affected, and need not be readable or writable.
The writing is not complete until a call to endWriteEmpty occurs. Calls to prepareReplacePixels, replacePixels, and endReplacePixels may occur between calls to prepareWriteEmpty and endWriteEmpty. However, calls to prepareWriteEmpty cannot be nested, and calls to prepareWriteEmpty and prepareInsertEmpty may not be interspersed.
If canWriteEmpty returns false, an UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown.
An ImageWriteParam may optionally be supplied to control the writing process. If param is null, a default write param will be used.
If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
stream-metadata - an IIOMetadata object representing stream metadata, or null to use default values. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
image-type - an ImageTypeSpecifier describing the layout of the image. - javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier
width - the width of the image. - int
height - the height of the image. - int
image-metadata - an IIOMetadata object representing image metadata, or null. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
thumbnails - a List of BufferedImage thumbnails for this image, or null. - java.util.List
param - an ImageWriteParam, or null to use a default ImageWriteParam. - javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if a previous call to prepareInsertEmpty has been made without a corresponding call to endInsertEmpty.
Begins the writing of a complete image stream, consisting of a single image with undefined pixel values and associated metadata and thumbnails, to the output. The pixel values will be defined by future calls to the replacePixels methods. If the output is an ImageOutputStream, its existing contents prior to the current seek position are not affected, and need not be readable or writable. The writing is not complete until a call to endWriteEmpty occurs. Calls to prepareReplacePixels, replacePixels, and endReplacePixels may occur between calls to prepareWriteEmpty and endWriteEmpty. However, calls to prepareWriteEmpty cannot be nested, and calls to prepareWriteEmpty and prepareInsertEmpty may not be interspersed. If canWriteEmpty returns false, an UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown. An ImageWriteParam may optionally be supplied to control the writing process. If param is null, a default write param will be used. If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException. stream-metadata - an IIOMetadata object representing stream metadata, or null to use default values. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata` image-type - an ImageTypeSpecifier describing the layout of the image. - `javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier` width - the width of the image. - `int` height - the height of the image. - `int` image-metadata - an IIOMetadata object representing image metadata, or null. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata` thumbnails - a List of BufferedImage thumbnails for this image, or null. - `java.util.List` param - an ImageWriteParam, or null to use a default ImageWriteParam. - `javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if a previous call to prepareInsertEmpty has been made without a corresponding call to endInsertEmpty.
(prepare-write-sequence this stream-metadata)
Prepares a stream to accept a series of subsequent writeToSequence calls, using the provided stream metadata object. The metadata will be written to the stream if it should precede the image data. If the argument is null, default stream metadata is used.
If the output is an ImageOutputStream, the existing contents of the output prior to the current seek position are flushed, and need not be readable or writable. If the format requires that endWriteSequence be able to rewind to patch up the header information, such as for a sequence of images in a single TIFF file, then the metadata written by this method must remain in a writable portion of the stream. Other formats may flush the stream after this method and after each image.
If canWriteSequence returns false, this method will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
The output must have been set beforehand using either the setOutput method.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
stream-metadata - A stream metadata object, or null. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
Prepares a stream to accept a series of subsequent writeToSequence calls, using the provided stream metadata object. The metadata will be written to the stream if it should precede the image data. If the argument is null, default stream metadata is used. If the output is an ImageOutputStream, the existing contents of the output prior to the current seek position are flushed, and need not be readable or writable. If the format requires that endWriteSequence be able to rewind to patch up the header information, such as for a sequence of images in a single TIFF file, then the metadata written by this method must remain in a writable portion of the stream. Other formats may flush the stream after this method and after each image. If canWriteSequence returns false, this method will throw an UnsupportedOperationException. The output must have been set beforehand using either the setOutput method. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException. stream-metadata - A stream metadata object, or null. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
(remove-all-iio-write-progress-listeners this)
Removes all currently registered IIOWriteProgressListener objects.
The default implementation sets the progressListeners instance variable to null.
Removes all currently registered IIOWriteProgressListener objects. The default implementation sets the progressListeners instance variable to null.
(remove-all-iio-write-warning-listeners this)
Removes all currently registered IIOWriteWarningListener objects.
The default implementation sets the warningListeners and warningLocales instance variables to null.
Removes all currently registered IIOWriteWarningListener objects. The default implementation sets the warningListeners and warningLocales instance variables to null.
