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Extending Threeagent

Custom Entity Types

As we continue to add functionality to our Threeagent application, we'll likely find the built-in entity-types too limiting. We'd like to extend Threeagent with our own entity-types to make it easier to build our application.

For example, let's say we want to add custom 3D models to our scene. Our models are stored in GLTF and we'd like to add them to our scene just like any other entity-type:

(defn player-character []
    [:model {:path "/assets/models/player_character.gltf"}]])

So, let's add support for our custom entity-type :model. We start by implementing the IEntityType protocol:

(ns my-app.model
  (:require [threeagent.entity :refer [IEntityType]]
            ["three" :as three]))
(defn- load-model [path] 
  ;; Returns a Promise with the loaded model...
(deftype ModelEntity []
  (create [this context {:keys [path] :as config}]
    (let [parent (three/Object3D.)]
      (-> (load-model path)
          (.then (fn [model]
                   (.add parent model))))
  (destroy! [this context config object]
   ;; No clean-up required

The IEntityType protocol defines two methods:

  1. The create method is called when Threeagent needs to add a new instance of this entity-type to our scene. It should return a ThreeJS object (that is, an instance of any subtype of Object3D). Threeagent will then add this object to the scene-graph at the correct location. Note that we do not need to set any of the 3D transformations for our created object, Threeagent will handle that.
  2. The destroy! method is called when Threeagent is removing an entity of our entity-type. We use this method to do any clean-up necessary for our EntityType. Note that we do not need to remove the object from the scene-graph ourselves, Threeagent will do this for us.

Assuming our load-model function handles the fetching and loading of our GLTF model, our IEntityType is pretty straightforward:

  1. The create method creates an empty Object3D instance, kicks off the load-model promise, then returns the empty parent instance. As soon as the load-model promise is resolved, the loaded model is parented to the parent instance.
  2. The destroy! method doesn't do anything because we don't have any resources we need to clean-up manually.

This implementation of our ModelEnity is not ideal for a few reasons:

  1. It loads the model asynchronously, meaning the model will appear some time after a given :model entity is added to the scene
  2. The model will be fetched and loaded each time a :model entity is added to the scene

A better implementation would pre-fetch and populate a pool of model instances, which we'd claim and return from in our create and destroy! methods, respectively. We'll leave this as an exercise for the reader.

With our ModelEntity type defined, we need to tell Threeagent to use it. To do so, we use the :entity-types setting when calling the threeagent.core/render fn. This should be a map of keywords to IEntityType instances:

  {:entity-types {:model (->ModelEntity)}})

Threeagent will now call ModelEntity/create and ModelEntity/destroy! when it finds an entity of type :model.

Custom Systems

Threeagent loosely follows the Entity-Component-System pattern, which allows us to add new functionality across all entity-types by leveraging the ISystem protocol.

Let's say we wanted to make our 3D objects clickable and invoke a callback function any time the object is clicked. This would be similiar to using the :on-click handler on Reagent DOM elements, but in this case we need to deal with how to pick the object in the scene from the mouse position and invoke our handler when the click occurs. Additionally, we'd like for this click handler to work across any entity-type: :sphere, :box, or our custom :model types should all be clickable.

To do this, we'll start with defining an implementation of the ISystem protocol:

(ns my-app.input-system
  (:require [threeagent.system :refer [ISystem]]))
(defn- handle-clicks [canvas local-state]
  ;; 1. Register a 'click' event handler on the canvas
  ;; 2. When click occurs, use ThreeJS Raycaster to pick a 3D object
  ;; 3. If an object is picked, invoke the :on-click handler in our local-state, if defined
(deftype InputSystem [local-state]
  (init [this context]
    ;; Register `click` event handler on the canvas DOM element
    ;; and pick the underlying 3D object
    (handler-clicks (:canvas local-state) local-state)
  (destroy [_ context]
    ;; Unused
  (on-entity-added [this ctx entity-id obj {:keys [on-click]}]
    ;; Store the on-click callback fn for this entity
    (swap! local-state assoc-in [:handlers entity-id] on-click))
  (on-entity-removed [this ctx entity-id obj config]
    (swap! local-state assoc-in [:handlers entity-id] nil))
  (tick [this delta-time]
    ;; Unused

The ISystem protocol defines 5 different methods:

  1. The init method is called when Threeagent is initializing (during the threeagent.core/render call). It can be used to setup any state needed by the system.
  2. The destroy method is called when Threeagent is shutting down. It can be used to cleanup any state.
  3. The on-entity-added method is invoked whenever a new entity is added to the scene that has our system's property defined. We can access the entity's ThreeJS object, the Threeagent context, and the properties defined on this entity for our system.
  4. The on-entity-removed method is invoked whenever Threeagent is removing an entity from the scene. We can use this to clean up any state associated with this particular entity.
  5. The tick method is called every frame with the time (in seconds) since the last frame was rendered. This can be used by systems that need to run some logic every frame, such as a physics system.

NOTE: Threeagent does not support the ordering of ISystem invocations. Meaning, we cannot control which system will have its on-entity-added method called before another, in the case where an entity has multiple system components defined.

With our InputSystem defined, we need to provide an instance of it to Threeagent. Similar to the entity-types, we do this by setting the :systems property to a map of keyword to system instance:

  {:systems {:input (->InputSystem (atom {}))}})

Now, whenever we add a :input property to any entity, our InputSystem will be invoked:

[:object {:input {:on-click #(println "Click 1")}}
  [:box {:input {:on-click #(println "Click 2")}}
    [:sphere {:input {:on-click #(println "Click 3")}}]]]

Defining custom ISystem implementations can be a great way to add new functionality to our application. They can be particularly helpful if we are making a game; we could have a PhysicsSystem, ParticleSystem, AudioSystem, CombatSystem, etc.

Lifecycle Event Ordering

We should note the ordering of a system's on-entity-added and on-entity-removed method calls. Let's say we have a scene with this structure:

[:a {:input {}}
  [:b {:input {}}]]

When Threeagent is adding the :a and :b entities to our scene, it will invoke the on-entity-added method of our InputSystem in outside-in, depth-first order. That is, on-entity-added will first be called for the :a entity, followed by the :b entity.

In some advanced use-cases, this might cause us some pain. Perhaps we require the children of a given entity to be initialized first. We can do this by returning a function from on-entity-added or on-entity-removed. This function will be invoked after the children have been initialized.

For example, we might have a system that calculates the bounding-box of an entity, and this bounding-box should contain all of the bounding-boxes of the child entities. By returning a function, we can delay the bounding-box calculation until after the children have been calculated:

(deftype BoundingBoxSystem []
  (on-entity-added [_ _ _ obj cfg]
   (fn []
        (.-boundingBox obj) 
        (calculate-bounding-box obj (.-children obj)))))

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