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A table of defaults for Swing components. Applications can set/get default values via the UIManager.

Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. As of 1.4, support for long term storage of all JavaBeans™ has been added to the java.beans package. Please see XMLEncoder.

A table of defaults for Swing components.  Applications can set/get
default values via the UIManager.

Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with
future Swing releases. The current serialization support is
appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running
the same version of Swing.  As of 1.4, support for long term storage
of all JavaBeans™
has been added to the java.beans package.
Please see XMLEncoder.
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(->ui-defaults key-value-list)
(->ui-defaults initial-capacity load-factor)


Creates an empty defaults table with the specified initial capacity and load factor.

initial-capacity - the initial capacity of the defaults table - int load-factor - the load factor of the defaults table - float


Creates an empty defaults table with the specified initial capacity and
 load factor.

initial-capacity - the initial capacity of the defaults table - `int`
load-factor - the load factor of the defaults table - `float`
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(add-property-change-listener this listener)

Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list. The listener is registered for all properties.

A PropertyChangeEvent will get fired whenever a default is changed.

listener - the PropertyChangeListener to be added - java.beans.PropertyChangeListener

Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
 The listener is registered for all properties.

 A PropertyChangeEvent will get fired whenever a default
 is changed.

listener - the PropertyChangeListener to be added - `java.beans.PropertyChangeListener`
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(add-resource-bundle this bundle-name)

Adds a resource bundle to the list of resource bundles that are searched for localized values. Resource bundles are searched in the reverse order they were added. In other words, the most recently added bundle is searched first.

bundle-name - the base name of the resource bundle to be added - java.lang.String

Adds a resource bundle to the list of resource bundles that are
 searched for localized values.  Resource bundles are searched in the
 reverse order they were added.  In other words, the most recently added
 bundle is searched first.

bundle-name - the base name of the resource bundle to be added - `java.lang.String`
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(get this key)
(get this key l)

Returns the value for key associated with the given locale. If the value is a UIDefaults.LazyValue then the real value is computed with LazyValue.createValue(), the table entry is replaced, and the real value is returned. If the value is an UIDefaults.ActiveValue the table entry is not replaced - the value is computed with ActiveValue.createValue() for each get() call.

If the key is not found in the table then it is searched for in the list of resource bundles maintained by this object. The resource bundles are searched most recently added first using the given locale. LazyValues and ActiveValues are not supported in the resource bundles.

key - the desired key - java.lang.Object l - the desired locale - java.util.Locale

returns: the value for key - java.lang.Object

Returns the value for key associated with the given locale.
 If the value is a UIDefaults.LazyValue then the real
 value is computed with LazyValue.createValue(),
 the table entry is replaced, and the real value is returned.
 If the value is an UIDefaults.ActiveValue
 the table entry is not replaced - the value is computed
 with ActiveValue.createValue() for each
 get() call.

 If the key is not found in the table then it is searched for in the list
 of resource bundles maintained by this object.  The resource bundles are
 searched most recently added first using the given locale.
 LazyValues and ActiveValues are not supported
 in the resource bundles.

key - the desired key - `java.lang.Object`
l - the desired locale - `java.util.Locale`

returns: the value for key - `java.lang.Object`
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(get-boolean? this key)
(get-boolean? this key l)

If the value of key for the given Locale is boolean, return the boolean value, otherwise return false.

key - an Object specifying the key for the desired boolean value - java.lang.Object l - the desired locale - java.util.Locale

returns: if the value for key and Locale is boolean, return the boolean value, otherwise return false. - boolean

If the value of key for the given Locale
 is boolean, return the boolean value, otherwise return false.

key - an Object specifying the key for the desired boolean value - `java.lang.Object`
l - the desired locale - `java.util.Locale`

returns: if the value for key and Locale
         is boolean, return the
         boolean value, otherwise return false. - `boolean`
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(get-border this key)
(get-border this key l)

If the value of key for the given Locale is a Border return it, otherwise return null.

key - the desired key - java.lang.Object l - the desired locale - java.util.Locale

returns: if the value for key and Locale is a Border, return the Border object; otherwise return null - javax.swing.border.Border

If the value of key for the given Locale
 is a Border return it, otherwise return null.

key - the desired key - `java.lang.Object`
l - the desired locale - `java.util.Locale`

returns: if the value for key and Locale
          is a Border,
          return the Border object; otherwise return
          null - `javax.swing.border.Border`
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(get-color this key)
(get-color this key l)

If the value of key for the given Locale is a Color return it, otherwise return null.

key - the desired key - java.lang.Object l - the desired locale - java.util.Locale

returns: if the value for key and Locale is a Color, return the Color object; otherwise return null - java.awt.Color

If the value of key for the given Locale
 is a Color return it, otherwise return null.

