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In Threeagent, we can use something called a portal to traverse a specific ThreeJS object's tree and then continue extending it from that position.

Portals are defined using a special keyword, :> followed by a vector that represents the navigation path:

[:instance {:object some-threejs-object}
  [:> ["Child-1" "Child-1-1" "Child-1-1-2"]

This can be useful when you are dealing with ThreeJS objects that were not created in our Threeagent scene-graph. Most commonly, this happens when we load a 3D model file into ThreeJS, as we wll get back a tree of ThreeJS objects that represents the model.

For example, let's say we have a GLTF model for our player character, and it has this bone structure:

"Hips" -> "Spine" -> "Head"
                  -> "Shoulder Right" -> "Arm Right" -> "Hand Right"
                  -> "Shoulder Left" -> "Arm Left" -> "Hand Left"

If we use the ThreeJS GLTFLoader to load this model, we'll get back a tree of ThreeJS objects that matches this bone structure.

Now, let's say we want to add a user-changeable hat to our player character's head. We start with setting up our player-character component:

(fn player-character [hat-type]
  [:model {:type :player/character}
    [:model {:type hat-type}]]) ;; This will be at the origin of the character's model!

Ruh roh, there's a problem! The :player/character model is a ThreeJS object tree itself, but it was created outside of our Threeagent scene, so we can't just add our hat-type model to the entity that represents the character's head.

To solve this, we can use a portal to navigate the tree structure of any ThreeJS object and then inject our own entities

(fn player-character [hat-type]
  [:model {:type :player/character}
    [:> ["Hips" "Spine" "Head"]
     [:model {:type hat-type}]]]]) 

We can also nest portals to clean up our scene graph. Let's say we want to put a weapon in the player's hand:

(fn player-character [hat-type]
  [:model {:type :player/character}
    [:> ["Hips" "Spine"]
     [:> ["Head"]
      [:model {:type hat-type}]]
     [:> ["Shoulder Right" "Arm Right" "Hand Right"]
      [:model {:type :player/axe}]]]])

With portals, we can cleanly integrate existing ThreeJS objects into our Threeagent scene-graph.

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