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(get-border-insets this c new-insets)

Description copied from class: AbstractBorder

c - the component for which this border insets value applies - java.awt.Component new-insets - the object to be reinitialized - java.awt.Insets

returns: the insets object - java.awt.Insets

Description copied from class: AbstractBorder

c - the component for which this border insets value applies - `java.awt.Component`
new-insets - the object to be reinitialized - `java.awt.Insets`

returns: the insets object - `java.awt.Insets`
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(paint-border this c g x y w h)

Description copied from class: AbstractBorder

c - the component for which this border is being painted - java.awt.Component g - the paint graphics - java.awt.Graphics x - the x position of the painted border - int y - the y position of the painted border - int w - the width of the painted border - int h - the height of the painted border - int

Description copied from class: AbstractBorder

c - the component for which this border is being painted - `java.awt.Component`
g - the paint graphics - `java.awt.Graphics`
x - the x position of the painted border - `int`
y - the y position of the painted border - `int`
w - the width of the painted border - `int`
h - the height of the painted border - `int`
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