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GroupLayout is a LayoutManager that hierarchically groups components in order to position them in a Container. GroupLayout is intended for use by builders, but may be hand-coded as well. Grouping is done by instances of the Group class. GroupLayout supports two types of groups. A sequential group positions its child elements sequentially, one after another. A parallel group aligns its child elements in one of four ways.

Each group may contain any number of elements, where an element is a Group, Component, or gap. A gap can be thought of as an invisible component with a minimum, preferred and maximum size. In addition GroupLayout supports a preferred gap, whose value comes from LayoutStyle.

Elements are similar to a spring. Each element has a range as specified by a minimum, preferred and maximum. Gaps have either a developer-specified range, or a range determined by LayoutStyle. The range for Components is determined from the Component's getMinimumSize, getPreferredSize and getMaximumSize methods. In addition, when adding Components you may specify a particular range to use instead of that from the component. The range for a Group is determined by the type of group. A ParallelGroup's range is the maximum of the ranges of its elements. A SequentialGroup's range is the sum of the ranges of its elements.

GroupLayout treats each axis independently. That is, there is a group representing the horizontal axis, and a group representing the vertical axis. The horizontal group is responsible for determining the minimum, preferred and maximum size along the horizontal axis as well as setting the x and width of the components contained in it. The vertical group is responsible for determining the minimum, preferred and maximum size along the vertical axis as well as setting the y and height of the components contained in it. Each Component must exist in both a horizontal and vertical group, otherwise an IllegalStateException is thrown during layout, or when the minimum, preferred or maximum size is requested.

The following diagram shows a sequential group along the horizontal axis. The sequential group contains three components. A parallel group was used along the vertical axis.

To reinforce that each axis is treated independently the diagram shows the range of each group and element along each axis. The range of each component has been projected onto the axes, and the groups are rendered in blue (horizontal) and red (vertical). For readability there is a gap between each of the elements in the sequential group.

The sequential group along the horizontal axis is rendered as a solid blue line. Notice the sequential group is the sum of the children elements it contains.

Along the vertical axis the parallel group is the maximum of the height of each of the components. As all three components have the same height, the parallel group has the same height.

The following diagram shows the same three components, but with the parallel group along the horizontal axis and the sequential group along the vertical axis.

As c1 is the largest of the three components, the parallel group is sized to c1. As c2 and c3 are smaller than c1 they are aligned based on the alignment specified for the component (if specified) or the default alignment of the parallel group. In the diagram c2 and c3 were created with an alignment of LEADING. If the component orientation were right-to-left then c2 and c3 would be positioned on the opposite side.

The following diagram shows a sequential group along both the horizontal and vertical axis.

GroupLayout provides the ability to insert gaps between Components. The size of the gap is determined by an instance of LayoutStyle. This may be turned on using the setAutoCreateGaps method. Similarly, you may use the setAutoCreateContainerGaps method to insert gaps between components that touch the edge of the parent container and the container.

The following builds a panel consisting of two labels in one column, followed by two textfields in the next column:

JComponent panel = ...; GroupLayout layout = new GroupLayout(panel); panel.setLayout(layout);

// Turn on automatically adding gaps between components layout.setAutoCreateGaps(true);

// Turn on automatically creating gaps between components that touch // the edge of the container and the container. layout.setAutoCreateContainerGaps(true);

// Create a sequential group for the horizontal axis.

GroupLayout.SequentialGroup hGroup = layout.createSequentialGroup();

// The sequential group in turn contains two parallel groups. // One parallel group contains the labels, the other the text fields. // Putting the labels in a parallel group along the horizontal axis // positions them at the same x location. // // Variable indentation is used to reinforce the level of grouping. hGroup.addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(). addComponent(label1).addComponent(label2)); hGroup.addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(). addComponent(tf1).addComponent(tf2)); layout.setHorizontalGroup(hGroup);

// Create a sequential group for the vertical axis. GroupLayout.SequentialGroup vGroup = layout.createSequentialGroup();

// The sequential group contains two parallel groups that align // the contents along the baseline. The first parallel group contains // the first label and text field, and the second parallel group contains // the second label and text field. By using a sequential group // the labels and text fields are positioned vertically after one another. vGroup.addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(Alignment.BASELINE). addComponent(label1).addComponent(tf1)); vGroup.addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(Alignment.BASELINE). addComponent(label2).addComponent(tf2)); layout.setVerticalGroup(vGroup);

When run the following is produced.

