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Autograd Package

.. currentmodule:: mxnet.autograd


The autograd package enables automatic differentiation of NDArray operations. In machine learning applications, autograd is often used to calculate the gradients of loss functions with respect to parameters.

Record vs Pause

autograd records computation history on the fly to calculate gradients later. This is only enabled inside a with autograd.record(): block. A with auto_grad.pause() block can be used inside a record() block to temporarily disable recording.

To compute gradient with respect to an NDArray x, first call x.attach_grad() to allocate space for the gradient. Then, start a with autograd.record() block, and do some computation. Finally, call backward() on the result:

>>> x = mx.nd.array([1,2,3,4])
>>> x.attach_grad()
>>> with mx.autograd.record():
...     y = x * x + 1
>>> y.backward()
>>> print(x.grad)
[ 2.  4.  6.  8.]
<NDArray 4 @cpu(0)>

Train mode and Predict Mode

Some operators (Dropout, BatchNorm, etc) behave differently in training and making predictions. This can be controlled with train_mode and predict_mode scope.

By default, MXNet is in predict_mode. A with autograd.record() block by default turns on train_mode (equivalent to with autograd.record(train_mode=True)). To compute a gradient in prediction mode (as when generating adversarial examples), call record with train_mode=False and then call backward(train_mode=False)

Although training usually coincides with recording, this isn't always the case. To control training vs predict_mode without changing recording vs not recording, use a with autograd.train_mode(): or with autograd.predict_mode(): block.

Detailed tutorials are available in Part 1 of the MXNet gluon book.


.. autosummary::


API Reference

.. automodule:: mxnet.autograd

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