key - the desired key - `java.lang.Object`
l - the desired locale - `java.util.Locale`

returns: if the value for key and Locale
          is a Color,
          return the Color object; otherwise return
          null - `java.awt.Color`
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(get-default-locale this)

Returns the default locale. The default locale is used in retrieving localized values via get methods that do not take a locale argument. As of release 1.4, Swing UI objects should retrieve localized values using the locale of their component rather than the default locale. The default locale exists to provide compatibility with pre 1.4 behaviour.

returns: the default locale - java.util.Locale

Returns the default locale.  The default locale is used in retrieving
 localized values via get methods that do not take a
 locale argument.  As of release 1.4, Swing UI objects should retrieve
 localized values using the locale of their component rather than the
 default locale.  The default locale exists to provide compatibility with
 pre 1.4 behaviour.

returns: the default locale - `java.util.Locale`
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(get-dimension this key)
(get-dimension this key l)

If the value of key for the given Locale is a Dimension return it, otherwise return null.

key - the desired key - java.lang.Object l - the desired locale - java.util.Locale

returns: if the value for key and Locale is a Dimension, return the Dimension object; otherwise return null - java.awt.Dimension

If the value of key for the given Locale
 is a Dimension return it, otherwise return null.

key - the desired key - `java.lang.Object`
l - the desired locale - `java.util.Locale`

returns: if the value for key and Locale
          is a Dimension,
          return the Dimension object; otherwise return
          null - `java.awt.Dimension`
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(get-font this key)
(get-font this key l)

If the value of key for the given Locale is a Font return it, otherwise return null.

key - the desired key - java.lang.Object l - the desired locale - java.util.Locale

returns: if the value for key and Locale is a Font, return the Font object; otherwise return null - java.awt.Font

If the value of key for the given Locale
 is a Font return it, otherwise return null.

key - the desired key - `java.lang.Object`
l - the desired locale - `java.util.Locale`

returns: if the value for key and Locale
          is a Font,
          return the Font object; otherwise return
          null - `java.awt.Font`
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(get-icon this key)
(get-icon this key l)

If the value of key for the given Locale is an Icon return it, otherwise return null.

key - the desired key - java.lang.Object l - the desired locale - java.util.Locale

returns: if the value for key and Locale is an Icon, return the Icon object; otherwise return null - javax.swing.Icon

If the value of key for the given Locale
 is an Icon return it, otherwise return null.

key - the desired key - `java.lang.Object`
l - the desired locale - `java.util.Locale`

returns: if the value for key and Locale
          is an Icon,
          return the Icon object; otherwise return
          null - `javax.swing.Icon`
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(get-insets this key)
(get-insets this key l)

If the value of key for the given Locale is an Insets return it, otherwise return null.

key - the desired key - java.lang.Object l - the desired locale - java.util.Locale

returns: if the value for key and Locale is an Insets, return the Insets object; otherwise return null - java.awt.Insets

If the value of key for the given Locale
 is an Insets return it, otherwise return null.

key - the desired key - `java.lang.Object`
l - the desired locale - `java.util.Locale`

returns: if the value for key and Locale
          is an Insets,
          return the Insets object; otherwise return
          null - `java.awt.Insets`
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(get-int this key)
(get-int this key l)

If the value of key for the given Locale is an Integer return its integer value, otherwise return 0.

key - the desired key - java.lang.Object l - the desired locale - java.util.Locale

returns: if the value for key and Locale is an Integer, return its value, otherwise return 0 - int

If the value of key for the given Locale
 is an Integer return its integer value, otherwise return 0.

key - the desired key - `java.lang.Object`
l - the desired locale - `java.util.Locale`

returns: if the value for key and Locale
          is an Integer,
          return its value, otherwise return 0 - `int`
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(get-property-change-listeners this)

Returns an array of all the PropertyChangeListeners added to this UIDefaults with addPropertyChangeListener().

returns: all of the PropertyChangeListeners added or an empty array if no listeners have been added - java.beans.PropertyChangeListener[]

Returns an array of all the PropertyChangeListeners added
 to this UIDefaults with addPropertyChangeListener().

returns: all of the PropertyChangeListeners added or an empty
         array if no listeners have been added - `java.beans.PropertyChangeListener[]`
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(get-string this key)
(get-string this key l)

If the value of key for the given Locale is a String return it, otherwise return null.

key - the desired key - java.lang.Object l - the desired Locale - java.util.Locale

returns: if the value for key for the given Locale is a String, return the String object; otherwise return null - java.lang.String

If the value of key for the given Locale
 is a String return it, otherwise return null.

key - the desired key - `java.lang.Object`
l - the desired Locale - `java.util.Locale`

returns: if the value for key for the given
          Locale is a String,
          return the String object; otherwise return
          null - `java.lang.String`
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(get-ui this target)