This layout consists of the following. The horizontal axis consists of a sequential group containing two parallel groups. The first parallel group contains the labels, and the second parallel group contains the text fields. The vertical axis consists of a sequential group containing two parallel groups. The parallel groups are configured to align their components along the baseline. The first parallel group contains the first label and first text field, and the second group consists of the second label and second text field.

There are a couple of things to notice in this code:

You need not explicitly add the components to the container; this is indirectly done by using one of the add methods of Group. The various add methods return the caller. This allows for easy chaining of invocations. For example, group.addComponent(label1).addComponent(label2); is equivalent to group.addComponent(label1); group.addComponent(label2);. There are no public constructors for Groups; instead use the create methods of GroupLayout.

GroupLayout is a LayoutManager that hierarchically
groups components in order to position them in a Container.
GroupLayout is intended for use by builders, but may be
hand-coded as well.
Grouping is done by instances of the Group class. GroupLayout supports two types of groups. A sequential group
positions its child elements sequentially, one after another. A
parallel group aligns its child elements in one of four ways.

Each group may contain any number of elements, where an element is
a Group, Component, or gap. A gap can be thought
of as an invisible component with a minimum, preferred and maximum
size. In addition GroupLayout supports a preferred gap,
whose value comes from LayoutStyle.

Elements are similar to a spring. Each element has a range as
specified by a minimum, preferred and maximum.  Gaps have either a
developer-specified range, or a range determined by LayoutStyle. The range for Components is determined from
the Component's getMinimumSize, getPreferredSize and getMaximumSize methods. In addition,
when adding Components you may specify a particular range
to use instead of that from the component. The range for a Group is determined by the type of group. A ParallelGroup's
range is the maximum of the ranges of its elements. A SequentialGroup's range is the sum of the ranges of its elements.

GroupLayout treats each axis independently.  That is, there
is a group representing the horizontal axis, and a group
representing the vertical axis.  The horizontal group is
responsible for determining the minimum, preferred and maximum size
along the horizontal axis as well as setting the x and width of the
components contained in it. The vertical group is responsible for
determining the minimum, preferred and maximum size along the
vertical axis as well as setting the y and height of the
components contained in it. Each Component must exist in both
a horizontal and vertical group, otherwise an IllegalStateException
is thrown during layout, or when the minimum, preferred or
maximum size is requested.

The following diagram shows a sequential group along the horizontal
axis. The sequential group contains three components. A parallel group
was used along the vertical axis.

To reinforce that each axis is treated independently the diagram shows
the range of each group and element along each axis. The
range of each component has been projected onto the axes,
and the groups are rendered in blue (horizontal) and red (vertical).
For readability there is a gap between each of the elements in the
sequential group.

The sequential group along the horizontal axis is rendered as a solid
blue line. Notice the sequential group is the sum of the children elements
it contains.

Along the vertical axis the parallel group is the maximum of the height
of each of the components. As all three components have the same height,
the parallel group has the same height.

The following diagram shows the same three components, but with the
parallel group along the horizontal axis and the sequential group along
the vertical axis.

As c1 is the largest of the three components, the parallel
group is sized to c1. As c2 and c3 are smaller
than c1 they are aligned based on the alignment specified
for the component (if specified) or the default alignment of the
parallel group. In the diagram c2 and c3 were created
with an alignment of LEADING. If the component orientation were
right-to-left then c2 and c3 would be positioned on
the opposite side.

The following diagram shows a sequential group along both the horizontal
and vertical axis.

