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A concrete class providing a reusable implementation of the IIOMetadataFormat interface. In addition, a static instance representing the standard, plug-in neutral javax_imageio_1.0 format is provided by the getStandardFormatInstance method.

In order to supply localized descriptions of elements and attributes, a ResourceBundle with a base name of this.getClass().getName() "Resources" should be supplied via the usual mechanism used by ResourceBundle.getBundle. Briefly, the subclasser supplies one or more additional classes according to a naming convention (by default, the fully-qualified name of the subclass extending IIMetadataFormatImpl, plus the string "Resources", plus the country, language, and variant codes separated by underscores). At run time, calls to getElementDescription or getAttributeDescription will attempt to load such classes dynamically according to the supplied locale, and will use either the element name, or the element name followed by a '/' character followed by the attribute name as a key. This key will be supplied to the ResourceBundle's getString method, and the resulting localized description of the node or attribute is returned.

The subclass may supply a different base name for the resource bundles using the setResourceBaseName method.

A subclass may choose its own localization mechanism, if so desired, by overriding the supplied implementations of getElementDescription and getAttributeDescription.

A concrete class providing a reusable implementation of the
IIOMetadataFormat interface.  In addition, a static
instance representing the standard, plug-in neutral
javax_imageio_1.0 format is provided by the
getStandardFormatInstance method.

 In order to supply localized descriptions of elements and
attributes, a ResourceBundle with a base name of
this.getClass().getName()  "Resources" should be
supplied via the usual mechanism used by
ResourceBundle.getBundle.  Briefly, the subclasser
supplies one or more additional classes according to a naming
convention (by default, the fully-qualified name of the subclass
extending IIMetadataFormatImpl, plus the string
"Resources", plus the country, language, and variant codes
separated by underscores).  At run time, calls to
getElementDescription or
getAttributeDescription will attempt to load such
classes dynamically according to the supplied locale, and will use
either the element name, or the element name followed by a '/'
character followed by the attribute name as a key.  This key will
be supplied to the ResourceBundle's
getString method, and the resulting localized
description of the node or attribute is returned.

 The subclass may supply a different base name for the resource
bundles using the setResourceBaseName method.

 A subclass may choose its own localization mechanism, if so
desired, by overriding the supplied implementations of
getElementDescription and
raw docstring


Static Constant.

A String constant containing the standard format name, "javax_imageio_1.0".

type: java.lang.String

Static Constant.

A String constant containing the standard format
 name, "javax_imageio_1.0".

type: java.lang.String
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Returns an IIOMetadataFormat object describing the standard, plug-in neutral javax.imageio_1.0 metadata document format described in the comment of the javax.imageio.metadata package.

returns: a predefined IIOMetadataFormat instance. - javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataFormat

Returns an IIOMetadataFormat object describing the
 standard, plug-in neutral javax.imageio_1.0
 metadata document format described in the comment of the
 javax.imageio.metadata package.

returns: a predefined IIOMetadataFormat instance. - `javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataFormat`
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(->iio-metadata-format-impl root-name child-policy)
(->iio-metadata-format-impl root-name min-children max-children)


Constructs a blank IIOMetadataFormatImpl instance, with a given root element name and a child policy of CHILD_POLICY_REPEAT. Additional elements, and their attributes and Object reference information may be added using the various add methods.

root-name - the name of the root element. - java.lang.String min-children - the minimum number of children of the node. - int max-children - the maximum number of children of the node. - int

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if minChildren is negative or larger than maxChildren.


Constructs a blank IIOMetadataFormatImpl instance,
 with a given root element name and a child policy of
 CHILD_POLICY_REPEAT.  Additional elements, and
 their attributes and Object reference information
 may be added using the various add methods.

root-name - the name of the root element. - `java.lang.String`
min-children - the minimum number of children of the node. - `int`
max-children - the maximum number of children of the node. - `int`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if minChildren is negative or larger than maxChildren.
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(attribute-required? this element-name attr-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: true if the attribute must be present. - boolean

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`
attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: true if the attribute must be present. - `boolean`
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(can-node-appear? this element-name image-type)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String image-type - an ImageTypeSpecifier indicating the type of the image that will be associated with the metadata. - javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier

returns: true if the node is meaningful for images of the given type. - boolean

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`
image-type - an ImageTypeSpecifier indicating the type of the image that will be associated with the metadata. - `javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier`

returns: true if the node is meaningful for images
 of the given type. - `boolean`
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(get-attribute-data-type this element-name attr-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: one of the DATATYPE_* constants. - int

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`
attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: one of the DATATYPE_* constants. - `int`
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(get-attribute-default-value this element-name attr-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: a String containing the default value, or null. - java.lang.String

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`
attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: a String containing the default value, or
 null. - `java.lang.String`
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(get-attribute-description this element-name attr-name locale)

Returns a String containing a description of the named attribute, or null. The description will be localized for the supplied Locale if possible.

The default implementation will first locate a ResourceBundle using the current resource base name set by setResourceBaseName and the supplied Locale, using the fallback mechanism described in the comments for ResourceBundle.getBundle. If a ResourceBundle is found, the element name followed by a "/" character followed by the attribute name (elementName "/" attrName) will be used as a key to its getString method, and the result returned. If no ResourceBundle is found, or no such key is present, null will be returned.

If locale is null, the current default Locale returned by Locale.getLocale will be used.

element-name - the name of the element. - java.lang.String attr-name - the name of the attribute. - java.lang.String locale - the Locale for which localization will be attempted, or null. - java.util.Locale

returns: the attribute description. - java.lang.String

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if attrName is null or is not a legal attribute name for this element.