Creates an ComponentUI implementation for the specified component. In other words create the look and feel specific delegate object for target. This is done in two steps:

Look up the name of the ComponentUI implementation class under the value returned by target.getUIClassID(). Use the implementation classes static createUI() method to construct a look and feel delegate.

target - the JComponent which needs a UI - javax.swing.JComponent

returns: the ComponentUI object - javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI

Creates an ComponentUI implementation for the
 specified component.  In other words create the look
 and feel specific delegate object for target.
 This is done in two steps:

  Look up the name of the ComponentUI implementation
 class under the value returned by target.getUIClassID().
  Use the implementation classes static createUI()
 method to construct a look and feel delegate.

target - the JComponent which needs a UI - `javax.swing.JComponent`

returns: the ComponentUI object - `javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI`
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(get-ui-class this ui-class-id)
(get-ui-class this ui-class-id ui-class-loader)

The value of get(uidClassID) must be the String name of a class that implements the corresponding ComponentUI class. If the class hasn't been loaded before, this method looks up the class with uiClassLoader.loadClass() if a non null class loader is provided, classForName() otherwise.

If a mapping for uiClassID exists or if the specified class can't be found, return null.

This method is used by getUI, it's usually not necessary to call it directly.

ui-class-id - a string containing the class ID - java.lang.String ui-class-loader - the object which will load the class - java.lang.ClassLoader

returns: the value of Class.forName(get(uidClassID)) - java.lang.Class<? extends javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI>

The value of get(uidClassID) must be the
 String name of a
 class that implements the corresponding ComponentUI
 class.  If the class hasn't been loaded before, this method looks
 up the class with uiClassLoader.loadClass() if a non
 class loader is provided, classForName() otherwise.

 If a mapping for uiClassID exists or if the specified
 class can't be found, return null.

 This method is used by getUI, it's usually
 not necessary to call it directly.

ui-class-id - a string containing the class ID - `java.lang.String`
ui-class-loader - the object which will load the class - `java.lang.ClassLoader`

returns: the value of Class.forName(get(uidClassID)) - `java.lang.Class<? extends javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI>`
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(put this key value)

Sets the value of key to value for all locales. If key is a string and the new value isn't equal to the old one, fire a PropertyChangeEvent. If value is null, the key is removed from the table.

key - the unique Object who's value will be used to retrieve the data value associated with it - java.lang.Object value - the new Object to store as data under that key - java.lang.Object

returns: the previous Object value, or null - java.lang.Object

Sets the value of key to value for all locales.
 If key is a string and the new value isn't
 equal to the old one, fire a PropertyChangeEvent.
 If value is null, the key is removed from the table.

key - the unique Object who's value will be used to retrieve the data value associated with it - `java.lang.Object`
value - the new Object to store as data under that key - `java.lang.Object`

returns: the previous Object value, or null - `java.lang.Object`
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(put-defaults this key-value-list)

Puts all of the key/value pairs in the database and unconditionally generates one PropertyChangeEvent. The events oldValue and newValue will be null and its propertyName will be "UIDefaults". The key/value pairs are added for all locales.

key-value-list - an array of key/value pairs - java.lang.Object[]

Puts all of the key/value pairs in the database and
 unconditionally generates one PropertyChangeEvent.
 The events oldValue and newValue will be null and its
 propertyName will be "UIDefaults".  The key/value pairs are
 added for all locales.

key-value-list - an array of key/value pairs - `java.lang.Object[]`
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(remove-property-change-listener this listener)

Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list. This removes a PropertyChangeListener that was registered for all properties.

listener - the PropertyChangeListener to be removed - java.beans.PropertyChangeListener

Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
 This removes a PropertyChangeListener that was registered
 for all properties.

listener - the PropertyChangeListener to be removed - `java.beans.PropertyChangeListener`
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(remove-resource-bundle this bundle-name)

Removes a resource bundle from the list of resource bundles that are searched for localized defaults.

bundle-name - the base name of the resource bundle to be removed - java.lang.String

Removes a resource bundle from the list of resource bundles that are
 searched for localized defaults.

bundle-name - the base name of the resource bundle to be removed - `java.lang.String`
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(set-default-locale this l)

Sets the default locale. The default locale is used in retrieving localized values via get methods that do not take a locale argument. As of release 1.4, Swing UI objects should retrieve localized values using the locale of their component rather than the default locale. The default locale exists to provide compatibility with pre 1.4 behaviour.

l - the new default locale - java.util.Locale

Sets the default locale.  The default locale is used in retrieving
 localized values via get methods that do not take a
 locale argument.  As of release 1.4, Swing UI objects should retrieve
 localized values using the locale of their component rather than the
 default locale.  The default locale exists to provide compatibility with
 pre 1.4 behaviour.

l - the new default locale - `java.util.Locale`
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