GroupLayout provides the ability to insert gaps between
Components. The size of the gap is determined by an
instance of LayoutStyle. This may be turned on using the
setAutoCreateGaps method.  Similarly, you may use
the setAutoCreateContainerGaps method to insert gaps
between components that touch the edge of the parent container and the

The following builds a panel consisting of two labels in
one column, followed by two textfields in the next column:

  JComponent panel = ...;
  GroupLayout layout = new GroupLayout(panel);

  // Turn on automatically adding gaps between components

  // Turn on automatically creating gaps between components that touch
  // the edge of the container and the container.

  // Create a sequential group for the horizontal axis.

  GroupLayout.SequentialGroup hGroup = layout.createSequentialGroup();

  // The sequential group in turn contains two parallel groups.
  // One parallel group contains the labels, the other the text fields.
  // Putting the labels in a parallel group along the horizontal axis
  // positions them at the same x location.
  // Variable indentation is used to reinforce the level of grouping.

  // Create a sequential group for the vertical axis.
  GroupLayout.SequentialGroup vGroup = layout.createSequentialGroup();

  // The sequential group contains two parallel groups that align
  // the contents along the baseline. The first parallel group contains
  // the first label and text field, and the second parallel group contains
  // the second label and text field. By using a sequential group
  // the labels and text fields are positioned vertically after one another.

When run the following is produced.

This layout consists of the following.
The horizontal axis consists of a sequential group containing two
        parallel groups.  The first parallel group contains the labels,
        and the second parallel group contains the text fields.
    The vertical axis consists of a sequential group
        containing two parallel groups.  The parallel groups are configured
        to align their components along the baseline. The first parallel
        group contains the first label and first text field, and
        the second group consists of the second label and second
        text field.

There are a couple of things to notice in this code:

  You need not explicitly add the components to the container; this
      is indirectly done by using one of the add methods of
  The various add methods return
      the caller.  This allows for easy chaining of invocations.  For
      example, group.addComponent(label1).addComponent(label2); is
      equivalent to
      group.addComponent(label1); group.addComponent(label2);.
  There are no public constructors for Groups; instead
      use the create methods of GroupLayout.
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Static Constant.

Indicates the size from the component or gap should be used for a particular range value.

type: int

Static Constant.

Indicates the size from the component or gap should be used for a
 particular range value.

type: int
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Static Constant.

Indicates the preferred size from the component or gap should be used for a particular range value.

type: int

Static Constant.

Indicates the preferred size from the component or gap should
 be used for a particular range value.

type: int
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(->group-layout host)


Creates a GroupLayout for the specified Container.

host - the Container the GroupLayout is the LayoutManager for - java.awt.Container

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if host is null


Creates a GroupLayout for the specified Container.

host - the Container the GroupLayout is the LayoutManager for - `java.awt.Container`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if host is null
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(add-layout-component this name component)

Notification that a Component has been added to the parent container. You should not invoke this method directly, instead you should use one of the Group methods to add a Component.

name - the string to be associated with the component - java.lang.String component - the Component to be added - java.awt.Component

Notification that a Component has been added to
 the parent container.  You should not invoke this method
 directly, instead you should use one of the Group
 methods to add a Component.

name - the string to be associated with the component - `java.lang.String`
component - the Component to be added - `java.awt.Component`
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(create-baseline-group this resizable anchor-baseline-to-top)

Creates and returns a ParallelGroup that aligns it's elements along the baseline.

resizable - whether the group is resizable - boolean anchor-baseline-to-top - whether the baseline is anchored to the top or bottom of the group - boolean

returns: javax.swing.GroupLayout$ParallelGroup

Creates and returns a ParallelGroup that aligns it's
 elements along the baseline.

resizable - whether the group is resizable - `boolean`
anchor-baseline-to-top - whether the baseline is anchored to the top or bottom of the group - `boolean`

returns: `javax.swing.GroupLayout$ParallelGroup`
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(create-parallel-group this)
(create-parallel-group this alignment)
(create-parallel-group this alignment resizable)

Creates and returns a ParallelGroup with the specified alignment and resize behavior. The alignment argument specifies how children elements are positioned that do not fill the group. For example, if a ParallelGroup with an alignment of TRAILING is given 100 and a child only needs 50, the child is positioned at the position 50 (with a component orientation of left-to-right).