Returns a String containing a description of the
 named attribute, or null.  The description will be
 localized for the supplied Locale if possible.

  The default implementation will first locate a
 ResourceBundle using the current resource base
 name set by setResourceBaseName and the supplied
 Locale, using the fallback mechanism described in
 the comments for ResourceBundle.getBundle.  If a
 ResourceBundle is found, the element name followed
 by a "/" character followed by the attribute name
 (elementName  "/"  attrName) will be used as a
 key to its getString method, and the result
 returned.  If no ResourceBundle is found, or no
 such key is present, null will be returned.

  If locale is null, the current
 default Locale returned by Locale.getLocale
 will be used.

element-name - the name of the element. - `java.lang.String`
attr-name - the name of the attribute. - `java.lang.String`
locale - the Locale for which localization will be attempted, or null. - `java.util.Locale`

returns: the attribute description. - `java.lang.String`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if attrName is null or is not a legal attribute name for this element.
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(get-attribute-enumerations this element-name attr-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: an array of Strings. - java.lang.String[]

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`
attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: an array of Strings. - `java.lang.String[]`
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(get-attribute-list-max-length this element-name attr-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: the largest legal number of list items for the attribute. - int

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`
attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: the largest legal number of list items for the
 attribute. - `int`
raw docstring


(get-attribute-list-min-length this element-name attr-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: the smallest legal number of list items for the attribute. - int

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`
attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: the smallest legal number of list items for the
 attribute. - `int`
raw docstring


(get-attribute-max-value this element-name attr-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried, as a String. - java.lang.String attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: a String containing the largest legal value for the attribute. - java.lang.String

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried, as a String. - `java.lang.String`
attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: a String containing the largest legal
 value for the attribute. - `java.lang.String`
raw docstring


(get-attribute-min-value this element-name attr-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: a String containing the smallest legal value for the attribute. - java.lang.String

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`
attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: a String containing the smallest legal
 value for the attribute. - `java.lang.String`
raw docstring


(get-attribute-names this element-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: an array of Strings. - java.lang.String[]

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: an array of Strings. - `java.lang.String[]`
raw docstring


(get-attribute-value-type this element-name attr-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: one of the VALUE_* constants. - int

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`
attr-name - the name of the attribute being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: one of the VALUE_* constants. - `int`
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(get-child-names this element-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: an array of Strings, or null. - java.lang.String[]

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: an array of Strings, or null. - `java.lang.String[]`
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(get-child-policy this element-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: one of the CHILD_POLICY_* constants. - int

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: one of the CHILD_POLICY_* constants. - `int`
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(get-element-description this element-name locale)

Returns a String containing a description of the named element, or null. The description will be localized for the supplied Locale if possible.

The default implementation will first locate a ResourceBundle using the current resource base name set by setResourceBaseName and the supplied Locale, using the fallback mechanism described in the comments for ResourceBundle.getBundle. If a ResourceBundle is found, the element name will be used as a key to its getString method, and the result returned. If no ResourceBundle is found, or no such key is present, null will be returned.

If locale is null, the current default Locale returned by Locale.getLocale will be used.

element-name - the name of the element. - java.lang.String locale - the Locale for which localization will be attempted. - java.util.Locale

returns: the element description. - java.lang.String

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if elementName is null, or is not a legal element name for this format.

Returns a String containing a description of the
 named element, or null.  The description will be
 localized for the supplied Locale if possible.

  The default implementation will first locate a
 ResourceBundle using the current resource base
 name set by setResourceBaseName and the supplied
 Locale, using the fallback mechanism described in
 the comments for ResourceBundle.getBundle.  If a
 ResourceBundle is found, the element name will be
 used as a key to its getString method, and the
 result returned.  If no ResourceBundle is found,
 or no such key is present, null will be returned.

  If locale is null, the current
 default Locale returned by Locale.getLocale
 will be used.

element-name - the name of the element. - `java.lang.String`
locale - the Locale for which localization will be attempted. - `java.util.Locale`

returns: the element description. - `java.lang.String`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if elementName is null, or is not a legal element name for this format.
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(get-element-max-children this element-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: an int. - int

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: an int. - `int`
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(get-element-min-children this element-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: an int. - int

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: an int. - `int`
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(get-object-array-max-length this element-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: the largest valid array length for the Object reference. - int

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: the largest valid array length for the
 Object reference. - `int`
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(get-object-array-min-length this element-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: the smallest valid array length for the Object reference. - int

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: the smallest valid array length for the
 Object reference. - `int`
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(get-object-class this element-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: a Class object. - java.lang.Class<?>

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: a Class object. - `java.lang.Class<?>`
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(get-object-default-value this element-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: an Object. - java.lang.Object

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: an Object. - `java.lang.Object`
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(get-object-enumerations this element-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: an array of Objects. - java.lang.Object[]

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: an array of Objects. - `java.lang.Object[]`
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(get-object-max-value this element-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: the smallest legal value for the attribute. - java.lang.Comparable<?>

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: the smallest legal value for the attribute. - `java.lang.Comparable<?>`
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(get-object-min-value this element-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: the smallest legal value for the attribute. - java.lang.Comparable<?>

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: the smallest legal value for the attribute. - `java.lang.Comparable<?>`
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(get-object-value-type this element-name)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - java.lang.String

returns: one of the VALUE_* constants. - int

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

element-name - the name of the element being queried. - `java.lang.String`

returns: one of the VALUE_* constants. - `int`
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(get-root-name this)

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

returns: a String. - java.lang.String

Description copied from interface: IIOMetadataFormat

returns: a String. - `java.lang.String`
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