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Using Shadows

ThreeJS supports adding shadows to our scenes. We can enable shadows in Threeagent by passing the :shadow-map property when calling threeagent.core/render:

    (.getElementById js/document "my-canvas")
    {:shadow-map {:enabled true
                  :type three/PCFSoftShadowMap}}))

Then, configure a light to cast shadows:

(defn lights []
    [:ambient-light {:intensity 0.5}]
    [:directional-light {:cast-shadow true}]])

Use the :cast-shadow and :receive-shadow on the built-in geometry components to control shadows:

(defn geometry []
    [:box {:cast-shadow true
           :receive-shadow true}]
    [:plane {:cast-shadow false
             :receive-shadow true
             :position [0 -1 0}]]])

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