Baseline alignment is only useful when used along the vertical axis. A ParallelGroup created with a baseline alignment along the horizontal axis is treated as LEADING.

Refer to ParallelGroup for details on the behavior of baseline groups.

alignment - the alignment for the elements of the group - javax.swing.GroupLayout$Alignment resizable - true if the group is resizable; if the group is not resizable the preferred size is used for the minimum and maximum size of the group - boolean

returns: a new ParallelGroup - javax.swing.GroupLayout$ParallelGroup

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if alignment is null

Creates and returns a ParallelGroup with the specified
 alignment and resize behavior. The alignment argument specifies how children elements are
 positioned that do not fill the group. For example, if a ParallelGroup with an alignment of TRAILING is given
 100 and a child only needs 50, the child is
 positioned at the position 50 (with a component orientation of

 Baseline alignment is only useful when used along the vertical
 axis. A ParallelGroup created with a baseline alignment
 along the horizontal axis is treated as LEADING.

 Refer to ParallelGroup for details on
 the behavior of baseline groups.

alignment - the alignment for the elements of the group - `javax.swing.GroupLayout$Alignment`
resizable - true if the group is resizable; if the group is not resizable the preferred size is used for the minimum and maximum size of the group - `boolean`

returns: a new ParallelGroup - `javax.swing.GroupLayout$ParallelGroup`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if alignment is null
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(create-sequential-group this)

Creates and returns a SequentialGroup.

returns: a new SequentialGroup - javax.swing.GroupLayout$SequentialGroup

Creates and returns a SequentialGroup.

returns: a new SequentialGroup - `javax.swing.GroupLayout$SequentialGroup`
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(get-auto-create-container-gaps? this)

Returns true if gaps between the container and components that border the container are automatically created.

returns: true if gaps between the container and components that border the container are automatically created - boolean

Returns true if gaps between the container and components that
 border the container are automatically created.

returns: true if gaps between the container and components that
         border the container are automatically created - `boolean`
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(get-auto-create-gaps? this)

Returns true if gaps between components are automatically created.

returns: true if gaps between components are automatically created - boolean

Returns true if gaps between components are automatically

returns: true if gaps between components are automatically
         created - `boolean`
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(get-honors-visibility? this)

Returns whether component visibility is considered when sizing and positioning components.

returns: whether component visibility is considered when sizing and positioning components - boolean

Returns whether component visibility is considered when sizing and
 positioning components.

returns: whether component visibility is considered when sizing and
         positioning components - `boolean`
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(get-layout-alignment-x this parent)

Returns the alignment along the x axis. This specifies how the component would like to be aligned relative to other components. The value should be a number between 0 and 1 where 0 represents alignment along the origin, 1 is aligned the furthest away from the origin, 0.5 is centered, etc.

parent - the Container hosting this LayoutManager - java.awt.Container

returns: the alignment; this implementation returns .5 - float

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parent is not the same Container that this was created with

Returns the alignment along the x axis.  This specifies how
 the component would like to be aligned relative to other
 components.  The value should be a number between 0 and 1
 where 0 represents alignment along the origin, 1 is aligned
 the furthest away from the origin, 0.5 is centered, etc.

parent - the Container hosting this LayoutManager - `java.awt.Container`

returns: the alignment; this implementation returns .5 - `float`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parent is not the same Container that this was created with
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(get-layout-alignment-y this parent)

Returns the alignment along the y axis. This specifies how the component would like to be aligned relative to other components. The value should be a number between 0 and 1 where 0 represents alignment along the origin, 1 is aligned the furthest away from the origin, 0.5 is centered, etc.

parent - the Container hosting this LayoutManager - java.awt.Container

returns: alignment; this implementation returns .5 - float

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parent is not the same Container that this was created with

Returns the alignment along the y axis.  This specifies how
 the component would like to be aligned relative to other
 components.  The value should be a number between 0 and 1
 where 0 represents alignment along the origin, 1 is aligned
 the furthest away from the origin, 0.5 is centered, etc.

parent - the Container hosting this LayoutManager - `java.awt.Container`

returns: alignment; this implementation returns .5 - `float`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parent is not the same Container that this was created with
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(get-layout-style this)

