Threeagent provides a number of entity-types out-of-the-box, allowing you to quickly get started building 3D scenes.
Properties: :position
Corresponds to Object3D
Properties: :position
Corresponds to Group
Properties: :object
Where :object
is a valid THREE.js object instance (Mesh, Camera, Group, etc).
The value :object
will be directly injected into the scene graph at this component's location.
Properties: :width
Corresponds to BoxGeometry
Properties: :width
Corresponds to PlaneGeometry
Properties: :radius
Corresponds to SphereGeometry
Properties: :radius-top
Corresponds to CylinderGeometry
Properties: :radius
Corresponds to CircleGeometry
Properties: :radius
Corresponds to ConeGeometry
Properties: :radius
Corresponds to DodecahedronGeometry
Properties: :radius
Corresponds to IcosahedronGeometry
Properties: :radius
Corresponds to OctahedronGeometry
Properties: :radius
Corresponds to TetrahedronGeometry
Properties: :inner-radius
Corresponds to RingGeometry
Properties: :radius
Corresponds to TorusGeometry
Properties: :radius
Corresponds to TorusKnotGeometry
Properties: :shape
Where :shape
is a valid THREE.js Shape.
Corresponds to ShapeGeometry
Properties: :color
Corresponds to AmbientLight
Properties: :color
Corresponds to PointLight
Properties: :color
Corresponds to DirectionalLight
Properties: :sky-color
Corresponds to HemisphereLight
Properties: :color
Corresponds to RectAreaLight
Properties: :color
Corresponds to SpotLight
Properties: :fov
Corresponds to PerspectiveCamera
Properties: :left
Corresponds to OrthographicCamera
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