Threeagent is a ClojureScript library for creating reactive, 3D web applications. It combines the power of three.js with the simplicity of Reagent, making it easy and fun to build 3D apps.
If you are familiar with Reagent, then you should find it easy to get started with Threeagent!
(ns my-app.core
(:require [threeagent.core :as th]))
;; Use reactive atom for storing state
(defonce state (th/atom {:ticks 0}))
;; Tick every second
(.setInterval js/window #(swap! state update :ticks inc) 1000)
;; Form-1 component example
(defn color-box [color size]
[:box {:dims [size size size]
:material {:color color}}])
;; Form-2 component example
(defn growing-sphere []
(let [s (atom 0)]
(.setInterval js/window #(swap! s inc) 5000)
(fn []
[:sphere {:radius @s}])))
;; Root component render function
(defn root []
[:object {:position [1.0 0 -4.0]
:rotation [0 (.sin js/Math (:ticks @state)) 0]} ; Rotate on Y axis based on :ticks
[:ambient-light {:intensity 0.8}]
[color-box "red" 1.0] ; Don't forget to use square brackets!
;; Initialize and begin rendering threeagent scene
(defonce scene (th/render root (.-body js/document)))
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