Returns the LayoutStyle used for calculating the preferred gap between components. This returns the value specified to setLayoutStyle, which may be null.

returns: the LayoutStyle used for calculating the preferred gap between components - javax.swing.LayoutStyle

Returns the LayoutStyle used for calculating the preferred
 gap between components. This returns the value specified to
 setLayoutStyle, which may be null.

returns: the LayoutStyle used for calculating the preferred
         gap between components - `javax.swing.LayoutStyle`
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(invalidate-layout this parent)

Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager has cached information it should be discarded.

parent - the Container hosting this LayoutManager - java.awt.Container

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parent is not the same Container that this was created with

Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager
 has cached information it should be discarded.

parent - the Container hosting this LayoutManager - `java.awt.Container`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parent is not the same Container that this was created with
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(layout-container this parent)

Lays out the specified container.

parent - the container to be laid out - java.awt.Container

throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if any of the components added to this layout are not in both a horizontal and vertical group

Lays out the specified container.

parent - the container to be laid out - `java.awt.Container`

throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException - if any of the components added to this layout are not in both a horizontal and vertical group
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(link-size this components)
(link-size this axis components)

Forces the specified components to have the same size along the specified axis regardless of their preferred, minimum or maximum sizes. Components that are linked are given the maximum of the preferred size of each of the linked components. For example, if you link two components along the horizontal axis and the preferred width is 10 and 20, both components are given a width of 20.

This can be used multiple times to force any number of components to share the same size.

Linked Components are not be resizable.

axis - the axis to link the size along; one of SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL or SwingConstans.VERTICAL - int components - the Components that are to have the same size - java.awt.Component

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if components is null, or contains null; or axis is not SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL or SwingConstants.VERTICAL

Forces the specified components to have the same size along the
 specified axis regardless of their preferred, minimum or
 maximum sizes. Components that are linked are given the maximum
 of the preferred size of each of the linked components. For
 example, if you link two components along the horizontal axis
 and the preferred width is 10 and 20, both components are given
 a width of 20.

 This can be used multiple times to force any number of
 components to share the same size.

 Linked Components are not be resizable.

axis - the axis to link the size along; one of SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL or SwingConstans.VERTICAL - `int`
components - the Components that are to have the same size - `java.awt.Component`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if components is null, or contains null; or axis is not SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL or SwingConstants.VERTICAL
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(maximum-layout-size this parent)

Returns the maximum size for the specified container.

parent - the container to return the size for - java.awt.Container

returns: the maximum size for parent - java.awt.Dimension

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parent is not the same Container that this was created with

Returns the maximum size for the specified container.

parent - the container to return the size for - `java.awt.Container`

returns: the maximum size for parent - `java.awt.Dimension`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parent is not the same Container that this was created with
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(minimum-layout-size this parent)

Returns the minimum size for the specified container.

parent - the container to return the size for - java.awt.Container

returns: the minimum size for parent - java.awt.Dimension

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parent is not the same Container that this was created with

Returns the minimum size for the specified container.

parent - the container to return the size for - `java.awt.Container`

returns: the minimum size for parent - `java.awt.Dimension`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parent is not the same Container that this was created with
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(preferred-layout-size this parent)

Returns the preferred size for the specified container.

parent - the container to return the preferred size for - java.awt.Container

returns: the preferred size for parent - java.awt.Dimension

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parent is not the same Container this was created with

Returns the preferred size for the specified container.

parent - the container to return the preferred size for - `java.awt.Container`

returns: the preferred size for parent - `java.awt.Dimension`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parent is not the same Container this was created with
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(remove-layout-component this component)

Notification that a Component has been removed from the parent container. You should not invoke this method directly, instead invoke remove on the parent Container.

component - the component to be removed - java.awt.Component

Notification that a Component has been removed from
 the parent container.  You should not invoke this method
 directly, instead invoke remove on the parent

component - the component to be removed - `java.awt.Component`
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(replace this existing-component new-component)

Replaces an existing component with a new one.

existing-component - the component that should be removed and replaced with newComponent - java.awt.Component new-component - the component to put in existingComponent's place - java.awt.Component