(remove-iio-write-progress-listener this listener)
Removes an IIOWriteProgressListener from the list of registered progress listeners. If the listener was not previously registered, or if listener is null, no exception will be thrown and no action will be taken.
listener - an IIOWriteProgressListener to be deregistered. - javax.imageio.event.IIOWriteProgressListener
Removes an IIOWriteProgressListener from the list of registered progress listeners. If the listener was not previously registered, or if listener is null, no exception will be thrown and no action will be taken. listener - an IIOWriteProgressListener to be deregistered. - `javax.imageio.event.IIOWriteProgressListener`
(remove-iio-write-warning-listener this listener)
Removes an IIOWriteWarningListener from the list of registered warning listeners. If the listener was not previously registered, or if listener is null, no exception will be thrown and no action will be taken.
listener - an IIOWriteWarningListener to be deregistered. - javax.imageio.event.IIOWriteWarningListener
Removes an IIOWriteWarningListener from the list of registered warning listeners. If the listener was not previously registered, or if listener is null, no exception will be thrown and no action will be taken. listener - an IIOWriteWarningListener to be deregistered. - `javax.imageio.event.IIOWriteWarningListener`
(remove-image this image-index)
Removes an image from the stream.
If canRemoveImage(imageIndex) returns false, an UnsupportedOperationExceptionwill be thrown.
The removal may or may not cause a reduction in the actual file size.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
image-index - the index of the image to be removed. - int
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
Removes an image from the stream. If canRemoveImage(imageIndex) returns false, an UnsupportedOperationExceptionwill be thrown. The removal may or may not cause a reduction in the actual file size. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException. image-index - the index of the image to be removed. - `int` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
(replace-image-metadata this image-index image-metadata)
Replaces the image metadata associated with an existing image.
If canReplaceImageMetadata(imageIndex) returns false, an UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
image-index - the index of the image whose metadata is to be replaced. - int
image-metadata - an IIOMetadata object representing image metadata, or null. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
Replaces the image metadata associated with an existing image. If canReplaceImageMetadata(imageIndex) returns false, an UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException. image-index - the index of the image whose metadata is to be replaced. - `int` image-metadata - an IIOMetadata object representing image metadata, or null. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
(replace-pixels this image param)
Replaces a portion of an image already present in the output with a portion of the given image. The image data must match, or be convertible to, the image layout of the existing image.
The destination region is specified in the param argument, and will be clipped to the image boundaries and the region supplied to prepareReplacePixels. At least one pixel of the source must not be clipped, or an exception is thrown.
An ImageWriteParam may optionally be supplied to control the writing process. If param is null, a default write param will be used.
If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored.
This method may only be called after a call to prepareReplacePixels, or else an IllegalStateException will be thrown.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
image - a RenderedImage containing source pixels. - java.awt.image.RenderedImage
param - an ImageWriteParam, or null to use a default ImageWriteParam. - javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if there is no previous call to prepareReplacePixels without a matching call to endReplacePixels.
Replaces a portion of an image already present in the output with a portion of the given image. The image data must match, or be convertible to, the image layout of the existing image. The destination region is specified in the param argument, and will be clipped to the image boundaries and the region supplied to prepareReplacePixels. At least one pixel of the source must not be clipped, or an exception is thrown. An ImageWriteParam may optionally be supplied to control the writing process. If param is null, a default write param will be used. If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored. This method may only be called after a call to prepareReplacePixels, or else an IllegalStateException will be thrown. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException. image - a RenderedImage containing source pixels. - `java.awt.image.RenderedImage` param - an ImageWriteParam, or null to use a default ImageWriteParam. - `javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if there is no previous call to prepareReplacePixels without a matching call to endReplacePixels.
(replace-stream-metadata this stream-metadata)
Replaces the stream metadata in the output with new information. If the output is an ImageOutputStream, the prior contents of the stream are examined and possibly edited to make room for the new data. All of the prior contents of the output must be available for reading and writing.
If canReplaceStreamMetadata returns false, an UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
stream-metadata - an IIOMetadata object representing stream metadata, or null to use default values. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
Replaces the stream metadata in the output with new information. If the output is an ImageOutputStream, the prior contents of the stream are examined and possibly edited to make room for the new data. All of the prior contents of the output must be available for reading and writing. If canReplaceStreamMetadata returns false, an UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException. stream-metadata - an IIOMetadata object representing stream metadata, or null to use default values. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
(reset this)
Restores the ImageWriter to its initial state.
The default implementation calls setOutput(null), setLocale(null), removeAllIIOWriteWarningListeners(), removeAllIIOWriteProgressListeners(), and clearAbortRequest.
Restores the ImageWriter to its initial state. The default implementation calls setOutput(null), setLocale(null), removeAllIIOWriteWarningListeners(), removeAllIIOWriteProgressListeners(), and clearAbortRequest.
