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Pluggable look and feel interface for JSplitPane.

Pluggable look and feel interface for JSplitPane.
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(finished-painting-children this jc g)

Messaged after the JSplitPane the receiver is providing the look and feel for paints its children.

jc - javax.swing.JSplitPane g - java.awt.Graphics

Messaged after the JSplitPane the receiver is providing the look
 and feel for paints its children.

jc - `javax.swing.JSplitPane`
g - `java.awt.Graphics`
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(get-divider-location this jc)

Returns the location of the divider.

jc - javax.swing.JSplitPane

returns: int

Returns the location of the divider.

jc - `javax.swing.JSplitPane`

returns: `int`
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(get-maximum-divider-location this jc)

Returns the maximum possible location of the divider.

jc - javax.swing.JSplitPane

returns: int

Returns the maximum possible location of the divider.

jc - `javax.swing.JSplitPane`

returns: `int`
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(get-minimum-divider-location this jc)

Returns the minimum possible location of the divider.

jc - javax.swing.JSplitPane

returns: int

Returns the minimum possible location of the divider.

jc - `javax.swing.JSplitPane`

returns: `int`
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(reset-to-preferred-sizes this jc)

Messaged to relayout the JSplitPane based on the preferred size of the children components.

jc - javax.swing.JSplitPane

Messaged to relayout the JSplitPane based on the preferred size
 of the children components.

jc - `javax.swing.JSplitPane`
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(set-divider-location this jc location)

Sets the location of the divider to location.

jc - javax.swing.JSplitPane location - int

Sets the location of the divider to location.

jc - `javax.swing.JSplitPane`
location - `int`
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