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either of the components are null or existingComponent is not being managed by this layout manager

Replaces an existing component with a new one.

existing-component - the component that should be removed and replaced with newComponent - `java.awt.Component`
new-component - the component to put in existingComponent's place - `java.awt.Component`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either of the components are null or existingComponent is not being managed by this layout manager
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(set-auto-create-container-gaps this auto-create-container-padding)

Sets whether a gap between the container and components that touch the border of the container should automatically be created. The default is false.

auto-create-container-padding - whether a gap between the container and components that touch the border of the container should automatically be created - boolean

Sets whether a gap between the container and components that
 touch the border of the container should automatically be
 created. The default is false.

auto-create-container-padding - whether a gap between the container and components that touch the border of the container should automatically be created - `boolean`
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(set-auto-create-gaps this auto-create-padding)

Sets whether a gap between components should automatically be created. For example, if this is true and you add two components to a SequentialGroup a gap between the two components is automatically be created. The default is false.

auto-create-padding - whether a gap between components is automatically created - boolean

Sets whether a gap between components should automatically be
 created.  For example, if this is true and you add two
 components to a SequentialGroup a gap between the
 two components is automatically be created.  The default is

auto-create-padding - whether a gap between components is automatically created - `boolean`
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(set-honors-visibility this honors-visibility)
(set-honors-visibility this component honors-visibility)

Sets whether the component's visibility is considered for sizing and positioning. A value of Boolean.TRUE indicates that if component is not visible it should not be treated as part of the layout. A value of false indicates that component is positioned and sized regardless of it's visibility. A value of null indicates the value specified by the single argument method setHonorsVisibility should be used.

If component is not a child of the Container this GroupLayout is managing, it will be added to the Container.

component - the component - java.awt.Component honors-visibility - whether visibility of this component should be considered for sizing and positioning - java.lang.Boolean

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if component is null

Sets whether the component's visibility is considered for
 sizing and positioning. A value of Boolean.TRUE
 indicates that if component is not visible it should
 not be treated as part of the layout. A value of false
 indicates that component is positioned and sized
 regardless of it's visibility.  A value of null
 indicates the value specified by the single argument method setHonorsVisibility should be used.

 If component is not a child of the Container this
 GroupLayout is managing, it will be added to the

component - the component - `java.awt.Component`
honors-visibility - whether visibility of this component should be considered for sizing and positioning - `java.lang.Boolean`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if component is null
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(set-horizontal-group this group)

Sets the Group that positions and sizes components along the horizontal axis.

group - the Group that positions and sizes components along the horizontal axis - javax.swing.GroupLayout$Group

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if group is null

Sets the Group that positions and sizes
 components along the horizontal axis.

group - the Group that positions and sizes components along the horizontal axis - `javax.swing.GroupLayout$Group`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if group is null
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(set-layout-style this layout-style)

Sets the LayoutStyle used to calculate the preferred gaps between components. A value of null indicates the shared instance of LayoutStyle should be used.

layout-style - the LayoutStyle to use - javax.swing.LayoutStyle

Sets the LayoutStyle used to calculate the preferred
 gaps between components. A value of null indicates the
 shared instance of LayoutStyle should be used.

layout-style - the LayoutStyle to use - `javax.swing.LayoutStyle`
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(set-vertical-group this group)

Sets the Group that positions and sizes components along the vertical axis.

group - the Group that positions and sizes components along the vertical axis - javax.swing.GroupLayout$Group

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if group is null

Sets the Group that positions and sizes
 components along the vertical axis.

group - the Group that positions and sizes components along the vertical axis - `javax.swing.GroupLayout$Group`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if group is null
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(to-string this)

Returns a string representation of this GroupLayout. This method is intended to be used for debugging purposes, and the content and format of the returned string may vary between implementations.

returns: a string representation of this GroupLayout - java.lang.String

Returns a string representation of this GroupLayout.
 This method is intended to be used for debugging purposes,
 and the content and format of the returned string may vary
 between implementations.

returns: a string representation of this GroupLayout - `java.lang.String`
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