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A superinterface for functionality common to all Image I/O service provider interfaces (SPIs). For more information on service provider classes, see the class comment for the IIORegistry class.

A superinterface for functionality common to all Image I/O service
provider interfaces (SPIs).  For more information on service
provider classes, see the class comment for the
IIORegistry class.
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(->iio-service-provider vendor-name version)


Constructs an IIOServiceProvider with a given vendor name and version identifier.

vendor-name - the vendor name. - java.lang.String version - a version identifier. - java.lang.String

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if version is null.


Constructs an IIOServiceProvider with a given
 vendor name and version identifier.

vendor-name - the vendor name. - `java.lang.String`
version - a version identifier. - `java.lang.String`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if version is null.
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(get-description this locale)

Returns a brief, human-readable description of this service provider and its associated implementation. The resulting string should be localized for the supplied Locale, if possible.

locale - a Locale for which the return value should be localized. - java.util.Locale

returns: a String containing a description of this service provider. - java.lang.String

Returns a brief, human-readable description of this service
 provider and its associated implementation.  The resulting
 string should be localized for the supplied
 Locale, if possible.

locale - a Locale for which the return value should be localized. - `java.util.Locale`

returns: a String containing a description of this
 service provider. - `java.lang.String`
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(get-vendor-name this)

Returns the name of the vendor responsible for creating this service provider and its associated implementation. Because the vendor name may be used to select a service provider, it is not localized.

The default implementation returns the value of the vendorName instance variable.

returns: a non-null String containing the name of the vendor. - java.lang.String

Returns the name of the vendor responsible for creating this
 service provider and its associated implementation.  Because
 the vendor name may be used to select a service provider,
 it is not localized.

  The default implementation returns the value of the
 vendorName instance variable.

returns: a non-null String containing
 the name of the vendor. - `java.lang.String`
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(get-version this)

Returns a string describing the version number of this service provider and its associated implementation. Because the version may be used by transcoders to identify the service providers they understand, this method is not localized.

The default implementation returns the value of the version instance variable.

returns: a non-null String containing the version of this service provider. - java.lang.String

Returns a string describing the version
 number of this service provider and its associated
 implementation.  Because the version may be used by transcoders
 to identify the service providers they understand, this method
 is not localized.

  The default implementation returns the value of the
 version instance variable.

returns: a non-null String containing
 the version of this service provider. - `java.lang.String`
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(on-deregistration this registry category)

A callback that will be whenever the Spi class has been deregistered from a ServiceRegistry.

Only the registry should call this method.

The default implementation does nothing.

registry - a ServiceRegistry from which this object is being (wholly or partially) deregistered. - javax.imageio.spi.ServiceRegistry category - a Class object indicating the registry category from which this object is being deregistered. - java.lang.Class

A callback that will be whenever the Spi class has been
 deregistered from a ServiceRegistry.

  Only the registry should call this method.

  The default implementation does nothing.

registry - a ServiceRegistry from which this object is being (wholly or partially) deregistered. - `javax.imageio.spi.ServiceRegistry`
category - a Class object indicating the registry category from which this object is being deregistered. - `java.lang.Class`
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(on-registration this registry category)

A callback that will be called exactly once after the Spi class has been instantiated and registered in a ServiceRegistry. This may be used to verify that the environment is suitable for this service, for example that native libraries can be loaded. If the service cannot function in the environment where it finds itself, it should deregister itself from the registry.

Only the registry should call this method.

The default implementation does nothing.

registry - a ServiceRegistry where this object has been registered. - javax.imageio.spi.ServiceRegistry category - a Class object indicating the registry category under which this object has been registered. - java.lang.Class

A callback that will be called exactly once after the Spi class
 has been instantiated and registered in a
 ServiceRegistry.  This may be used to verify that
 the environment is suitable for this service, for example that
 native libraries can be loaded.  If the service cannot function
 in the environment where it finds itself, it should deregister
 itself from the registry.

  Only the registry should call this method.

  The default implementation does nothing.

registry - a ServiceRegistry where this object has been registered. - `javax.imageio.spi.ServiceRegistry`
category - a Class object indicating the registry category under which this object has been registered. - `java.lang.Class`
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