(set-locale this locale)
Sets the current Locale of this ImageWriter to the given value. A value of null removes any previous setting, and indicates that the writer should localize as it sees fit.
The default implementation checks locale against the values returned by getAvailableLocales, and sets the locale instance variable if it is found. If locale is null, the instance variable is set to null without any checking.
locale - the desired Locale, or null. - java.util.Locale
throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if locale is non-null but is not one of the values returned by getAvailableLocales.
Sets the current Locale of this ImageWriter to the given value. A value of null removes any previous setting, and indicates that the writer should localize as it sees fit. The default implementation checks locale against the values returned by getAvailableLocales, and sets the locale instance variable if it is found. If locale is null, the instance variable is set to null without any checking. locale - the desired Locale, or null. - `java.util.Locale` throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if locale is non-null but is not one of the values returned by getAvailableLocales.
(set-output this output)
Sets the destination to the given ImageOutputStream or other Object. The destination is assumed to be ready to accept data, and will not be closed at the end of each write. This allows distributed imaging applications to transmit a series of images over a single network connection. If output is null, any currently set output will be removed.
If output is an ImageOutputStream, calls to the write, writeToSequence, and prepareWriteEmpty/endWriteEmpty methods will preserve the existing contents of the stream. Other write methods, such as writeInsert, replaceStreamMetadata, replaceImageMetadata, replacePixels, prepareInsertEmpty/endInsertEmpty, and endWriteSequence, require the full contents of the stream to be readable and writable, and may alter any portion of the stream.
Use of a general Object other than an ImageOutputStream is intended for writers that interact directly with an output device or imaging protocol. The set of legal classes is advertised by the writer's service provider's getOutputTypes method; most writers will return a single-element array containing only ImageOutputStream.class to indicate that they accept only an ImageOutputStream.
The default implementation sets the output instance variable to the value of output after checking output against the set of classes advertised by the originating provider, if there is one.
output - the ImageOutputStream or other Object to use for future writing. - java.lang.Object
throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if output is not an instance of one of the classes returned by the originating service provider's getOutputTypes method.
Sets the destination to the given ImageOutputStream or other Object. The destination is assumed to be ready to accept data, and will not be closed at the end of each write. This allows distributed imaging applications to transmit a series of images over a single network connection. If output is null, any currently set output will be removed. If output is an ImageOutputStream, calls to the write, writeToSequence, and prepareWriteEmpty/endWriteEmpty methods will preserve the existing contents of the stream. Other write methods, such as writeInsert, replaceStreamMetadata, replaceImageMetadata, replacePixels, prepareInsertEmpty/endInsertEmpty, and endWriteSequence, require the full contents of the stream to be readable and writable, and may alter any portion of the stream. Use of a general Object other than an ImageOutputStream is intended for writers that interact directly with an output device or imaging protocol. The set of legal classes is advertised by the writer's service provider's getOutputTypes method; most writers will return a single-element array containing only ImageOutputStream.class to indicate that they accept only an ImageOutputStream. The default implementation sets the output instance variable to the value of output after checking output against the set of classes advertised by the originating provider, if there is one. output - the ImageOutputStream or other Object to use for future writing. - `java.lang.Object` throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if output is not an instance of one of the classes returned by the originating service provider's getOutputTypes method.
(write this image)
(write this stream-metadata image param)
Appends a complete image stream containing a single image and associated stream and image metadata and thumbnails to the output. Any necessary header information is included. If the output is an ImageOutputStream, its existing contents prior to the current seek position are not affected, and need not be readable or writable.
The output must have been set beforehand using the setOutput method.
Stream metadata may optionally be supplied; if it is null, default stream metadata will be used.
If canWriteRasters returns true, the IIOImage may contain a Raster source. Otherwise, it must contain a RenderedImage source.
The supplied thumbnails will be resized if needed, and any thumbnails in excess of the supported number will be ignored. If the format requires additional thumbnails that are not provided, the writer should generate them internally.
An ImageWriteParam may optionally be supplied to control the writing process. If param is null, a default write param will be used.
If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored.
stream-metadata - an IIOMetadata object representing stream metadata, or null to use default values. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
image - an IIOImage object containing an image, thumbnails, and metadata to be written. - javax.imageio.IIOImage
param - an ImageWriteParam, or null to use a default ImageWriteParam. - javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
Appends a complete image stream containing a single image and associated stream and image metadata and thumbnails to the output. Any necessary header information is included. If the output is an ImageOutputStream, its existing contents prior to the current seek position are not affected, and need not be readable or writable. The output must have been set beforehand using the setOutput method. Stream metadata may optionally be supplied; if it is null, default stream metadata will be used. If canWriteRasters returns true, the IIOImage may contain a Raster source. Otherwise, it must contain a RenderedImage source. The supplied thumbnails will be resized if needed, and any thumbnails in excess of the supported number will be ignored. If the format requires additional thumbnails that are not provided, the writer should generate them internally. An ImageWriteParam may optionally be supplied to control the writing process. If param is null, a default write param will be used. If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored. stream-metadata - an IIOMetadata object representing stream metadata, or null to use default values. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata` image - an IIOImage object containing an image, thumbnails, and metadata to be written. - `javax.imageio.IIOImage` param - an ImageWriteParam, or null to use a default ImageWriteParam. - `javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
(write-insert this image-index image param)
Inserts a new image into an existing image stream. Existing images with an index greater than imageIndex are preserved, and their indices are each increased by 1. A value for imageIndex of -1 may be used to signify an index one larger than the previous largest index; that is, it will cause the image to be logically appended to the end of the sequence. If the output is an ImageOutputStream, the entirety of the stream must be both readable and writeable.
If canInsertImage(imageIndex) returns false, an UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown.
An ImageWriteParam may optionally be supplied to control the writing process. If param is null, a default write param will be used.
If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
image-index - the index at which to write the image. - int
image - an IIOImage object containing an image, thumbnails, and metadata to be written. - javax.imageio.IIOImage
param - an ImageWriteParam, or null to use a default ImageWriteParam. - javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
Inserts a new image into an existing image stream. Existing images with an index greater than imageIndex are preserved, and their indices are each increased by 1. A value for imageIndex of -1 may be used to signify an index one larger than the previous largest index; that is, it will cause the image to be logically appended to the end of the sequence. If the output is an ImageOutputStream, the entirety of the stream must be both readable and writeable. If canInsertImage(imageIndex) returns false, an UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown. An ImageWriteParam may optionally be supplied to control the writing process. If param is null, a default write param will be used. If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException. image-index - the index at which to write the image. - `int` image - an IIOImage object containing an image, thumbnails, and metadata to be written. - `javax.imageio.IIOImage` param - an ImageWriteParam, or null to use a default ImageWriteParam. - `javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set.
(write-to-sequence this image param)
Appends a single image and possibly associated metadata and thumbnails, to the output. If the output is an ImageOutputStream, the existing contents of the output prior to the current seek position may be flushed, and need not be readable or writable, unless the plug-in needs to be able to patch up the header information when endWriteSequence is called (e.g. TIFF).
If canWriteSequence returns false, this method will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
The output must have been set beforehand using the setOutput method.
prepareWriteSequence must have been called beforehand, or an IllegalStateException is thrown.
If canWriteRasters returns true, the IIOImage may contain a Raster source. Otherwise, it must contain a RenderedImage source.
The supplied thumbnails will be resized if needed, and any thumbnails in excess of the supported number will be ignored. If the format requires additional thumbnails that are not provided, the writer will generate them internally.
An ImageWriteParam may optionally be supplied to control the writing process. If param is null, a default write param will be used.
If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored.
The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
image - an IIOImage object containing an image, thumbnails, and metadata to be written. - javax.imageio.IIOImage
param - an ImageWriteParam, or null to use a default ImageWriteParam. - javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set, or prepareWriteSequence has not been called.
Appends a single image and possibly associated metadata and thumbnails, to the output. If the output is an ImageOutputStream, the existing contents of the output prior to the current seek position may be flushed, and need not be readable or writable, unless the plug-in needs to be able to patch up the header information when endWriteSequence is called (e.g. TIFF). If canWriteSequence returns false, this method will throw an UnsupportedOperationException. The output must have been set beforehand using the setOutput method. prepareWriteSequence must have been called beforehand, or an IllegalStateException is thrown. If canWriteRasters returns true, the IIOImage may contain a Raster source. Otherwise, it must contain a RenderedImage source. The supplied thumbnails will be resized if needed, and any thumbnails in excess of the supported number will be ignored. If the format requires additional thumbnails that are not provided, the writer will generate them internally. An ImageWriteParam may optionally be supplied to control the writing process. If param is null, a default write param will be used. If the supplied ImageWriteParam contains optional setting values not supported by this writer (e.g. progressive encoding or any format-specific settings), they will be ignored. The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException if the output is null, and otherwise throws an UnsupportedOperationException. image - an IIOImage object containing an image, thumbnails, and metadata to be written. - `javax.imageio.IIOImage` param - an ImageWriteParam, or null to use a default ImageWriteParam. - `javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam` throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the output has not been set, or prepareWriteSequence has not been called.
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